Muscle tissue 1) Striated skeletal muscle tissue. 2) Striated cardiac muscle tissue. 3) Smooth muscle tissue. General characteristic of muscle tissue Origin: mesoderm and mesenchyme Excitability Contraction + relaxation  movement Composition: muscle cells + connective tissue, blood vessels Long axe of cells is oriented paralelly with direction of contraction mys/myos (muscle) sarx/sarcós (meat): cell membrane = sarcolemma cytoplasm = sarcoplasm sER = sarcoplasmic reticulum rhabdomyocyte kardiomyocyte leiomyocyte Ø 25-100 µm Ø 15 µm Ø 3-10 µm MUSCLE CELLS (-myocytes) Muscle tissue in LM Connective tissue of muscle Endomysium – around each muscle cell (fiber) Perimysium – around and among the primary bundles of muscle cells Epimysium – connective tissue „capsule“ covering the surface of muscle Connective tissue in skeletal muscle contains vessels and nerves 1)Cross-striated skeletal muscle tissue morphological and functional unit: muscle fiber (rhabdomyocyte) – elongated, cylindrical shape, multinucleated cell (=syncytium) – nuclei are located at the periphery (beneath sarcolemma), myofibrils show cross striation diameter of muscle fiber: 25-100 m length: milimeters - centimeters (up 15) Skeletal muscle cell (fiber) < rhabdomyocyte > Remember used terms: Muscle fiber = myofiber = syncitium = rhabdomyocyte Muscle fiber – morphologic and functional unit of skeletal muscle [Ø 25 – 100 ] Myofibrils – compartment of fiber sarcoplasm [Ø 0.5 – 1.5 ] Myofilaments – actin and myosin, are organized into sarcomeres (several in the length of myofibril) [Ø 8 and 15 nm] Sarcomere – the smallest contractile unit [2.5 m in length] Structure or rhabdomyocyte Sarcolemme + t-tubules, In sarcoplasm: Nuclei, Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, Glycogen (beta granules) (sarcoplasm with organelles forms columns among myofibrils) Sarcoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) – reservoir of Ca2+ Myofibrils (parallel to the length of the muscle fiber) Myofibrils elongated structures [Ø 0.5 – 1.5 ] in sarcoplasm of muscle fiber, are oriented parallely to the length of the fiber, contain 2 types of myofilaments: actin and myosin, arranged into the smallest contractile units – sarcomeres, organization of myofilaments causes cross striation of myofibrils. myofibrils columns of sarcoplasm sarcoplasm Sarcomere A–band I–band½ I-band H-zone Rhabdomyocyte Sarcoplasmic reticulum, t-tubule Terminal cisterna T-tubule Terminal cisterna TRIAD Forms transversal terminal cisternae and longitudinal tubules. Function: reservoir of Ca ions T-tubule is invagination of sarcoplasm and leads action potential to terminal cisternae (they change permeability of membrane for Ca ions) Contraction propagation of action potential (depolarization) via T-tubule (= invagination of sarcolemma), change of terminal cisternae permeability – releasing of Ca+ ions increases their concentration in sarcoplasm, activation of binding sites of actin for myosin, myosin contacts actin and sarcomera shortens by sliding movement – contraction, relaxation: repolarization, decreasing of Ca2+ ions concentration, inactivation of binding sites of actin for myosin. 2) Cardiac muscle - myocardium is made up of long branched fibers, composed of cells – cardiomyocytes, cardiomyocytes are cylindrical cells, which can be branched on one or both ends (Y, X shaped cells), Sarkoplasm: 1 nucleus in the center of cell, striated myofibrils, numerous mitochondria, cells are attached to one another by end-toend junctions – intercalated discs. chains of cardiomyocytes blood capillary with erythrocytes Intercalated disc DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CARDIAC AND SKELETAL MUSCLE TISSUES there are no triads, but diads: 1 t-tubule + 1 cisterna t-tubules encircle the sarcomeres at the Z lines rather than at the zone of overlap between A/I-bands sarcoplasmic reticulum via its tubules contact sarcolemma as well as the t-tubules cardiac muscle cells are totally dependent on aerobic metabolism to obtain the energy needed to continue contracting. The sarcoplasm thus contains large numbers of mitochondria and abundant reserves of myoglobin (to store oxygen). Energy reserves are maintained in the form of glycogen and lipid inclusions. Intercalated disc „scalariform“ shape of cell ends fasciae adherentes (adhesion of cells) Nexus (quick intercellular communication – transports ions and electric impulses) nexus fascia adherens Cell 1 Cell 2 Intercalated disc: Actin myofilaments Myofibril of cardiomyocyte Actin + myosin myofilaments Sarcomere Z-line M-line and H-zone I-band, A-band T-tubule + 1 cisterna = diad (around Z-line) Purkinje fibers are located in the inner layer of heart ventricle wall are specialized cells fibers that conduct an electrical stimuli or impulses that enables the heart to contract in a coordinated fashion numerous sodium ion channels and mitochondria, fewer myofibrils 3) Smooth muscle tissue spindle shaped cells (leiomyocytes) with myofilaments not arranged into myofibrils (no striation), 1 nucleus in the centre of the cell myofilaments form bands throughout the cell actin filaments attach to the sarcolemma by focal adhesions or to the dense bodies substituing Z-lines in sarcoplasm calmodulin (as troponin) sarcoplasmic reticulum forms only tubules with Ca ions, which are also transported to the cell through pumps and ions channels in caveolae zonulae occludentes and nexuses connect cells Caveolae are equivalent to t-tubule and in their membrane ions channel are present to bring Ca needed fo contraction. Caveolae are in contact with sarcoplasmic reticulum. Leiomyocyte Leiomyocyte: contractile filaments + nexuses Myosin flaments Actin filaments (as Z line) Leiomyocytes are arranged into laeyers of wall of hollow (usually tubular) organs Cross section Longitudinal section Motor end plate