• • •VTA •DTNcl SOME CENTRAL STRUCTURES FOR CONTROL OF ANS •cortex •hypothalamus •amygdalar nuclei •septal area STRUCTURES INFLUENCING PREGANGLIONIC PARASYMPATHETIC AND SYMPATHETIC NEURONS from cortex – to FR by the way of tr. cortico-reticularis and then by tr. reticulo-spinalis to pregang. neurons of ANS from hypothalamus – through tr. hypothalamo-tegmentalis and tr. mammilo-tegmentalis from hypothalamus and limbic forebrain – through FLD and dorsol tegmentum periaqueductal gray – coordination of somatic and autonomic answers to behavior, defensive reaction, to pregangl. symp. and parasymp. neurons from amygdalar nuclei – through hypothalamus and PAG DESCENDING PATHWAYS FOR MODULATION OF ANS •Tr. mamillo-tegmentalis •Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis (FLD) •Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis - MFB (medial forebrain bunde) SYMOBRYS III. • •area •septalis •ncl. tegmentalis •dors. •FLD •FR VII. IX. SYMPATHICUS •tr.mam.- tegm. •VTA • •Fas. telencephalicus med. •Medial Forebrain Bundle Anabolic and catabolic HYPOTHALAMUS Nuclei of anterior hypothalamus (ncl. preopticus and supraopticus) influence of parasympathicus - vagotonia Stimulation of anterior hypothalamus results in: • decrease of heartbeat (bradycardia) and blood pressure • dilation of skin arteries • increase of peristaltic movement, motility and secretion of GIT • constriction of pupil Nuclei of posterior hypothalamus (ncl. mamillaris and hypoth. post.) influence of sympathicus HYPOTHALAMUS • dilation of pupil • increase of heartbeat (tachycardia) and blood pressure • constriction of skin arteries • decrease of peristaltic movement, motility and secretion of GIT • hair erection