Oral exam detailed info 1st part – read a short text :10 sentences, e.g. labium superius oris, colecystectomia acuta…, stress is put on pronunciation and understanding, extra questions and tasks are possible – change labium superius to the right form after laesio (laesio labii superioris) 2nd part – farmacology – you should identify abbreviations : e.g. DS = da, signa – see the list in IS + supply names of certain drugs based on the definition e.g. – drug against fever – antipyreticum – see list in the IS 3rd part – translation of anatomical terms – e.g. the angle of the rib = angulus costae – 5 sentences 4th part – explaining medical records – e.g. STP ablationem digiti primi manus lt dx = state after removal of the first finger of the hand on the right side