DIENCEPHALON hypothalamus thalamus (metathalamus) epithalamus sulcus hypothalamicus subthalamus ThalNclPopis other medial nuclei THALAMIC NUCLEI FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF THALAMIC NCLL. specific ncll. non-specific ncll. association ncll. somatosenzory senzory motor ThalNclBezPopis SPECIFIC THALAMIC NUCLEI somatosenzor. inf. by tr. spinothal. and LM somatosenzor. inf. from trigem. system from cerebellum from globus pallidus and SN ncl. post. ncl. corporis geniculati lat. (radiatio optica) ncl. corporis geniculati med. (radiatio acustica) AFFERENTATION OF CORTEX BY SPECIFIC AND NON-SPECIFIC THALAMIC NCLL. CORTEX specific pathway non-specific pathway THALAMUS ThalNclBezPopis NON-SPECIFIC THALAMIC NUCLEI ncll. paraventriculares ncll. intralaminares ncl. reticularis th. CM= ncl. centromedianus anterior thalamic ncl. FUNCTIONAL PATHWAYS OF ASSOCIATION THALAMIC NUCLEI cortex cortex ThalNclBezPopis pulvinar ncl. anterior ASSOCIATION THALAMIC NUCLEI HYPOTHALAMIC NCLL. anterior middle posterior rostral dorsal III. PERIVENTRICULAR ROW MEDIAL ROWS LATERAL ROW LATERAL ROW diencephHypothNcl Basic arrangement of hypothalamic nuclei ANTERIOR GROUP Periventricular row Medial row MIDDLE GROUP POSTERIOR GROUP ANTERIOR HYPOTHALAMUS Ncl. suprachiasmaticus – afferentation from retina - generator of circadian rhythms Ncl. preopticus – different structure in female and male – control of individual sexual behavior, behavior associated with maternity; regulation of body temperature Ncl. supraopticus and paraventricularis (magnocellular component) – tractus hypothalamo-hypophysialis – transport of hormones into neurohypophysis Ncl. paraventricularis (parvocellular component) - capillary network in eminentia medialis – control of adenohypophysis - hypothalamo- hypophysial portal pathway MIDDLE HYPOTHALAMUS Ncl. arcuatus - capillary network in eminentia medialis – control of adenohypophysis - hypothalamo-hypophysial portal pathway Ncl. ventromedialis – control of food intake (apestat) Ncl. tuberales - capillary network in eminentia medialis – control of adenohypophysis - hypothalamo-hypophysial portal pathway diencephHypofysialTr Hypothalamo-hypophysial pathway posterior lobus of hypophysis stem neurohypophysis vasopressin antidiuretic hormon (ADH) paraventricular ncl. supraoptic ncl. diencephPortal Hypothalamo-hypophysial portal pathway eminentia medialis with primary vascular plexus hypophysial portal vein secondary vascular plexus Superior hypophyseal artery ADENOHYPOPHYSIS Hormones to cavernous sinus Kopie diencep4 JÁDRA HYPOTHALAMU PERIVENTRIKULÁRNÍ ŘADA MEDIÁLNÍ ŘADA ncl. preopticus ncl. supraopticus ncl. suprachiasmaticus ncl. paraventricularis ncll. anteriores