The role of nervous system Input Integration Output REGULATION Potential input Potential output ANTICIPATION Sensor Effector Cortex Cortex • •2 basic types: üNervous regulation üHumoral regulation üFeedback control - negative ü - positive ü • autoregulation – local regulation – system regulation Feedback regulation bal_simple_loop • •Main function: • • keep relatively constantaneous arterial blood pressure •Keep perfusion of tissues • •Tone of the vessels = basic tension of the smooth muscle inside of the wall • (vasoconstriction x vasodilatation) • •Regulation - local autoregulation • - system regulation •Autoregulation – the capacity of tissues to regulate their own blood flow •Myogenic theory – Bayliss phenomenon (as the pressure rises, the blood vessels are distended and the vascular smooth muscle fibres that surround the vessels contract; the wall tension is proportional to the distending pressure times the radius of the vessels – law of Laplace) • •Metabolic theory – vasodilator substances tend to accumulate in active tissue, and these metabolites also contribute to autoregulation –ending products of energetic metabolism – CO2, lactate acid, K+ –effect of hypoxia (circulation: vasodilatation x pulmonary circulation: vasoconstriction) –Adenosin – coronary circulation: vasodilatation • •by substances which releasing from: – endothelium – tissues • •Substances secreted by the ENDOTHELIUM •Vasodilatation: •Nitric oxide (NO) from endothelial cells •(originally called: EDRF) •Prostacyclin is produced by endothelial cells • •Thromboxane A2 promotes platelet aggregation •(important prostacyclin – thromboxan balance) •Vazoconstriction: • Endothelins (polypeptids – 21peptides) • three isopeptides: ET 1, ET 2 , ET 3 •Substances secreted by the tissues: •Histamine – primarily tissue hormones. •General affect: vasodilatation - decrease periphery resistence, blood pressure • •KININS: 2 related vasodilated peptides •Bradykinin + lysylbradykinin (kallidin). •Sweat glands, salivary glands •10x strongers than histamine •Relaxation of smooth muscle, decrease blood pressure • • •By hormones •Catecholamines – epinephrine, norepinephrine - effect as activation of sympathetic system •RAAS - stress situation •ADH - general vasoconstriction •Natriuretic hormones - vasodilatation •Autonomic nervous system •Sympathetic: vasoconstriction •All blood vessels except capillaries and venules contain smooth muscle and receive motor nerve fibers from sympathetic division of ANS (noradrenergic fibers) -Regulation of tissue blood flow -Regulation of blood pressure •Parasympathetic part: vasodilatation •Only sacral parasympathetic cholinergic fibres (Ach) inervated arteriols from external sex organs • &size=fullsize Sympathetic nervous system Fight or flight response Energy/store consumption Preganglionic neuron – Spinal cord -Thoraco - lumbar system Ganglia Paravertebral -Truncus sympathicus - Majority Prevertebral -Plexus aorticus Mostly diffuse effect Parasympathetic nervous system Rest and digest response Energy conservation/en. store production Preganglionic neuron – Brain stem and spinal cord – cranio-sacral system Ganglia Close to target organs or intramurally Mostly local effect &size=fullsize Sympatthetic nervous system Fight or flight response Energy/store consumption Preganglionic neuron – Spinal cord -Thoraco - lumbar system Ganglia Paravertebral -Truncus sympathicus - Majority Prevertebral -Plexus aorticus Mostly diffuse effect Parasympathetic nervous system Rest and digest response Energy conservation/energy store production Preganglionic neuron – Brain stem and spinal cord – cranio-sacral system Ganglia Close to target organs or intramurally Mostly local effect Mediators of somatic and autonomic nervous system • C:\Users\w\Downloads\105365259.png nUQjBwIBA& lny-Vhlyse4FHDMaw&ust=1476801796194278 Acetylcholine •Preganglionic fibers •Sympathetic •Parasympathetic üNicotinic receptor –Ligand-gated ion channels –Na+, K+, Ca2+ –Neuronal (NN) and muscle (NM) type –Excitatory •Postganglionic fibers •Parasympathetic üMuscarinic receptor –G-coupled –Excitatory •M1, M3, M5 –Inhibitory •M2, M4 Acetylcholine.svg 0-g013-1024.png 0-g013-1024.png x-Adrenoceptor-Signal_transduktion.PNG Norepinephrine •Dřeň nadledvin –Modifikované sympatické ganglion –„Transmitery“ (stresové hormony) vylučuje do krve •Noradrenalin •Adrenalin Norepinephrine.svg -norepinephrine-splanchic-nerves.jpg •Adrenal medulla –Modified sympathetic ganglion –„Transmitters“ (stress hormones) secreted into the blood stream •Norepinephrine •Epinephrine -norepinephrine-splanchic-nerves.jpg •Postganglionic sympathetic fibers •Adrenergic receptor –G-coupled –α type– generally excitatory (contraction) –b type – generally inhibitory (relaxation) with an exception of !!! heart !!! • x-Adrenoceptor-Signal_transduktion.PNG Norepinephrine •Dřeň nadledvin –Modifikované sympatické ganglion –„Transmitery“ (stresové hormony) vylučuje do krve •Noradrenalin •Adrenalin Norepinephrine.svg -norepinephrine-splanchic-nerves.jpg •Adrenal medulla –Modified sympathetic ganglion –„Transmitters“ (stress hormones) secreted into the blood stream •Norepinephrine •Epinephrine -norepinephrine-splanchic-nerves.jpg •Postganglionic sympathetic fibers •Adrenergic receptor –G-coupled –α type– generally excitatory (contraction) –b type – generally inhibitory (relaxation) with an exception of !!! heart !!! • _am-1497B7358A4552ACB39.png • oodflow.jpg redistributionofbloodflow.jpg • oodflow.jpg redistributionofbloodflow.jpg