Basic of Arteficial Ventilation L.Dadak CO2 O2 Ventilator ● generates a controlled flow of gas into a patient’s airways. Oxygen and air are received from cylinders or wall outlets, the gas is pressure reduced and blended according to the prescribed inspired oxygen tension (FiO2), accumulated in a receptacle within the machine, and delivered to the patient using one of many available modes of ventilation. Positive pressure ventilation ● gas flows along a pressure gradient between the upper airway and the alveoli. The magnitude, rate and duration of flow are determined by the operator. Flow is either volume targeted and pressure variable, or pressure limited and volume variable. ● ● Mode of ventilation ● ● Control / assist Support Volume Pressure SIMV = Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation ● ● ● Mode of vent. ● VCV = eliminate CO2 ● ● anesthesia post-arrest ● ● PCV = lung problem PSV = weaning from ventilator Getting oxygen in ● Depends on ● PAO2 – – – – FIO2 PACO2 Alveolar pressure Ventilation ● ● ● Diffusing capacity Perfusion Ventilation-perfusion matching Carbon dioxide out ● ● ● Respiratory rate Tidal volume Deadspace Main determinants Oxygen in ↑ FIO2 PEEP – Carbon dioxide out ↑ ventilation ↑ RR ↑ tidal volume ↑ mean alveolar pressure Re-open alveoli and ↓ shunt Mean airway pressure Peak Pressure Pressure Pressure Mean airway pressure Mean airway pressure Time Time Mean airway pressure Peak Pressure Pressure Pressure Mean airway pressure Mean airway pressure Time Time Inspiratory time ● Set as: ● ● % of respiratory cycle I:E ratio Remaining time after inspiration before next breath ● Expiratory time not set ● Inspiratory time ● Increased inspiratory time ● ● Improved oxygenation Unnatural pattern of breathing – Deeper sedation ● Increased risk of gas trapping Mean airway pressure Pressure Pressure Mean airway pressure Mean airway pressure PEEP Time Time PEEP Improves oxygenation • ↑ mean alveolar pressure • ↓ shunting Other settings Trigger sensitivity ↑ sensitivity preferable ● Flow triggering general more sensitive than pressure triggering ↓ flow or ↓ pressure ⇒ ↑ sensitivity Other settings Rise time Rise time Pressure Inspiratory time Pressure Inspiratory time Time Time Respiratory complications ● ● ● Nosocomial pneumonia Barotrauma Gas trapping Barotrauma ● ● ● High pressures (barotrauma) High volumes (volutrauma) Shear injury Gas trapping Gas trapping Gas trapping Gas trapping Gas trapping Gas trapping Gas trapping Gas traping Gas trapping ● Predisposing factors: ● ● ● asthma or COPD long inspiratory time (⇒ expiratory time short) high respiratory rate (⇒ absolute expiratory time short) progressive hyperinflation of alveoli progressive rise in end-expiratory pressure (intrinsic PEEP) ● Effects ● ● Intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi) PEEP= PEEP - PEEP i tot e Pressure PEEPtot PEEPe Time Gas trapping ● Adverse effects ● ● Barotrauma Cardiovascular compromise Cardiovascular effects ● Preload ● ● positive intrathoracic pressure reduces venous return exacerbated by – – – high inspiratory pressure prolonged inspiratory time PEEP Cardiovascular effects ● decreased afterload due to decreased LV transmural pressure Ptm x R T = 2H Cardiovascular effects ● decreased afterload due to decreased LV transmural pressure PIC - Ppl Ptm x R T = 2H Cardiovascular effects Overall effect depends on whether ventricular contractility is normal or abnormal ↓ contractility ● (↓ /) ↑ cardiac output ● normal contractility ● ↓ cardiac output Hypotension ● Consider ● ● ● Drug induced Gas trapping Tension pneumothorax