CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • Cardiovascular system is composed of: – Cells (red and white). – Vessels (arteries, veins and lymphatic's). – Pump (heart). CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • Heart begins to develop in middle of 3rd week because diffusion won’t supply adequate nutrition. • Mesenchymal cells from visceral mesoderm form angiogenitic cells which give rise to blood vessels. ANGIOGENESIS CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • At the dorsal region of the embryo, 2 vascular tubes form: the dorsal aortae. • At the ventral region of the embryo, 2 vascular tubes form: the heart tubes. • The 2 heart tubes fuse together into a single heart tube and it occupies a pericardial cavity. FUSION OF HEART TUBES FORMATION OF HEART WALL CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • Rapid brain growth moves the heart to a ventral and caudad position. • Because of space restriction, and rapid rate of heart tube growth, the tube folds on itself. • Folding results in base of heart being cephalad and apex being caudad. • The septum transversum forms between the heart cavity and the abdominal cavity and will become the respiratory diaphragm. • Heart is usually located on left side unless dextrocardia occurs. CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • At 4 weeks primitive circulation is present. • Aortic arches are forming arteries in the head (pharyngeal pouches). • Dorsal aorta is present. • Major veins are present: – 1. Vitelline veins draining yolk sac. – 2. Common cardinal veins drain body. – 3. Umbilical veins bring blood from primitive placenta to embryo. CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • The pharyngeal apparatus consists of: – 1. Arches – 2. Clefts – 3. Pouches – The pharyngeal apparatus forms structures in head and neck and each arch has a nerve artery and vein. – Six aortic arches are present in the human embryo. – The arches arise ventrally from the truncus arteriosis (aortic sac) and join the dorsal aorta. – Arches 3, 4 and 6 persist in humans to become major arteries in the head and neck. – PHARYNGEAL ARCHES CLEFTS AND POUCHES PERSISTING ARCHES 3,4 AND 6. CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT • Fate of the pharyngeal arches: – #3 arch gives rise to common carotid aa. – #4 arch gives rise to aortic arch and right subclavian artery. – #6 arch gives rise to pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus. – #’s 1,2 and 5 arches are obliterated and disappear. DIVIDING HEART INTO RIGHT AND LEFT ATRIA (SEPTATION). • Right and Left atria are separated by primary and secondary embryonic walls (septa). • A prenatal “valve” is composed of the lower portion of primary septa and upper portion of the secondary septa. • Valve is named “foramen ovale” which closes at birth and becomes the “fossa ovale”. • Foramen ovale allows blood to “by-pass” fetal lungs. DIVIDING HEART INTO LEFT AND RIGHT VENTRICLES. • The ventricles are divided by septa of 2 different tissue types: – The upper intramembranous septa. – The lower intramuscular septa. – The endocardial cushion tissue plays a major role in development of septa and valves of heart. CARDIAC SEPTAL DEFECTS • Intra-atrial septal defects occur when primary and secondary atrial septa fail to form correctly. • Approxamately 20% of adults have “ probe patent foramen ovale”. • The most common congenital cardiac malformation is ventricular intramembranous septal defect.