FORMATIO RETICULARIS, RETICULAR FORMATION Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) - arousal modul of brainstem for brain cortex tr. reticulocorticalis - indirect connection tr. reticulo-thalamo-corticalis xyz003 FORMATIO RETICULARIS, RETICULAR FORMATION From: M.J.T. FitzGerald and J. F. Curran 2002. Clinical Neuroanatomy, W. B. Sauders paramedian (medial) group : - ncl. gigantocellularis - large neurons with long axons - main path to hypothalamus and thalamus projection to spinal cord tr. reticulospinalis - adrenergic (noradrenergic and adrenergic) synapses - locus coeruleus – noradrenergic synapses Function: influence of peripheral ANS, level of arousal, motor control of axial and proximal muscles of extremities Nuclear groups: rapheal (median) group paramedian (medial) group lateral group rapheal group : - ncl. raphe magnus - serotonin (inhibition), tr. raphespinalis Function: modulation of afferentation (pain) main path to hypothalamus and thalamus through ttc lateral group: - with short ascendant and descendant axons terminating in medial reticular group Function: „afferentation“ of FR Other function of FR: sleeping generator pattern generator of - conjugate movements of eyes - rhythmic chewing movements - swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, micturition, - respiration, heart rhythm xyz003 FORMATIO RETICULARIS, RETICULAR FORMATION From: M.J.T. FitzGerald and J. F. Curran 2002. Clinical Neuroanatomy, W. B. Sauders BG7 BG11 Serotoninergic xyz022 From: M.J.T. FitzGerald and J. F. Curran 2002. Clinical Neuroanatomy, W. B. Sauders Noradrenergic xyz001 From: M.J.T. FitzGerald and J. F. Curran 2002. Clinical Neuroanatomy, W. B. Sauders AChKortex Acetylcholin Dopaminergic xyz002 From: M.J.T. FitzGerald and J. F. Curran 2002. Clinical Neuroanatomy, W. B. Sauders