Latin origin Greek origin Hybrids (both compound and derived terms) ⇨ usually 2-root expressions ⇨ connecting vowels: o/i/Ø ⇨ a noun/adjective/ numeral on the first place examples: nas-o-lacrim-alis secund-i-grav-ida uni-later-alis mult-angulus cerebr-o-spin-alis (noun) mult-i-cellul-aris (adj.) prim-i-para (numeral) ⇨multi-root expressions ⇨ connecting vowels: o/Ø ⇨ a noun/adjective/ numeral on the first place examples: thromb-o-cyt-o-penia (3 roots) pan-hyster-o-salping-o-oophor-ec-tom-ia (5 roots) haemat-o-log-ia haemat-ur-ia tri-pleg-ia py-ur-ia (noun) macr-o-cephal-ia (adj.) mon-o-pleg-ia (numeral) haematuria x uraemia ⇨multi-root expressions examples: ap-pend-icitis L L G hepat-o- ren-alis G L L ovari-ec-tom-ia L G G G cheil-o-gnath-o-palat-o-schisis G G L G Ò Obesitas permagna Ò Ò ROOT SUFFIX PREFIX ROOT Ò Ò ÒSt. p. cholecystectomiam laparoscopicam Ò ÒROOT 1 PREFIX ROOT 3 ROOT 1 ROOT2 Ò ROOT 2 SUFFIX SUFFIX Ò