ADJECTIVES OF THE 3rd DECLENSION COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES NUMERALS linea — gluteus, a, um — inferior, ius foramen (pl.) — sacralis, e — anterior, ius arteria — iliacus, a, um — communis, e musculus (pl.) — regio — urogenitalis, e glandula (pl.) — vestibularis, e — minor, minus pars — proximalis, e — urethra arteria (pl.) — perforans, ntis — anterior, ius paries — posterior, ius — orbita arteria (pl.) — sacralis, e — lateralis, e ligamentum — teres, etis — uterus nervus (pl.) — analis, e — superior, ius COMBINE WORDS IN LINES TO FORM ANATOMICAL TERMS, DO NOT CHANGE ORDER linea glutea inferior foramina sacralia anteriora arteria iliaca communis musculi regionis urogenitalis glandulae vestibulares minores pars proximalis urethrae arteriae perforantes anteriores paries posterior orbitae arteriae sacrales laterales ligamenta teretis uteri nervi anales superiores COMBINE WORDS IN LINES TO FORM ANATOMICAL TERMS, DO NOT CHANGE ORDER 1.musculi membrorum inferiorum 2.foramen palatinum majus 3.pollex lateris dextri 4.musculus gluteus minimus 5.palatum molle 6.tunica externa arteriae 7.articulatio composita 8.arteria temporalis anterior 9.m. transversus perinei profundus 10.organa genitalia feminina 11.fascia superior diaphragmatis pelvis 12.commissura labiorum anterior 13.incisura ischiadica minor 14.spina iliaca posterior superior 15.pelvis major proximalis urethrae masculinae GIVE THE OPPOSITE TO THE UNDERLINED TERM superiorum minus sinistri maximus durum intima simplex posterior superficialis masculina inferior posterior major anterior minor distalis NAME COLORED/HIGHLIGHTED STRUCTURES Musculus gluteus maximus // Cartilago alaris major // Digitus minimus pedis // palpebra superior // musculus abductor pollicis brevis // Arcus anterior atlantis ICD code DIAGNOSIS S2230 Fractura traumatica costae VI.- IX. l. dx S2200 Fractura pathologica vertebrae Th7, Th9, Th10 et processus transversi L3 S2200 Fractura compressiva corporis vertebrae Th 5, Th9, Th11 et Th12 S6261 Fractura phalangis proximalis digiti III. manus l. sin. comminutiva aperta S6230 Fractura ossis metacarpalis V. manus l. dx. S9230 Fractura ossis metatarsalis II. et III. pedis l. dx. sine dislocatione L030 Defectus chronicus cum phlegmone digiti IV. pedis l. sin. D6919 Gangraena diabetica hallucis et digiti II. pedis l. dx. READ MEDICAL RECORDS CONTAINING NUMERALS Phlegmone, es, f. : phlegmon (purulent inflammation of the cellular or areolar tissue) pedis excoriationes dx. et ablatio digiti II. multiplices unguis pedis l. seu manus quinti luxatio digiti l. sin. minimi digiti pollicis status II. post traumaticam et manus l. dx. amputationem digiti vulnus III. manus contusolacerum l. sin. Excoriationes pedis l. dx. multiplices et ablatio unguis digiti II. pedis Luxatio digiti quinti seu minimi manus l. sin. Vulnus contusolacerum digiti III. manus l. sin. Status post amputationem traumaticam pollicis et digiti II. manus l. dx. CHANGE THE WORD ORDER TO GET THE AUTHENTIC RECORD 1: Distorsio gen_ _ l. dx. cum excoriation_ _ _ _ multiplic_ _ _ _ et laesion_ muscul_ _ _ _ l. dx. suspect_ 2: Laceratio lob_ superior_ _ pulmon_ _ l. sin et contusio pulmon_ _ l. dx lev_ _ 3: Fractura oss_ _ _ nasal_ _ _ sine dislocation_. Contusio faci_ _ cum haematomat_ region_ _ orbital_ _ l. sin. 4: Contusio cox_ _ l. sin. cum distension_ muscul_ _ _ _ region_ _ glute_ _ l. sin. FILL IN THE MISSING ENDINGS, TRANSLATE AUTHENTIC RECORDS 1: Distorsio genus l. dx. cum excoriationibus multiplicibus et laesione musculorum l. dx. suspecta 2: Laceratio lobi superioris pulmonis l. sin et contusio pulmonis l. dx levis 3: Fractura ossium nasalium sine dislocatione. Contusio faciei cum haematomate regionis orbitalis l. sin. 4: Contusio coxae l. sin. cum distensione musculorum regionis gluteae l. sin. FILL IN THE MISSING ENDINGS, TRANSLATE AUTHENTIC RECORDS Cranial computed tomographic imaging revealed a metal foreign body, 1.2×0.7 cm, at the left edge of the foramen magnum in this 85-year-old man. There was no clinical or radiographic evidence of neural damage. The patient revealed that at the age of 3 he had been accidentally shot with a pistol by his older brother. The bullet had struck him just inferior to the nose, and he had lost consciousness for several hours, recovering completely without specific therapy. gun shot.png corpus alienum in margine sinistro foraminis magni sine laesione A 39-year-old man was found in a snowbank, with the ambient Temperature 34°C. He had been reported missing the previous evening, after and argument with his girlfriend. The emergency services crew noticed the odor of alcohol in his breath. Large, clear blisters characteristic of