Seminární skupina VSCJ0888 Čeština pro cizince VIII

General info

Sylabus: here.

  1. week 5 (written test, 4 % of final test passmark), test structure here
  2. week 9 (written test, 4 % of final test passmark), test structure here
  3. week 12 (oral test, 4 % of final test passmark)
Number of unexcused absences: 2
Number of substitution allowed: 2 (both teachers must be notified in advance)
Substitution must be taken the same week, max. the week after the absence.Topics
  • singlar and plural declension (revision)
  • Modal verbs (incl. negative forms). Modal verb "mít". Modal expressions.
  • ABY and KDYBY clauses.
  • Bolí mě, líbí se mi (dative and accusative object-centred constructions).
  • Revision of comparison (adjectives, adverbs). Verbs from adjectives.
  • The declension of interrogative/indefinite/negative pronouns KDO and CO, NĚKDO and NĚCO, NIKDO and NIC.
  • Grammar: Reflexive verbs (se, si).
  • Pluralia tantum.
  • Conjuctions and linking words (revision).
  • Verbs with prepositions in use.
Medical Czech
  • Hematology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Gynecological and obstetrical history
  • Neurological history
  • Psychiatric examination