BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: QUALIFYING TEST MOCKVERSION Spring semester 2014 Name: Date: Group: 1. Change into plural/singular (5): Cartilago alaris minor Cartilagines alares minores Commissura valvulae semilunaris Commissurae valvularum semilunarium Organa genitalia masculina interna Organum genitale masculinum internum 2. Fill in correct endings (7): Vagina communis tendinum (pl.) musculorum (pl.) flexorum (pl.) Ramus sinus cavernosi Nodi (pl.) lumbales (pl.) intermedii (pl.) Ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius Segmenta (pl.) bronchopulmonalia (pl.) 3. Translate into Latin (15): State after amputation of the big toe on the left side due to frostbites Status post amputationem hallucis lateris sinistri propter congelationes Subcutaneous haematomas of the upper eyelid of the right eye Haematomata subcutanea palpebrae superioris oculi dextri Superficial scrapes on the skin in the region of the face Excoriationes superficiales cutis regionis/in regione faciei Transverse lesion of the thoracic part of the spinal cord Laesio transversa partis thoracicae medullae spinalis Bilateral contusions of the top of the frontal lobe Contusiones bilaterales apicis lobi frontalis 4. Circle words with mistakes and give correct forms (5): Articulationes interphalangei manus interphalangeae Oedema cerebri gravis grave Defectus dentum subtotalis dentium Syndroma algica vertebrogenes algicum Suspicio asthmae bronchialis asthmatis 5. Translate the terms in the first column, give the noun/adjective which the terms come from + its dictionary form. Follow the examples (6): terms English translation original noun/adjective + its dictionary form venula small vein vena, ae, f. mutitas muteness mutus, a, um gravida, ae, f. pregnant woman gravis, e vasculum, i, n. small vessel vas, vasis, n. morbosus, a, um sick, ill morbus, i, m. malignitas, atis, f. malignancy (quality or state of being malignant) malignus, a, um marginalis, e marginal margo, inis, m. gustatorius, a, um gustatory (pertaining to the sense of taste) gustus, us, m. 6. Split the following terms into root(s), connecting vowels, prefixes and/or suffixes. Translate the terms (11): Example: endocarditis Analysis + translation endo-card-itis = inflammation of the internal membrane of the heart cholecystoptosis chole-cyst-o-ptosis = downward displacement of the gall bladder necrophobia necr-o-phob-ia = fear of death or dead bodies splanchnosomaticus splanchn-o-somat-icus = related to internal organs and the body mastopathia mast-o-path-ia = any disease of the breast gonarthrosis gon-arthr-osis = degenerative disease of the knee joint 7. Match the Latin/Greek word stems with the English terms (3): a) pod(o)- 1) measurement a – 4 b) -schisis 2) same b – 6 c) crypt(o)- 3) white c – 5 d) leuc(o)- 4) foot d – 3 e) -metria 5) hidden e – 1 f) is(o)- 6) cleft f – 2 8. Use the words in the first column to form Latin/Greek terms with the given meaning (10): Pay attention! The letter k in original Greek words is transcribed like c in derived/compound terms. original words description/definition derived/compound terms melas skin tumour containing dark pigment melanoma fyesthai expanded articular end of a long bone epiphysis therme pertaining to heat thermicus/thermalis radius exposure to any form of radiant energy irradiatio plassein abnormal growth or development dysplasia salpinx + lysis surgical procedure for freeing a fallopian tube from adhesions salpingolysis rhis + rhoe discharge from the nasal mucous membrane rhinorrhoea oophoron + malakos softening of the ovaries oophoromalacia omos + algos pain in the shoulder omalgia epision + tome incision of the perineum to avoid tearing during parturition episiotomia