HOW TO DECLINE? – A SUMMARY 1) VENA_1ST DECLENSION fem. + feminine adjectives (-a) Gender exceptions: diabetes, ae, m. superlative forms (-issima) ascites, ae, m. Greek: systole, es (Acc. -en, Abl. –e) r(h)aphe, es dyspnoe, es 2a) NERVUS_2ND DECLENSION masc. + masculine adectives (-us) Gender exceptions: methodus, i ,f., superlative forms (issimus) diameter, tri, f., periodus, i, f. alvus, i, f. virus, i, n. Greek: nephros, i, m. 2b) SEPTUM:2ND DECLENSION neutr. + neutral adjectives (-um) Greek: colon, i, n. superlative forms (-issimum) 3a) DOLOR _3RD DECLENSION masc. + fem. + comparative forms (-ior) *PELVIS (i.e. Gen. Pl. –ium) if: the same number of syllables in Nom. and Gen. e.g. avis, pubes, cutis, axis, canalis two consonants in Gen. stem e.g. dens, fons, mons, pons m. + f. 3rd declension adjectives 3b) CORPUS_3RD DECLENSION neutr. + comparative forms (-ius) *vas, is, n.: Pl. like septum *RETE (e.g. -i; Nom.= –ia; Gen. pl. –ium) if: cochlear, calcar, animal n. 3rd declension adjectives 3c) DOSIS _3RD DECLENSION Greek fem. ending in -sis, -xis, -osis + febris, sitis, (per)tussis–is; -in/-im 4a) DUCTUS_4TH DECLENSION masc. Gender exception: manus, us, f. 4b) GENU_4TH DECLENSION neutr. genu, us, n.; cornu, us, n. 5) FACIES_5TH DECLENSION fem. *species, erum, f.