I. General Pathology 1. Biopsy: techniques of obtaining tissue samples, various kindsŤ of bioptical specimens, tissue processing, frozen sections 2. Cytology: techniques of obtaining tissue samples, variousŤ kinds of cytological specimens 3. Autopsy, its importance, the autopsy protocol and its parts 4. Histological methods, stainings, light and electronŤ microscopy, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and otherŤ special techniques 5. Disease and its causes 6. Death and postmortal changes 7. Necrosis - types, causes and further evolution 8. Atrophy - types, causes and further evolution 9. Intracellular accumulations of lipids, proteins andŤ carbohydrates, single-gene inborn disorders 10. Amyloidosis 11. Pigments and pigmentations 12. Icterus 13. Pathologic calcifications, stones 14. Pathology of nutrition 15. Hypertrophy, hyperplasia 16. Regeneration, reparation 17. Metaplasia, dysplasia 18. Edema 19. Hyperemia, venostasis 20. Focal disorders of blood supply, ischemia, infarction 21. Haemorrhage 22. Thrombosis incl. DIC 23. Embolisation, metastasis 24. Shock 25. Heart failure - types, causes, complications 26. Causes of inflammation 27. Pathophysiology of inflammation 28. Inflammation - microscopic and macroscopic changes 29. Classification and morphologic patterns of inflammation 30. Specific granulomatous inflammation and its examples (leprosy,Ť sarcoidosis, rhinoscleroma, etc.) 31. Tuberculosis: general morphology 32. Tuberculosis: preimmune type 33. Tuberculosis: organ tuberculosis of adult type 34. Syphilis 35. Immune system and its functions 36. Immune reactions 37. Transplantation 38. Primary and secondary immunodeficiency 39. Autoimmune diseases 40. HIV, AIDS 41. Mechanisms of bacteria and virus-induced injury 42. Bacteriemia, sepsis, pyemia 43. Skin infections 44. Respiratory system infections 45. Gastrointestinal system infections 46. Genitourinary system infections 47. Nervous system infections 48. Staphylococcal infections 49. Streptococcal infections 50. Infectious hepatitis 51. Environmental pollution 52. Injury by physical agents 53. Injury by chemical agents II. Oncology 1. Definitions, preneoplastic lesions, pseudotumors 2. Classification of tumors 3. Structure, growth of tumorsŤ 4. Invasion and metastases 5. Characteristics of benign and malignant tumors 6. Carcinoma in situ 7. Carcinogenesis, etiology of tumors 8. Effects of tumor on host 9. Grading and staging of tumors, tumor prognosis 10. Fibroma, myxoma, lipoma, angioma (+ sarcomas) 11. Chondroma, chordoma, osteoma (+sarcomas) 12. Leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyoma, rhabdomyosarcoma 13. Hemoblastoses, myeloproliferative syndrome 14. Hodgkinřs disease 15. Non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas - Kiel classification 16. Tumors of the squamous stratified epithelium 17. Tumors of transitional epithelium 18. Benign tumors of the glandular epithelium 19. Malignant tumors of the glandular epithelium 20. APUDomas and carcinoid tumors 21. Neuroectodermal tumors of the CNS 22. Tumors of the meninges and peripheral nervous system 23. Tumors of melanocytes 24. Mixed tumors, germinal tumors 25. Choriocarcinoma, mesothelioma 26. Tumors of the heart 27. Tumors of the lymph nodes 28. Tumors of the upper respiratory tract 29. Bronchopulmonary tumors 30. Tumors of the oral cavity, incl. salivary glands andŤ odontogenic tumors 31. Tumors of the esophagus and stomach 32. Neoplasms of the small and large intestine 33. Tumors of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas 34. Tumors of the kidney and urinary tract 35. Testicular tumors 36. Tumors of the prostate and penis 37. Vulvar and cervical tumors 38. Tumors of the endometrium and myometrium 39. Tumors of the ovary 40. Tumors of the breast 41. Intracranial tumors 42. Tumors of the endocrine system 43. Tumors of the musculoskeletal system 44. Skin tumors and pseudotumorous lesions III. Special Pathology 1. Congenital