-U- AND -E- STEMS Latin nouns of the 4th and 5th declension 4th declension —genitive singular ending -ūs —mostly of masculine gender: -us/-ūs —paradigm word: ductus = duct — — — — — — — — — — —There are 2 nouns that have ablative plural ending -ubus: — arcus, us, m. = bow — artus, us, m. = member, joint singular plural nom. duct-us duct-ūs gen. duct-ūs duct-uum ak. duct-um duct-ūs abl. duct-ū duct-ibus There are only few exceptions of feminine gender: manus, ūs, f. -hand acus, ūs, f. -needle names of trees Decide on the declension of the nouns —tractus, us, m. —musculus, i, m. —corpus, corporis, n. —ulcus, eris, n. —manus, us, f. —visus, us, m. —nervus, i, m. —methodus, i, f. —crus, cruris, n. —genitive singular ending -ūs —paradigm word: genū = knee — — — — — — —In the 4th declension there are only two neuters: ¡genu, us, n = knee ¡cornu, us, n. = horn — — singular plural nom. gen-ū gen-ua gen. gen-ūs gen-uum ak. gen-ū gen-ua abl. gen-ū gen-ibus 4th declension - neuters ENDINGS PHOTO.png h9991533_002.jpg decubitus profundus http://nika.rs/v3/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/kako_se_lece_x_i_o_noge2.jpg genua valga genua vara http://www.allthetests.com/quiz25/picture/pic_1212359139_3.jpg https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVuvpzALAjjWfkALt8SAKHT_Gok7DbxIItbSGzkUP7oOR 5j3EJKGNAJ9o http://u.smedata.sk/blogidnes/article/5/35/358165/358165_clanok_foto_4.jpg?r=05e http://www.zsskolnikaplice.cz/files/zaci/web9/web2010/machack/files/hmat1234.jpg http://inscribe.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Sour-taste.jpg Sensus humani: — gustus ~ visus ~ tactus ~ auditus ~ olfactus —genitive singular ending -ei —paradigm word: faciēs = face, front part —all the nouns of the 5th declension are of feminine gender — — — — — — singular plural nom. faci-ēs faci-ēs gen. faci-ēī faci-ērum ak. faci-em faci-ēs abl. faci-ē faci-ēbus SG: speciēs, speciēī f. =species X PL: speciēs urologicae =mixture of dried plants 5th declension ENDINGS PHOTO.png http://www.lsm-verlag.de/blick/blkface/face/dehydrat.jpg facies Hippocratica / facies abdominalis The facial expression produced in the by impending death or long illness (accompanied by pain), excessive evacuations, excessive hunger, and the like, e.g.by peritonitis (inflammation of peritoneum) or cholera. Its synonym is facies abdominalis. The nose is sharp, the eyes sunken, the temples fallen in, the ears cold and drawn in and their lobes distorted, the skin of the face hard, stretched and dry, and the colour of the face pale or dusky. facies dolorosa – facial expression showing signs of pain http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_II/Psychologie/Psy_II/beautycheck/english/durchsc hnittsgesichter/m(01-32)_gr.jpg facies composita – normal, calm facial expression of healthy person Connect the nouns with adjectives —infarctus spinosus, a, um —partus dolorosus, a, um —plexus valgus, a, um —processus venosus, a, um —usus praematurus, a, um —decubitus Hippocraticus, a, um —genu acutus, a, um —facies externus, a, um Form corresponding loose atributes Unit 6, task 5 Connect the phrases with the preposition —post + infarctus acutus ¡Post infarctum acutum —propter + partus praematurus ¡propter partum praematurum —sub +plexus venosus uterinus ¡Sub plexu venoso uterino / sub plexum venosum uterinum —in + decursus morbi ¡In decursu morbi —ad + usus internus ¡Ad usum internum —ante + processus spinosus ¡Ante processum spinosum —sine + effectus malus ¡Sine effectu malo Unit 6, task 6