severe frostbite were noted on the hands and feet. Of particular note were the left great toe and right thumb with frostbite of the third grade. Subsequently, the patient’s left great toe was amputated. Frostbite.png blister = bulla, ae, f. bulla A 45-year-old woman presented with a 3-month history of generalized body pains nonresponsive to analgesic agents. Along with low back pain, she had progressive difficulty in getting up from sitting and supine positions and in walking. There was no history of trauma or any medication intake. An anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis showed an undisplaced transverse fracture of the shaft of both femurs. shaft fracture.png fractura diaphyseos femoris lateris utriusque (l. utrq.) sine dislocatione 23 years old woman (gravida 1, para 0) was admitted at 40+1 weeks gestation and underwent an emergency caesarian section due to imminent hypoxia of the fetus. As revealed during the section the umbilical cord was twisted twice around the neck of the neonate, furthermore the umbilical cord was noted to have a compound knot. Compound knots, as in this case, are rare. vinculatio funiculi umbilicalis.png nodus funiculi umbilicalis.png hypoxia, ae, f. =a diminished availability of oxygen to the body tissues sectio caesarea propter hypoxiam fetus imminentem, funiculus umbilicalis circum collum fetus bis, nodus compositus funiculi umbilicalis HOW MANY PREGNANCIES, HOW MANY CHILDBIRTHS? GRAVIDA - number of pregnancies, regardles of result PARA - number of births after 20 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of result, stillbirth counted as 1, multiple births /twins et. al./ counted as 1 ABORTION - miscarriage before 20 weeks of pregnancy G2P2 G4P3A1 G8P5A3 -PARA AND -GRAVIDA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MANY NULLI-PARA UNI/PRIMI-PARA SECUNDI-PARA TERTI-PARA QUARTI/QUADRI-PARA QUINTI-PARA SEXTI-PARA SEPTI-PARA OCTI-PARA NONI-PARA DECI-PARA MULTI/PLURI-PARA NULLI-GRAVIDA PRIMI-GRAVIDA SECUNDI-GRAVIDA TERTI-GRAVIDA QUARTI-GRAVIDA QUINTI-GRAVIDA SEXTI-GRAVIDA SEPTI-GRAVIDA OCTI-GRAVIDA NONI-GRAVIDA DECI-GRAVIDA MULTI/PLURI-GRAVIDA A three-year-old boy was playing with a plastic ball while in the backseat of a car. The father heard a gasp, saw that the child was unconscious, and suspected the child to aspirate the toy ball. Emergency personnel intubated the child, no foreign body was visualized then. The child was dead on arrival at the hospital. During the postmortem examination, a radiograph of the head and neck showed a spherical foreign body located in the oropharynx. The oropharynx contained a toy soccer ball 2.5 cm in diameter. foreign body.png spherical = spheroideus, a, um Corpus alienum sphaeroideum oropharyngis Oropharynx, gis, m. (os, oris, n. + pharynx, gis, m.) An 18-year-old intoxicated man was assaulted with a glass bottle on the left parietal region of his head and had a 5-minute loss of consciousness. Two hours after the injury he presented to a local emergency with severe headache, nausea, and vomiting. Computed tomography of the head revealed a 2.5-cm epidural hematoma in the left parietal region (Panels A and B) underlying a linear, nondisplaced skull fracture (Panel C, arrows). Hematoma.png Haematoma epidurale regionis parietalis l. dx. Fractura cranii sine dislocatione A healthy 25-year-old man presented to the surgical clinic with a hole in the roof of his mouth, present for a year, and he requested surgical correction. The patient reported a 5-year history of nasal cocaine use from which he had recently abstained. Examination revealed a large perforation of the nasal septum and midline palate. Local complications of intranasal cocaine abuse include chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, epistaxis, ossification or necrosis of the nasal septum, and in rare cases, palatal perforation. perforation.png epistaxis = nosebleed Perforatio (per)magna septi nasi et partis medialis palati duri Cocainismus/Abusus cocaini in anamnesi Praesenti tempore abstinentia cocaini A 74-year-old woman was undergoing a screening colonoscopy when it became apparent that the rectosigmoid junction might have become perforated. Radiographs obtained revealed revealed retroperitoneal free air outlining the right kidney (white asterisk) and psoas muscles (black asterisks). A 1-cm perforation in the distal sigmoid, near the rectosigmoid junction, allowed air to track into the intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal spaces. sigmoid.png Perforatio partis distalis (junctio rectosigmoidea) coli sigmoidei Junctio rectosigmoidea is not official anatomical term,sometimes substtantive rectosigmoideum, i, n. is used