heart disease 2. Pericardial disease 3. Endocarditis 4. Acquired heart disease (vitia cordis acquisita) 5. Myocarditis 6. Cardiomyopathy 7. Ischemic heart disease 8. The heart in hypertension 9. Atherosclerosis and other arterial dystrophies 10. Arteritis 11. Aneurysms 12. Pathology of the veins and lymphatic vessels 13. Posthemorrhagic and hemolytic anemia 14. Anemias of diminished erythropoesis, polycytemia 15. Bleeding disorders 16. Pathology of the spleen 17. Nonneoplastic disorders of white cells 18. Pathology of the thymus 19. Nose and paranasal cavities 20. Larynx and trachea 21. Pediatric lung diseases 22. Bronchitis, asthma 23. Bronchiectasia, bronchostenosis 24. Emphysema, atelectasis 25. Pulmonary edema 26. Pulmonary thrombembolism 27. Pulmonary hypertension 28. Acute and chronic restrictive lung diseases 29. Classification of pulmonary infections, lobar pneumonia 30. Bronchopneumonia 31. Primary atypical pneumonias, fungal infections 32. Pulmonary tuberculosis 33. Pleura 34. Diseases of the oral cavity 35. Pathology of salivary glands 36. Pathology of the esophagus 37. Gastritis 38. Peptic ulcers 39. Developmental disorders, diverticulosis 40. Intestinal vascular disorders 41. Inflammatory diseases, obstructive disease, ileus 42. Enteritis, appendicitis, colitis 43. Malabsorption syndrome 44. Pathology of the peritoneum 45. Liver: metabolism of the bilirubin, jaundice, hepatic failure 46. Hereditary disorders of bilirubin metabolism, pediatric liverŤ disease 47. Circulatory disorders of the liver 48. Viral hepatitis 49. Drug- and toxin-induced liver disease 50. Liver cirrhosis 51. Hemochromatosis, Wilsonřs disease, alpha-1-antitrypsinŤ deficiency 52. Cholangitis and liver abscess 53. Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis 54. Mucoviscidosis 55. Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, pancreatitis 56. Kidney - malformation, renal cysts 57. Blood supply disorders of the kidney 58. Glomerular diseases, pathogenesis and classification 59. Causes of the nephritic syndrome 60. Causes of the nephrotic syndrome 61. Tubulointerstitial nephritis 62. Acute tubular and diffuse cortical necrosis 63. Hydronephrosis, renal stones 64. Pathology of the renal pelvis, urether and urinary bladder 65. Pathology of the penis and prostate 66. Pathology of the testis 67. Pathology of the vulva and vagina 68. Pathology of the cervix uteri, endometritis, endometriosis 69. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and endometrial hyperplasia 70. Pathology of Fallopian tubes and ovaries 71. Pathology of the pregnancy 72. Inflammations and fibrocystic changes of the breast 73. Intracranial hypertension, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus 74. Intracranial nontraumatic hemorrhage 75. Intracranial injuries 76. Ischemic cerebral disease 77. Pachymeningitis, leptomeningitis 78. Purulent encephalitis 79. Viral and other encephalitis 80. Degenerative diseases - classification, Parkinsonřs andŤ Huntingtonřs disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 81. Alzheimerřs disease, multiple sclerosis, nutritional andŤ metabolic encephalopathies 82. Pathology of the hypophysis 83. Pathology of the thyroid gland 84. Pathology of the parathyroid glands 85. Pathology of the endocrine pancreas, diabetes mellitus 86. Pathology of the adrenal glands 87. Skeletal muscle pathology 88. Hereditary diseases of the musculoskeletal system 89. Metabolic diseases of the musculoskeletal systemŤ - osteomalacia, rachitis, avitaminosis C, osteoporosis, vonŤ Recklinghausenřs disease 90. Osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, m. Paget, fibrous dysplasia,Ť hypertrophic osteoathropathy 91. Osteoarthritis, suppurative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,Ť spondyloarthropathias 92. Infections and non-infectious inflammatory lesions of the skin 93. Granulomatous lesions, vascular lesions of the skin 94. Pathology of the dermal connective tissue