Theretical Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine Significance and Perspectives of the Stem Cells in Clinical Medicine I Vladimír Rotrekl 2017 Stem Cell (SC): criteria and definition Selfrenewal Diferentiation Ability to create its copies Ability to change its properties and differentiate Clonal capacity •Symetrical division •Asymetrical division Toti Pluri Multi potent Oligo Uni Stem cells self-renew, proliferate Self-renewal = the most important property of stem cells; ability to produce identical copies Symetrical devision Asymetrical devision Combination of both mechanisms = neural SC Cell death Embryonic SC Fetal and adult SC (exceptions exist) .... SC differentiate and regenerate tissues totipotent pluripotent multipotent oligopotent unipotent zygote Embryonic SC Hematopoetic SC Gastrointestinal SC Prostate SC CFU-GM CFU-E & BFU-E CD34  Neurons Non differetiated SC Just examples Colony of thousends of cells Primitive ectoderm/epiblast Trofectoderm Polar trofectoderm Extraembryonal ectoderm Chorionic ectoderm Trofoblast placenty Mural trofectoderm Ectoplacentálnal cone Giant cells of trophoblast placenta Parietal yolk sac Primitive entoderm Ectoderm • neural tissue– neural SC • skin – skin SC Mesoderm • bone marrow and blood– hematopoetic and mesenchymal SC • muscules and bones – tissue specificSC Entoderm •lungs, liver, pancreas – organ/tissue specific SC • larynx, stomache, intestine – intestinal SC Visceral entoderm Parietal entoderm Embryonic SC Origin and developmental ontogenesis of stem cells (SC) Primordial stem cells • gametes Stem Cells in Medicine • Pluripotent embryonic and induced… • Mesenchymal (Dr. Pešl) clinical trials and stem cell turism • Hematopoeitic (prof. Krejčí) mostly hematooncologic and imune disorders Stem Cells in Medicine • Pluripotent embryonic and induced… • Mesenchymal (Dr. Pešl) clinical trials and stem cell turism • Hematopoeitic (prof. Krejčí) mostly hematooncologic and imune disorders Pluripotent stem cells One Ring to Rule Them All… …or shall it be: One cell to rise them all…? What do we mean by EMBRYO, when talking Stem Cells • preimplantation stage • blastocyst 4 days old • composed of several dozens of cells • inner cell mas ~9000 embryos implanted (typicaly 3 at the time) anualy in CR rest >50% remains frozen … "[T]he bottom line is that there are 400,000 frozen embryos in the United States, and a large percentage of those are going to be thrown out. Regardless of what you think the moral status of those embryos is, it makes sense to me that it's a better moral decision to use them to help people than just to throw them out. It's a very complex issue, but to me it boils down to that one thing." James Thompson The destruction of human embryos to harvest stem cells is "not only devoid of the light of God but is also devoid of humanity" and "does not truly serve humanity." Benedict XIV Act 227/2006 Sb Act on the human embryonic stem cell research and related issues - Governmental registry of the hESC lines - Research only with the aproval of Ministry of Youth and Schools - Research must not lead to human being creation (cloning) Act 273/2011 Sb - Embryo storage for infinite time (EU usually 5 yrs) - Embryos discarded after 10 yrs, if the pair does not wish othervise Act 227/2006 Sb Possible CATCH 22…? „Frozen generation“ – circa ½ million frozen embryos in US CR: embryo storage (ČR) …. ~ 10 000 CZK (single payment - usually) in 2007 – 3400 IVFs §9 par 1: a) extra embryo may be used for research only with written consent from both parents signed before embryonic stem cell derivation. Act on the human embryonic stem cell research and related issues Blok I - discussion • Is this topic relevant to med students? • Are the arguments about human existence from conception till birth relevant and are the arguments about the absence of certain abilities of the embryo relevant (e.g. Ability to think ad feel pain/stress)? • (in)sufficient legislature concerning hESC in CR? Albert Lasker basic medical research award 2009 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells IPSC (Yamanaka 2006) Thy1 (and other genes typical for fibroblasts)) 0 4 8 12 retroviral activity Pluripotency markers