ì PREFIXES + SUFFIXES DERIVE ADJECTIVE USE –ARIS, E OR –ALIS, E DIGITUS digitatio digitalis digitatus digitiformis STIMULARE stimulator stimulans stimulus stimulatio FORMA formula deformitas deformans deformatio MAMMA mammalia mamilla retromammaris mamillaris caput capitatus occipitalis capitulum decapitatio EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF WORDS DERIVES BY PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES IDENTIFY THE SUFFIX, EXPLAIN ITS MEANING strictura circulatio foramen ligamentum adductor cerebellum lacteus caudatus aciditas hepaticus lobulus latitudo obesitas tuberculum ventralis arteriola IM- NAT- DYS- -IA -AL- -ALIS -ITAS -CELL- -PEPS- -MOBIL- SUB- -CAPIT- -UL- -ARIS INTRA- -ITAS FORM FIVE TERMS BY COMBINING THE FOLLOWING PREFIXES/ROOTS/SUFFIXES: Dys-peps-ia Im-mobil-itas Intra-celull-aris Nat-al-itas Sub-capit-alis 1: LABEL FOLLOWING STRUCTURES/ORGANS IN LATIN Pulmonalis, e Ventricularis, e Intestine Artery Tendon Palpebra Ventriculus Hepaticus, a, um Renalis, e Pancreaticus, a, um Intestinalis, e Palpebralis, e Cutaneus, a, um Osseus, a, um Arterialis, e Tendineus, a, um a) -eus, a, um (3x) b) -aris, e (1x) c) -icus, a, um (2x) d) -alis, e (5x) 2: DERIVE ADJECTIVES USING THE FOLLOWING ENDINGS: TO DESIGNATE DIFFERENT MUSCLES USE PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES: SUB- AB- -ILIS -OR -ATUS -OIDEUS This muscle is of triangular shape and it is placed under the collar bone, it is: musculus ____________________ A large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint and serves to abduct, flex, extend and rotate the arm is: musculus ____________________ A long, heavy triangular muscle of the medial aspect of the thigh which acts to pull a thigh away from the body is: musculus ___________________ magnus In English this muscle is called slender muscle of the thigh, what should be its name in Latin? Musculus ____________________ It is a flat, quadrilateral skeletal muscle located on the posterior side of the hip joint, besides other functions it also acts to stabilize the femoral head in the acetabulum, it is called musculus ____________________ , musculus quadratus femoris, musculu gracilis, Musculus abductor magnus, musculus deltoideus brachii, Musculus subclavius NAME ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES ON THE BASE OF DEFINITIONS AND/OR IMAGES: The angle between the right and left costal arch which is measured under the sternum is called angulus _____________________ Small branches of aorta thoracica that supply the posterior wall of the pericardium are named rami_____________________ Rough bony area between external lip of the iliac crest (labium externum ossis ilii) and internal lip of the iliac crest (labium internum ossis ilii) is labeled as linea _____________________ The Latin name for ligaments which are lying outside a joint capsule is ligamenta_____________________ Delicate displaceable connective tissue which lies on the top of the fascial sheath of the eye bulb (fascia bulbi oculi) should be called lamina _____________________ Authonomic nerve plexus around the subclavian artery is labeled as plexus _____________________ Angulus infrasternalis, rami pericardiaci, linea intermedia, ligamenta extracapsularia, lamina suprachoroidea, plexus periarterialis arteriae subclaviae Atelectasis pulmonum X2604-A-75.png Ø a collapsed or airless state of the lung, which may be acute or chronic, and may involve all or part of the lung. The primary cause is obstruction of the bronchus serving the affected area. maceratio ì1. Softening by the action of a liquid. ì2. Softening of tissues after death by nonputrefactive (sterile) autolysis; seen especially in the stillborn, with detachment of the epidermis. ì http://www.huidziekten.nl/afbeeldingen/immersionfoot2.jpg asphyxia ìA condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death. Asphyxia can be induced by choking, drowning, electric shock, injury, or the inhalation of toxic gases. Øa- +greek. sfyxis or sfygmos =pulse