2nd semester Oesophagography Gastrography Cholecystography Irigography Intravenous urography (pyelography) Ascending (retrograde) pyelography Cystography Hysterosalpingography Angiography OESOPHAGOGRAPHY axial projection oesophagus Radiographic visualization of the esophagus using a swallowed radiopaque contrast medium. recessus piriformis (pharynx) oesophagus thoracic vertebrae diaphragm ribs OESOPHAGOGRAPHY lateral projection GASTROGRAPHY kardia bulbus duodeni duodenum pylorus corpus incisura angluaris intestinum tenue gaster gastric air bubble Radiography of the stomach taken after administration of barium. CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY the last rib vesica felea fundus Th 12 L1 os coxae lumbar vertebrae thoracic vertebrae air in intestinum L2 L3 Visualize the gallbladder by administering a radiopaque contrast agent (by mouth) that is excreted by the liver. This excreted material will collect in the gallbladder, where reabsorption of water concentrates the excreted contrast. IRIGOGRAPHY colon ascendens colon descendens flexura colli dx. flexura colli sin. colon sigmoideum colon transversum intestinum crassum Contrast X-ray method where the X-ray image is taken after filling the colon with contrast (barium) through the anus. IRIGOGRAPHY – double contrast Radiography of the colon taken after administration of barium, then air. calices renales INTRAVENOUS UROGRAPHY ureter vesica urinaria pelvis renalis X-ray of urinary tract following an injection of a iodine dye into a vein of arm. ASCENDING (RETROGRADE) PYELOGRAPHY ureter calicels renalesContrast medium has been introduced into the ureter and calyces via a ureteric catheter. pelvis renalis catheter CYSTOGRAPHY vesica urinaria catheter in urethra Contrast material is instilled in the bladder via urinary catheter HSG (hysterosalpingography) tuba uterina cannula uterus free spill of contrast off from patent tube The uterus and fallopian tubes are filled with a water-soluble contrast material (iodine) a. lienalisa. gastrica sin. Truncus coeliacus a. hepatica communis Catheter Angiography is the imaging of blood vessels using watersoluble ionic or nonionic X ray contrast media injected into the blood stream of arteries (arteriography) or veins (venography). ANGIOGRAPHY Arteriography of truncus coeliacus ANGIOGRAPHY Arteriography of upper limb a. brachialis a. radialis a. ulnaris a. interossea ant. ANGIOGRAPHY Arteriography of pelvis Aorta abdominalis a. iliaca communis a. iliaca externa a. iliaca interna a. sacralis mediana ANGIOGRAPHY Venography of upper limb vv. brachiales v. axillaris v. cephalica For lymph vessels, oily contrast media are used. ANGIOGRAPHY Lymphography of abdomen and lower limb nodi lymphatici inguinales nodi lymphatici iliaci int. et ext. nodi lymphatici iliaci communes nodi lymphatici lumbales Chest sagittal projection arcus aortae ventriculus sin. tr. pulmonalis auricula sin. v. cava inf. atrium dx. v. cava sup. v. brachioceph. dx.