Pluripotency genes Telomerase activity Inactivation of X chromosome Somatic cell i.e. skin fibroblast iPS cell Time in days Stable reprogramming to stemness Alternative source of pluripotency - iPS cells - SC created from somatic (i.e. differentiated) cells using genetic manipulation Kinetics of fibroblast reprogramming into the pluripotentnt SC Oct4 Sox2 c-Myc Klf4 iPS are indeed capable of chimera formation Oct-4 GFP fibroblasts Oct-4 GFP iPS Nanog GFP iPS Injection of chimera (white and gray hair) Nanog GFP iPS chimera Oct-4 GFP iPS chimera Brambrink et al. Cell Stem Cell, February 2008 Induced pluripotent stem cells Promissing in future medicine - patient-specific cells Ethical problem with hiPSC? • No need to destry human embryo • Patient specific cells as the source for reprogramming – limits the risc of GVH Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Germ cells out of hiPSC Diferentiation into PGC Spermatocyte Oocyte Preimplantation embryo Hubner, Science, 2003 ? Ethical problem with hiPSC …. I • Altruistic sentiment and benefit expectation versus • Privacy protection • Establishment of permanent (immortal) cell line (i.e.HeLa) • Human cells and tissues comercionalisation • Possibility to produce gametes/partenogenesis (germ cells) • Genome editting before returning to the patients Ethical problem with hiPSC …. II US UK Interspecies chimeras for human organ transplantations Blok II - discussion • Is reprogramming relevant to med students? • Arguments about the human uniquness in relation to cloning.. • (in)sufficient legislature concerning hiPS in CR? Rational design of the novel pluripotent stem cell applications in clinics requires • Opened and truthfull communication with public and stakeholders • Buletproof patient consent protecting both the researchers as well as the patient • Absolute transparency of the scientific results and preclinical tests • Confidence in the systém and individuals (scientists and MDs) What is this for? Regenerative and reconstructive medicine Disease modelling Understanding pathological processes Drug development What is this for? Regenerative and reconstructive medicine Disease modelling Understanding pathological processes Drug development Any PSC aplication requires quantitative differenciation into the target cell type Relation between tumorogenicity and pluripotency (a) telomerase (b) Absence of contact inhibition (c) Strong antiapoptotic aparatus (d) High proliferation Kooreman, J R Soc Interface. 2010 Current standard for clinical trials: Max 1 pluripotent cell per 106 differentiated cells in the off-the-shelf product! Primitive ectoderm/epiblast Trofectoderm Polar trofectoderm Extraembryonal ectoderm Chorionic ectoderm Trofoblast placenty Mural trofectoderm Ectoplacentálnal cone Giant cells of trophoblast placenta Parietal yolk sac Primitive entoderm Ectoderm • neural tissue– neural SC • skin – skin SC Mesoderm • bone marrow and blood– hematopoetic and mesenchymal SC • muscules and bones – tissue specificSC Entoderm •lungs, liver, pancreas – organ/tissue specific SC • larynx, stomache, intestine – intestinal SC Visceral entoderm Parietal entoderm Embryonic SC Origin and developmental ontogenesis of stem cells (SC) Primordial stem cells • gametes Thomas Graf & Tariq Enver Nature 462, 587-594 (2009) doi:10.1038/nature08533 What determines differentiation in vivo and in vitro: Cell line differentiation of embryonic stem cells in complex landscape of epigenetic bariers (=cells are unstable on the hills), mountain platos (=RELATIVELY STABLE BUT REVERSIBLE CELL STATUS) and deep walleys (=TERMINAL DIFFERENTIATION) DIFFERENTIATION OF PSC – embryo development analogy… Retinoic acid AP axis establishment Ribes, Development 2009 Zhang, PLOS 2015 RA ectoderm formation from PSC DIFFERENTIATION OF PSC INTO FUNCTIONAL CARDIOMYOCYTES… Pešl, Heart and Vessels, 2014 BMP4 helps to polarize the embryo during gastrulation (primitive mesendoderm) Hensen node with FGF2 triggers cardiogenesis Activin A triggers mesoderm formation VEGF is needed for later embryo heart morphogenesis (ventricle formation) IWR inhibits Wnt signal – prevents neurodifferrenciat ion etc. Cardiomyocytes starting spontaneous beating 1mm