1. Medical examination of mamma 2. Distorsion and luxation 3. Disinfection, antisepsis, asepsis Principles of operative surgery 4. Fractures, early fracture stabilization 5. Types of dermatoplasties 6. Prevention of tetanus 7. Healing of fracture 8. Shock 9. Putrid infection 10. Surgical oncology 11. Medical examination of abdomen 12. Wound healing 13. Panaritium 14. Blood transfusions 15. The operating room team and discipline 16. Medical examination of the knee 17. Puncture of the abdominal cavity 18. Medical examination of the joints 19. Postoperative complications, wound infections 20. Burns 21. Local anesthesia 22. Acute arterial occlusion, embolism 23. Diet in surgery 24. Antibiotics in surgery, choice of antibiotics 25. Principles of preoperative preparation of the surgery patients 26. Phlegmona abscessus 27. Injury of bones, tendons and muscles 28. The skin transplantation 29. Disorders of internal environment 30. Surgical infection 31. Wounds 32. Surgical infection – anaerobes 33. Pain, types od the pains, acute abdominal pain 34. Postoperative complications deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 35. Fluid, electrolyte and pH imbalance 36. Punctures of the joints 37. Postoperative fever and infection 38. Retentio urinae, catheters 39. Anesthesia, general, regional 40. Puncture of the thorax 41. Bedsore, decubitus 42. Nonsurgical peroperative disorders (respiratory, cardiogenic complic.) 1. First aid in case of the war injuries 2. First aid in case of the unconsciousness; 3. Venesection 4. Wound care 5. Incision, excision, exstirpation 6. Tracheotomy 7. First aid in case of fracture 8. First aid in case of abdominal injuries 9. Cardiovascular resuscitation 10. First aid in case of drowning 11. The primary goal of operative management of panaritium 12. Prehospital care of burn patients 13. Prehospital care of patients with electric injury 14. Prehospital care of patients with shock 15. Symptoms and signs of hypovolemic – shock, diagnosis, treatment 16. Prehospital care of patients with brain and cranium injury 17. Prehospital care of patients with joint injury 18. Prehospital care of patients respiratory failure 19. Methods of transportation of the injured victim 20. Prehospital care of patients with cardiogenic failure 21. Prehospital care of patients with bleeding 22. Prehospital care of patients with thorax trauma