SUFFIXES + PREFIXES 1. Connect noun with prefix and using adjective suffixes derive new words, translate: Infra + tempus + _____________________ _______________________________________ epi + gaster +_____________________ _______________________________________ super + facies + _____________________ _______________________________________ para + nasus +_____________________ _______________________________________ intra + lobus +_____________________ _______________________________________ hypo + gaster +_____________________ _______________________________________ inter + spina +_____________________ _______________________________________ trans + pylorus + _____________________ _______________________________________ sub + cutis + _____________________ _______________________________________ post + operatio +_____________________ _______________________________________ 2. Use different prefixes and/or suffixes to derive words with meaning: • mobilis, e (1) movability _____________________ (2) immobile _____________________ • facies, ei, f. (1) facial_____________________ • caput, itis, n. (1)little head _____________________ (2) occipital _____________________ (3) four headed (muscle) _____________________ • vertebra, ae, f. (1)vertebral_____________________ (2) between vertebras (adj.) _______ • sensus,us,m. (1)sensible_____________________ (2) sensibility____________________ (3)sensitive_____________________ (4) sensory_____________________  sinsus,us, m. (1)having form of sinus______________ (2) inflammation of sinuses__________  medicina, ae, f. (1)medical_____________________ (2) medication____________________  extra (1) extrascapular_________________ (2) extremity_____________________ 3. Fill in what is missing, follow the example in the first line of the table: Anatomical structure Diminutive Inflammation Adjective of the III. decl. with 2 endings vās vās-culum vās-cul-ītis vās-cul-āris vēsīca  cellula rādīculāris valvula auris   dentālis lobulītis glans cerebellum 4. Write in the appropriate prefix to complete following terms: a) ____________ nasalis > above the nose (peri, para, supra, infra, sub) b) ____________operativus > before surgery (intra, post, pre, peri, circum) c) ____________dermalis > across/through the skin(ecto, endo, intra, epi, trans) d) ____________acutus > excessively acute (sub, hypo, hyper, super, per) e) ____________umbilicalis > under the navel (hyper, infra, peri, para, pre) f) ____________ductio > to turn away from (retro, pro, ab, ad, trans)