ì Word Formation in MT III. READ THE AUTHENTIC MEDICAL RECORD, FIND and CORRECT GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES, TRANSLATE, CYklista náraz do značky.png DG: CAPUT capitulum capitalis capitatus PSYCHE psychosis psychiatria psychosomaticus FRANGERE fractura fractus infractio MORBUS morbilli morbilliformis MORS mortalis mortuus mortinatalitas EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF DERIVED WORDS MATCH THE ITEMS IN THE TWO COLUMNS Chrom-o-, chromat-o- Chlor-o- Cyan-o- Erythr-o- Leuc-o- Xanth-o- Poli-o- Blue Color Green Grey White, colorless Red Yellow Melan-o Black, dark FORM COMPOUND WORDS WITH NAMES OF COLOURS 1. A yellowish discoloration of the skin is known as .…….…….derma 2. A cell producing the dark pigment (…………...) is called ……………………cytus 3. A decreased number of red blood cells is ………………..penia 6. An excessive discharge of white (or sometimes yellowish) mucus from the vagina is ………………..rrhoea 5. A group of photosynthetic bacteria containing a blue pigment is ………….bacteria 4. The green pigment of plant leaves and algae is ………………phyllum Xanthoderma – melanocytus – erythrocytopenia – chlorophyllum (on) - cyanobácteria - leucorrhoea 1.Partial paralysis of a single limb or one part of the limb 2.Paralysis of a single extremity 3.Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body 4.Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs 5.A slight paralysis or weakness of both legs 6.Paralysis affecting only one side of the body 7.Paralysis of an upper and a lower extremity and of the face 8.Paralysis of all four limbs 9.Muscular weakness affecting all four extremities 10. Paralysis of the whole body 11. Weakness on one side of the body -PARESIS slight, partial paralysis -PLEGIA stroke, total paralysis BASED ON DEFINITIONS FORM TERMS WITH GREEK ELEMENTS Monoparesis – monoplegia – diplegia – paraplegia – paraparesis –hemiplegia - triplegia – tetraplegia (=quadriplegia, quadruplegia) – tetraparesis – panplegia - hemiparesis NAME WHAT KIND OF “-PLEGIA” IS ON THE PICTURE MONOPLEGIA DIPLEGIA TRIPLEGIA TETRAPLEGIA HEMIPLEGIA QUADRIPLEGIA 1 2 3 4 5 tetraplegia – quadriplegia – hemiplegia – triplegia - monoplegia SYNDACTYLIA POLYDACTYLIA MACRODACTYLIA ARACHNODACTYLIA ADACTYLIA BRACHYDACTYLIA ISODACTYLIA OLIGODACTYLIA NAME WHAT KIND OF “-DACTYLIA” IS ON THE PICTURE 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 * * * Hyper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ì * Febris, is, f. / Pyrexia, ae, f. * Sub_ _ _ _ _ ì * Hypo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ FILL IN WHAT IS MISSING Hyperpyrexia – febris – subthermia - hypothermia FILL IN MISSING COMPOUNDS AND DERIVE THE OPPOSITES. _________________amnion is condition in which the pregnant uterus contains more than 2l of amniotic fluid. If there is not enough amniotic fluid, then it is ? _________________ is a heart rate exceeding the normal range (over 100 BPM). The slow heart beat is ? _________________ which literally means "big body,” is a term used to describe a large newborn (weighting more than 4500 gr). Its opposite is ? _________________ is a progressive disease of the kidneys that results from hardening of the small blood vessels in the kidneys. On the other side the abnormal softening of the kidney is ? Macro/microsomia – tachy/bradycardia – polyhydramnion/oligohydramnion – nephrosclerosis/nephromalacia CHOOSE THE CORRRECT ONE A. The term … describes excessive uterine bleeding at both usual time of menstrual periods and at other irregular intervals 1.DYSMENORRHOEA 2.HYPERMENORRHOEA 3.OLIGOMENOTTHEA 4.MENOMETRORRHAGIA B. The suffix … means surgical suturing. 1. -RRHAGIA 2. -RRHAPHIA 3. -RRHOEA 4. -RRHEXIS C. The term … describes low output of urine (between 100 and 400 ml/day). 1. ANURIA 2. HYPOURESIS 3. OLIGURIA 4. DIURESIS D. The term … means bleeding from the ear. 1. OTOPYORRHOEA 2. OTOMYCOSIS 3. OTORRHAGIA 4. OTOPEXIS E. The term … describes condition commonly known as swollen glands or lymph nodes. 1. ANGINA 2. ANGIITIS 3. LYMPHANGIOMA 4. LYMPHADENITIS Hypermenorrhoea – rrhaphia – oliguria (*hypouresis= slow flow of urine) – otorrhagia - lymphadenitis EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF FOLLOWING COMPOUND WORDS -IATRIA (gr. iatros healer, physician, treatment) iatrogenes ✪ paediatria ✪ geriatria ✪ psychiatria ✪ iatrophobia THROMB- (gr. thrombos blood clot) thrombocytos ✪ thrombosis ✪ thrombocytopenia ✪ thrombectomia ✪ thromboendocarditis MESO- (gr. mesos middle, secondary) mesoderma ✪ mesencephalon ✪ mesogastralgia ✪ mesosyphilis -GENES/ GEN- (gr. gignesthai come into being, produce, have origin) genetica ✪ cryptogenes ✪ isogenes ✪ pathogenes ✪ carcinogenes ✪ hepatogenes 1. St.p. hysterectomiam et adnexectomiam propter uterum myomatosum (2007) 2. St.p. hemicolectomiam l. sin. propter Ca sigmoid., st.p. CHT 3. Cholecystolithiasis - microlithiasis. Haemangioma lob. sin. hepatis. 4. Encephalopathia. St. post ictum cerebri tempore remoto. Hemiparesis l. dx. 5. St.p. CHCE, APPE, HYE et AE bilat. 6. Paraplegia extremitatum infer. bilat., st.p. fr. C6 7. Haemopneumotorax l. sin. traumaticus. Fractura costarum VII.- X. l. sin. 8. Carcinoma mammae dx. STP. mastectomiam cum lymphadenectomia et therapia hormonali curatam READ AUTHENTIC MEDICAL RECORDS READ AUTHENTIC MEDICAL RECORDS 1. Dystopia int. caeci. Abdomen ad observandum 2. St.p. CHCE, hernia in cicatrice. Obstipatio. Operatio gynaecologica ante annos VII (septem) 3. St. post panhysterectomiam et hernioplasticam in cicatrice post laparotomiam 4. TU ventriculi magnum, ad mesocolon transversum crescens, dolores mesogastrii lat. utq. 5. Thrombosis a. brachialis susp., fr. colli chirurgici humeri l. sin. 6. Polycystosis hepatis, Cholecystitis, pericholecystitis. Morbus hypertonicus. Hypothyreosis. St. p. thyreodectomiam propter M. Basedov, nicotinismus