Match the prefixes on the left with the appropriate definition on the right. Create a word that means: —1. To move away from the midline of the body — __________________ + duct = ______________________ — (prefix) (root) (complete word) — —2. Around the mouth — __________ or + al = ____________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) — —3. Knowledge through testing — ___________ gnos + is = _____________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) — —4. Under the tongue — ___________ gloss + al = _____________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) abduct, perioral, diagnosis, hypoglossal —5. Within a vein — __________ ven + ous = _________________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) — —6. Above the pubis — __________ pub + ic = _________________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) — —7. Across, or through, the urethra — __________ urethr + al = _________________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) — —8. Pertaining to the region upon the stomach — __________ gastr + ic = _________________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) — —9. Between the ribs — __________ cost + al = _________________________ — (prefix) (root) (suffix) (complete word) intravenous, suprapubic, transurethral, epigastric, intercostal TRUE OR FALSE ? 1) Dis- is used for “a disorder” and dys- for “division” or “removal/loss” 2) The Latin equivalent to the prefix endo- is extra-. 3) The prefix ana- has two meanings: “division” and “again” (e.g. anatomia, anamnesis). 4) The prefix af- is a variety of the prefix ab- (e.g. vasa afferentia). 5) The prefixes ante- and anti- have the same meanings. 6) The prefix hyper- means “deficient” or “decreased”. 7) The prefix dia- has three meanings: “division”, “through” and “between” (e.g. diagnosis, diameter, diaphragma). DECIDE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ABOUT LATIN/GREEK PREFIXES ARE Complete each statement with the most appropriate prefix. —1. A tooth having two cusps or points is known as a ________________cuspid tooth. —2. A person who is paralyzed on one half (one side) of the body is known to have ________________plegia. —3. A woman who is pregnant for the first time is termed a ________________gravida. —4. The excretion of large amounts of urine (much urine) is known as __________uria. —5. The medical term that means “being without pain,” or refers to an agent that is given to relieve pain, is __________algesic. —6. A medication that is placed under the tongue is a ___________lingual medication. —7. An _____________venous medication is one that is administered within a vein. —8. A diagnostic or therapeutic technique that does not require the skin to be broken (not invaded) or a cavity or organ to be entered is said to be a ____________invasive procedure. bi hemi primi hyper an sub intra non MATCH THE TERMS WITH THEIR MEANINGS What are the opposites of following terms? praematurus, microscopicus, hyperactivitas, postoperativus, insufficientia, endogenes, postnatalis, difficilis, inoperabilis, dissimilis, peraciditas, descendens, dystrophia, suprapatellatris, immortalis, anteflexio AUTHENTIC CASE A 30-year-old man presented with sudden vision impairment in his right eye 1 hour after vigorous exercise. Slit-lamp examination revealed anterior displacement of the lens. The patient underwent surgical removal of the lens, anterior vitrectomy, and an iris-fixated lens was placed within his eye. Rupture of the zonular fibers (which hold the lens in place) may result in complete dislocation or partial dislocation of the lens and could be caused by trauma or other pathologic conditions. Extractio lentis.png vDefectus visus vDislocatio vExtractio vImplantatio vIntraocularis vLuxatio vSubluxatio — Latin and Greek suffixes Latin substantive suffixes suffix meaning example -io act of, result of, process of -or agent -ura act, result of action -itas quality, state -mentum instrument, tool -culus, a, um -ulus, a, um -olus, a, um -illus, a, um -ellus, a, um diminutive inflammatio, commotio, … flexor, extensor, abductor, … flexura, sutura, … obesitas, aciditas, graviditas, … ligamentum, … musculus capitulum alveolus pupilla cerebellum Greek substantive suffixes suffix meaning example -ia disease -iasis disease, pathological state -ismus 1.state 2.addiction -itis inflammatory disease -osis 1.non-inflammatory disease 2.degenerative disease -oma tumour -omatosis multiple occurence of tumours allergia, pneumonia, epilepsia, … psoriasis, cholelithiasis… nanismus, … alcololismus gastritis, nephritis, arthritis… nephrosis, tuberculosis… arthrosis,… carcinoma, lipoma, myoma, … myomatosis, lipomatosis … Latin adjective suffixes suffix meaning example -alis, e relation -aris, e relation -inus, a, um relation -eus, a, um relation -aneus, a, um relation -osus, a, um full of -atus, a, um equipped with -bilis, e possibility, ability - ilis, e having the quality Vertebralis, lingualis, oralis … Muscularis, patellaris,… uterinus, palatinus… osseus, cartilagineus, … cutaneus, … venosus, adiposus, … dentatus, caudatus… operabilis, sanabilis, mobilis… fragilis, utilis, … Greek adjective suffixes suffix meaning example -icus, a, um relation -ideus, a, um similar to