APD90(ms) AP atrial ventricular WT DMDWT DAPI / troponin T/C DAPI / α-actinin DAPI / Troponin T/C / α-actinin FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISATION OF PSC DERIVED CARDIOMYOCYTES… Atomic Force MicrscopyCa2+ Transients Cardiac Markers & Morphology Electrophysiology (Patch Clamp) Department of Biology MU Advances in hIPSC differentiation – biological models and aplications Neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes Cardiomyocytes Insulin-producing pankreatic cells Blood cells Immunocompetent cells Endotelial cells Trofoblast cells Respiratory cells Osteoblasts Hepatocytes Melanocytes Prostate cells Germ cells Example: thorasic spinal cord injury, myelopaty and SC treatment Damage before the treatment After the treatment Result: reconstruction of gray and white matter reconstruction of motoric neurons return of the mobility Model: rat Adapted from Stem Cells, 2010 Makrofág Astrocyt Oligodendrocyt Axony s myelinem Progenitory oligodendrocytů Progenitory motoneuronů …Heart patches… Patient suffering heart failure 5% ejection fraction 30% ejection fraction … patient leaves the ER Successes: hiPSC Teruo Okano: ISSCR Yokohama 2012 …RPE regeneration… Succsesses: hESC Schwartz a kol. Lancet 2012; 379:713-20 Human embryonic stem cells Pigment epithelium differenciation Trounson, 2016 Shortlist of recent applications of PSC in clinical trials (more info in part II – with Dr. Martin Pesl) What is this for? Regenerative and reconstructive medicine Disease modelling Understanding pathological processes Drug development Duchen Muscular Dystrophy -Affected sceletal muscles -Heart failure Hypothesis: -Missing dystropin -Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium leakage -Would Ca2+ channel inhibitors help? We want to test it on affected cells!!! Found physiological differences but not severly preventing natural heart muscle regeneration and what would explain heart failure… Duchen Muscular Dystrophy -Affected sceletal muscles -Heart failure Hypothesis: -Missing dystropin -Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium leakage -Would Ca2+ channel inhibitors help? We want to test it on affected cells!!! 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 Ratiofoci/nuclei *WTDMD spontaneo us MOX WT DMD ** *** * D CTRL MOX CTRL MOX0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 DMD WT ROS Relativefluorescence DMDWT *B Duchen Muscular Dystrophy -Affected sceletal muscles -Heart failure Conclusion: defective dystrophin causes elevated ROS production via NO synthase, causing SC mutagenesis and progenitor depletion Duchen Muscular Dystrophy -Affected sceletal muscles -Heart failure What is this for? Regenerative and reconstructive medicine Disease modelling Understanding pathological processes Drug development Catecholinergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT) Sportment‘s Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome Marc Vivian Foe Mutace RyR: Pomalý únik Ca2+ Ca2+ channel inhibitor screen needed – will hiPSC help? Classical proces impossible Target organ biopsy „ex vivo“/“in vitro“ cultivation Putative drugs We do not have access to the sufficiently sized heart biopsies Skin biopsy hiPSC Embryonic bodies … how to get heart cells of the patient who cannot provide them.. α-actininp-cTnI Patient specific hiPSC derived cardiomyocytes Analysis using atomic force microscope Biomechanical properties: Skin biopsy hiPSC Embryonic bodies … how to get heart cells of the patient who cannot provide them.. Analysis using atomic force microscope Biomechanical properties: Skin biopsy hiPSC Embryonic bodies … how to get heart cells of the patient who cannot provide them.. Acimovic, Rotrekl a kol. Conclusion: Succsessful stabilization of RyR2 and calstabin 2 binding by S107 compensated CPVT fenotype. Fluorescent microscopy Skin biopsy hiPSC Embryonic bodies … how to get heart cells of the patient who cannot provide them.. Final discussion – PART I (pluripotent stem cells) •Ageing of the PSC in culture – dangerous genetic changes? •Genetic reprogramming – is that a danger in iPS based therapy? •Limitted diversity of PSC lines and associated GVH disease risk? •Legislature sufficient/overcautios?