Seminární skupina aVLCJ0484 Čeština pro cizince IV
General information
Sylabus: here
Number of unexcused absences: 2
Number of substitution allowed: 2 (both teachers must be notified in advance)
Substitution must be taken the same week, max. the week after the absence.
Substitution is not allowed on test week.
- week 3 (written test, 2 % of final test passmark), details here
- week 6 (oral test, 2 % of final test passmark), ROPOT here
- week 9 (written test, 2 % of final test passmark)
- week 12 (oral test, 2 % of final test passmark)
- week 13 (written test, 2 % of final test passmark)
Number of unexcused absences: 2
Number of substitution allowed: 2 (both teachers must be notified in advance)
Substitution must be taken the same week, max. the week after the absence.
Substitution is not allowed on test week.