Set of schemas to the topic head and neck Os ethmoidale Pterygopalatine fossa – shape, walls porus acusticus internus foramen stylomastoideum Course of facial canal in the pyramid – superior aspect sulcus nervi petrosi majoris sulcus nervi petrosi minoris Floor of the internal acoustic meatus D V VIIIVII VIIIVIII Osseous nasal septum (vomer, lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis) Temporal fossa – frontal section, attachment of the temporal fascia med. Ligaments of the atlanto-axial joint – superior aspect mandibula mandibula Os hyoideum Os hyoideum Venter anterior m.digastrici Venter anterior m.digastrici Venter posterior m.digastrici Venter posterior m.digastrici n. hypoglossus Trigonum submandibulare m.mylohyoideus Trigonum Pirogovi Béclard´s angle Trigonum submandibulare Beclard’s angle Pirogow‘s tringle Triangles of the neck mandible hyoid Trigonum caroticum Fasciae of the neck (horizontal section) Fissura scalenorum – position of subclavian artery, trunks of the brachial plexus