AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: fylogenetically the oldest part of NS, control smooth muscles, glands, heart FUNCTIONAL DIVISIONS: Parasympaticus – anabolic reactions (store the energy) Sympaticus – catabolic function (release the energy) Enteric system MORPOLOGICAL DIVISIONS: Central Peripheral CENTRAL PART OF AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Hypothalamus (subsystem of limbic brain = visceral brain) Ncll. hypothalamici ant. control parasympaticus (fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis) Ncll. hypothalamici medii Control the sympaticus (over RF, tr. tegmentalis centralis) PARASYMPATICUS (cranio-sacral system) Ncl. parasympaticus n. III. (ggl. ciliare) Ncl. parasympaticus n. VII. (ggl. pterygopalatinum, ggl.submandibulare) Ncl. parasympaticus n. IX. (ggl. oticum) Ncl. parasympaticus n. X (organs of neck, thorax, abdominal – until flexura coli sinistra!!!, genital glands) Sacral segments of spinal cord (S2-4), ncl. intermediolateralis (organs of pelvis except of genital glands) CN III E-W afferents m. sph. pup. m. ciliaris m. dilat. pup. vessels Ggl. ciliare Ggl.cervic.sup. N. nasociliaris Ggl. ciliare Ggl. pterygop. CN VII ncl.sal. sup Nn. pterygop. Canalis pteryg. gl. lacrim. nasal, paranasal, pharyng., palatal glands Ggl.cervic.sup. SS + taste n. petr. major Ggl. pterygopalatinum n. petr. prof. Ggl. submand. CN VII ncl.sal. sup. N. lingualis lingual glands gl. submand. gl. subling. taste from tongue afferents from ant. 2/3 of tongue Ggl.cervic.sup. Chorda tymp. Ggl. submandibulare Plx. tympanicu s Ggl. oticum Gl. parotis glands of cheeks Ggl. oticum CN IX ncl.sal. inf. Ggl.cervic.sup. N. auriculotemporalis SYMPATICUS - system (cervico)-thoraco-lumbar Ncl. intermediolateralis (from C8 until L2) from C8 until L2 – radix ant. sp. nerve n. spinalis tr. sympaticus r.comm. albus TRUNCUS SYMPATICUS ganglia trunci sympatici (paravertebral) cervicalia 3 (sup., med., inf.) thoracica 10-11 lumbalia 4-5 sacralia 4-5 ganglion impar rami interganglionares GANGLION TRUNCI SYMPATICI – eferent fibres rr.comm. grisei (to the n. spinalis - skin) rr. vasculares (net around the arteries) To the organs: rr. viscerales (postganglionic fibres) nn. splanchnici (praeganglionic fibres, praevertebral and intramural plexus) PARS CERVICALIS PARTIS SYMPATICAE Ganglion cervicale superius rr. comm. grisei - nn. spinales C1 –C4 n. jugularis (n.IX.,n.X.) rr. vasculares - n. caroticus int., ext. rr. viscerales - rr. laryngopharyngei n. cardiacus cervic.sup. Ganglion cervicale medium rr. comm. grisei - nn. spinales C5 –C6 rr. vasculares - pl. caroticus comm. rr. viscerales - gl. thyroidea, ggl. parathyroidae n. cardiacus Ganglion cervicale inferius rr. comm. grisei - nn. spinales C6 –C7 rr. vasculares - pl. subclavius rr. viscerales - gl. thyroidea, ggl. parathyroidae n. cardiacus cervic.inf. PARS THORACICA PARTIS SYMPATICAE rr. comm. grisei to all intercostal nerves rr. vasculares plexus aorticus thoracicus rr. viscerales nn. cardiaci thoracici (plexus cardiacus spf., prof.) rr. pulmonales (plexus pulmonalis) rr. oesophagei (plexus oesophageus) nn. splanchnici n. splanchnicus major Th6-9 (pl. coeliacus) n. splanchnicus minor Th10-11 (pl. coeliacus, pl. renalis) n. splanchnicus imus Th12 (plexus renalis) PARS ABDOMINALIS ET PELVINA PARTIS SYMPATICAE rr. comm. grisei to all spinal nerves from L, S and Co segments nn. splanchnici lumbales (to plexus aorticus abdominalis) nn. splanchnici sacrales (to plexus hypogastricus) PRAEVERTEBRAL PLEXUSES – THORAX Plexus cardiacus spf., prof. Plexus pulmonalis Plexus aorticus thoracicus Plexus oesophageus Plexus aorticus abdominalis Plexus coeliacus (ggl coeliacum dx. sin.) plexus gastrici plexus lienalis plexus hepaticus plexus duodenalis plexus pancreaticus Plexus mesentericus superior Plexus mesentericus inferior Plexus renalis et suprarenalis (plexus uretericus) Plexus testicularis (ovaricus) Plexus iliaci (plexus femoralis) PRAEVERTEBRAL PLEXUSES – ABDOMINAL CAVITY PRAEVERTEBRAL PLEXUSES – PELVIS Plexus hypogastricus superior (n. praesacralis) Plexus hypogastricus dx. a sin. Plexus hypogastricus inf.