(X.) Electrocardiography Physiology II - practice Dep. of Physiology, Fac. of Medicine, MU © 2017 Electrocardiography Definition: the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart Keywords • Specialized excitatory and conductive system of the heart • equipment for ECG recording • unipolar and bipolar leads • bipolar limb leads; unipolar limb leds; unipolar chest leads • heart vector, electrical axis of the heart Specialized excitatory and conductive system of the heart branches fibers Electric dipóle electrode Electrode: records electrical potential (O) Electric lead: connection of two electrodes • Recordes voltage between electrodes • Voltage: difference between el. potentials (V= 01- 02) Einthoven's triangle (standard - limb, bipolar leads) Augmented leads (Goldberger's, limb unipolar leads) Unipolar leads: one electrode is active (variable el potential) and the second one is indifferent (constant el. potential) Active electrode is always positive Chest leads Wilson's cental fek>terminalW^ Chest electrode: connection of chest electrode and Wilson's centra termina aVF Unipolar leads: chest electrodes are active (positive) and Wilson's central terminal is indifferent (el. potential 0 mV, electrically centre of the heart) Leads acording to Cabrera ECG description TO interval T wave QT interval name Norm P wave 80 ms Interval PQ(PR) 120-200 ms Segment PQ (PR) 50-120 ms Q - QRS 80-100ms R - S - segment ST 80-120 ms Interval QT >= 420ms wave T 160 ms QT Bazett's formula: QTc = ^= QT depends on RR interval - correction of QT on RR Electrical axis of heart Average deviation of QRS complex in each lead 2. Sumation of QRS complex 1. QRS of 1,11 or III leads mi : l if Q = -l Q = -l Q=0 R = 5 R = 6 R = 4 S = -l S = 0 S = 0 3 5 4 Physiological interval: -30° to +110( 3. Drawing in triangle: e.g.: combination results from I and 180 -90° 60° Srdecnf osa - 62° Diagnostic use of ECG Arrhythmia: irregular heart beat Fibrillation: is the rapid, irregular, and unsynchronized activity of cardiac muscle fibers Atrial fibrillation (absence of P, Jagged" isolinia, irregular RR, HR 80-180 bpm) Atrial fibrillation physiology Ventricular fibrillation (heart cannot pump, brain damage after 3-5 min) Atrioventricular block: conduction between the atria and ventricles of the heart is impaired I UM H-f+ -PH VH PR = 0.16 s Normal complex PR = 0.38 s AV block I. degree AV block |Ldegree AV block III. degree Complete heart block. Atrial rate, 107; ventricular rate, 43 Diagnostic use of ECG Myocardial ischemia, heart-attack A B (ST elevation) hyperkalaemia ill Normal tracing (plasma K+ 4-5.5 meq/L). Hyperkalemia (plasma K+ +7.0 meq/L). Diagnostic use of ECG 24-hour monitoring of ECG (Holter) Patient: ID: C-iannel I 31-DEC-87 Page 1 :s:37 AUUMAHhUV-U UUUUUJlUJJMaIkUJXMXiXX AU^UAi^UAiAi^U^ l5;38 A-UvUXUXUHUAiAiU^ lAlAXUXXlklr^AWAXX^ ,5:39 UJUrU44rUm^ AUAMAUUUUUJAAvfV1^^ i5:« WXMXXXXiXXJAMAXWXMM,mjAXUXWXAXJJM^ UAXXAJJJJJJJJJJXXXXXXXAJ^A^ AAAAAUArUAAAUAUU^