GREEK AND LATIN PREFIXES HOW DO WE DERIVE WORDS IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY —1) Derivation ¡a) Prefix: ante-brachium; ana-lysis ¡b) Sufix: brachi-alis; nephr-itis ¡c) Prefix + sufix: ante-brachi-alis; para-nephr-itis —2) Composition: prim-i-para; pneum-o-thorax —3) Derivation + composition: nas-o-lacrim-alis; haemat-ur-ia —4) Abbreviation: DM; CT; HIV, AIDS —5) Borrowings: shock; stress — WORD ROOT PREFIX SUFFIX PORT RE PORT IM PORT SUP PORT EX PORT TRANS PORT PORT ER PORT ABLE TRANS PORT ABILITY BASIC TERMINOLOGY Medical words, like many other words consist of 3 basic component parts: PREFIXES —ORIGIN: LATIN/GREEK prepositions and their phonological variants —ROLE: SPECIFY/RESTRICT/CHANGE/ALTER the meaning of the derived word ¡Ad-ductor vs. Ab-ductor —POSITION: AT the BEGINNING of the word —MEANING: ¡TIME/PLACE ¡DEGREE ¡DEVIATION/CORECTNESS ¡ ¡ ¡ Prae natalis Post natalis natalis Peri Ante natalis ante positio retro positio intra uterinus extra uterinus exo genes endo genes cisio ex cisio circum mortalis Prae mortalis Post TIME / POSITION hyper trophia hypo trophia a trophia eu pnoe dys pnoe - totalis sub totalis - magnus per magnus DEGREE / DEVIATION/CORECTNESS GUESS THE MEANING OF THE PREFIX vas afferens colon ascendens pars extracellularis arteria infraorbitalis haemorrhagia epiduralis glandula exocrina Hyperthyreosis graviditas intrauterina •efferens •descendens •intracellularis •supraorbitalis •subduralis •endocrina •hypothyreosis •extrauterina GIVE THE OPPOSITE Jennifer is seeing her doctor for “praepartum” care. Is she seeing the doctor before or after she has her baby? Susan has ”endocarditis”. Is this an infection inside or outside the heart? The doctor told peter that his condition is called “hypotensio arterialis”. Is his blood pressure above or below normal? A tube has been placed to relieve pressure. Terry was told that the tube is called “cathether suprapubicus”. Is the tube above or below the pubic bone? Dr. Adams told Paul he would perform an “enucleatio bulbi” on his left eye. Did Dr. Adams remove Paul’s eye or insert a needle into his eye? ANSWER THE QUESTIONS