thoracicus,… xiphoideus, deltoideus,… STEM ENDING-itis INFLAMMATION endometrium » endometr- + -itis endometritis cervix » + bronchos » + cystis » + hepar » + colon » + nephros » + myocardium » + encephalon » + larynx » + gaster » + cervicitis bronchitis cystitis hepatitis colitis nephritis myocarditis encephalitis laryngitis gastritis sinus » ophthalmos » pneumon » sinusitis !!!! Ophthalmia !!!! Pneumonia Follow the example to form names of inflammations 1.os + cuboideus, a, um 2.musculus + deltoideus, a, um 3.articulatio + sphaeroideus, a, um 4.linea + trapezoideus, a, um 5.regio + ellipsoideus, a, um 6.ossa + sesamoideus, a, um 7.tuberculum + conoideus, a, um 8.musculus + rhomboideus, a, um 9.os + hyoideus, a, um 10.colon + sigmoideus, a, um υ Σ, C Δ FORM THE PHRASES AND MATCH THEM WITH SHAPES/LETTERS FORM ADJECTIVES WITH THE MEANING “SIMILAR TO” FROM THE FOLLOWING NOUNS: Thyreos (shield) Skafe (boat): Xifos (sword): Sigma (Greek letter Σ) Pteryx, gen. pterygos (wing): Lambda (Greek letter Λ): colon sigmoideum, os pterygoideum, glandula thyroidea, sutura lambdoidea, os scaphoideum, processus xiphoideus -iasis -alis -icus -atus -itas -ia -oma -itis -osus disease full of relation (a Latin suffix) equipped with inflammation state disease/pathological state relation (a Greek suffix) tumour 1) match the suffixes with their meanings in the oval. 2) decide whether these suffixes are used to derive nouns or adjectives + give the number of their declensions. arteria ........................ tuber.......................... ....................... capitulum .................... frenulum glans........................ lobus........................ ........................nodulus .....................valvula vena........................ os................................ ........................cerebellum .................... geniculum pes........................ canalis........................ ........................ductulus ........................alveolus septum........................ anus........................ ........................areola ........................caliculus cutis........................ corpus........................ ........................fossula ........................lingula arteriola tuberculum caput frenum glandula lobulus nodus valva venula ossiculum cerebrum genu pediculus canaliculus ductus alveus septulum anulus area calix cuticula corpusculum fossa lingua Fill in what is missing to get pairs of words Cerebrum •related to the brain •small brain •related to the small brain • •related to the liver •inflammation of the liver •cancerous tumor in the liver •a degenerative disease of the liver •related to the spine or thorn •full of thorns •provided with thorns •found above the thorny processes Hepar Spina Form new words with the given meaning cerebralis, cerebellum, cerebellaris hepaticus, hepatitis, hepatoma, hepatosis spinalis, spinosus, spinatus, supraspinatus Cellula •pertaining to the cell •located outside the cell •located inside the cell •full of cells •cells inflammation •related to the head •provided with heads •small head •located in the proximity of this organ •related to the nose Caput Nasus Form new words with the given meaning cellularis, extracellularis, intracellularis, cellulosus, cellulitis capitalis, capitatus, capitulum perinasalis, nasalis Metra (womb) •mucous membrane inside the womb •inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the womb •the lateral extension of the uterine connective tissue into the broad ligament • •inflammation of joints •degenerative disease of joints •one that suffers from the inflammation of joints// related to that disease Arthron (joint) Form new words with the given meaning endometrium, endometritis, perimetrium arthritis, arthrosis, arthriticus terms prefix root 1 root 2 suffix 1 suffix 2 periorbitalis graviditas cholelithiasis posttraumaticus superficialis parotitis catarrhalis epigastricus anaemia praecarcinoma exsanguinatio reanimatio Divide each term into its components. Write these components into boxes in the table. You may not need all of the boxes provided: Use the suffixes in the box to derive adjectives from the given nouns: -alis -aris -inus -eus -aneus -icus -arius oralis, oesophageus, hepaticus, pancreaticus, rectalis, analis, pharyngeus, gastricus, intestinalis Use the suffixes in the box to derive adjectives from the given nouns: -alis -aris -inus -eus -aneus -icus -arius salpingeus, ovaricus, uterinus, pubicus, labialis, cervicalis, vaginalis DECIDE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ABOUT LATIN/GREEK SUFFIXES ARE TRUE OR FALSE ? 1) It is possible to distinguish noun and adjective suffixes (e.g. obesitas, tonsillaris). 2) The ending of the suffix determines the declension (e.g. arthrosis, flexura, ligamentum). 3) The diminutive is a word which relates to an object of the bigger size. 4) The diminutive always keeps the gender of the word which it comes from (e.g. canalis – canaliculus). 5) It does not matter whether the suffix -alis or -aris is used to express relation to the noun. 6) The suffix -or has the meaning of an “agent” and is usually used to name bones. 7) The suffix -ismus has two meanings: “dependence” or “character of disease” (e.g. coffeinismus, strabismus)