Kidneys in regulation of homeostasis Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Markéta Bébarová, Ph.D. Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University This presentation includes only the most important terms and facts. Its content by itself is not a sufficient source of information required to pass the Physiology exam. A45. Kidney in regulation of homeostasis A3. Compartmentalization of body fluids A4. Differences between intra- and extracellular fluids B84. Regulation of body fluid volume B85. Regulation of constant osmotic pressure B65. Formation and secretion of posterior pituitary hormones B70. Adrenal cortex. Functions, malfunctions. B74. Natriuretic peptides B73. Bone formation and resorption. Regulation of calcaemia. A33. Homeostasis (acid-base balance) Homeostasis Maintainance of Constant Volume and Composition of Body Fluids Maintainance of Acid-Base Balance = maintainance of stable conditions in the internal body environment Constant Volume and Composition of Body Fluids - Regulation by Kidneys - Body Fluids – Types and Volumes Compartments Transcellular fluid (1-2 l) – special type of ECF Guyton  Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology 60 % of the body weight in total 5 % of the body weight 15 % of the body weight 40 % of the body weight Body Fluids – Types and Volumes Changes with aging Balance between Input and Output of Fluid Body Fluids – Types and Volumes Guyton  Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology ECF vs. ICF Body Fluids – Composition Guyton  Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology plasma vs. ISF Body Fluids – Composition Guyton  Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology osmolality 285 mosm/kg H2O    NaCl intake, loss of water  shrinking of cells  NaCl intake,  water input  cell edema Body Fluids – Composition Precise regulation of osmolality of ESF is necessary! - osmoreceptors - kidneys (target organ for the action of hormones below) - antidiuretic hormone - aldosteron - natriuretic peptides Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Antidiuretic Hormone (vasopressin) - effects: water reabsorption in kidneys (aquaporin 2) control of blood pressure  glycogenolysis, mediator in the brain,  secretion of ACTH in adenohypophysis Guyton & Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids - regulation of secretion: -  osmolality -  volume of ECF  -  osmolality,  volume of ECF  - pain, emotions, stress (surgical), physical exertion; standing - nausea, vomitting - angiotensine II - morphin, nicotine, barbiturates, … - alcohol; antagonists of opioids Antidiuretic Hormone (vasopressin) Guyton & Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids - pathology:   SIADH diabetes insipidus Antidiuretic Hormone (vasopressin) - the most important steroid with the mineralocorticoid effect - mechanism of action: binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor  synthesis of proteins: - namely Na+/K+-ATPase -  number of amiloride-inhibited Na+-channels -  activity of H+-pump -  activity of Na+/H+-antiport Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Aldosteron  Na+ reabsorption (urine, sweat, saliva, gastric juice)  K+ urine excretion,  acidity of urine (exchange for Na+)  K+ content and  Na+ content in muscle and brain cells Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids - effects: - the most important steroid with the mineralocorticoid effect Aldosteron Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids - atrial natriuretic peptide - other hormones od adenohypophysis (maintenance of reactivity of zona glomerulosa) - the most important steroid with the mineralocorticoid effect Aldosteron - regulation of its secretion: - ACTH (transient effect) - renin-angiotensine-aldosteron system - direct stimulatory effect of  plasmatic concentration of K+ and  Na+ (lower sensitivity) Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Secondary hyperaldosteronism - patients with the congestive heart failure, nephrosis, liver cirhosis, renal artery constriction, hypertension, with the salt-losing form of adrenogenital syndrome Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism Pseudohypoaldosteronism Aldosteron - Pathology Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn´s syndrome) - tumors of adrenal cortex which secretes aldosteron - one of natriuretic peptides (BNP – cardiac ventricles, CNP – brain) - secreted by atrial cardiomyocytes, found also in the brain - receptors - short half-life Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Atrial Natriuretic Peptide  natriuresis   reactivity of vascular smooth muscles for vasocontrictive substances  inhibition of renin secretion,  reactivity of zona glomerulosa for stimuli  aldosteron secretion  inhibition of ADH secretion   water excretion  -  CVP at orthostasis  -  ECF volume   BP (also through the brain stem) Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids - effects (through ↑ cGMP): - regulation of its secretion: Atrial Natriuretic Peptide - one of natriuretic peptides (BNP – cardiac ventricles, CNP – brain) water intoxication Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Water Homeostasis Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Salt Homeostasis hypocalcemia hypercalcemia Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Calcium in the Body Ganong´s Review of Medical Physiology Guyton & Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Parathormone Vitamin D Calcitonin Hormonal Regulation of Calcemia Humoral Regulation of Body Fluids Hormonal Regulation of Calcemia Acid-Base Balance - Regulation by Kidneys - 1) Buffers 2) Lungs 3) Kidneys Acid-base balance is regulated by:  fast regulation (seconds)  fast regulation (minutes even hours)  slower regulation (hours even days) but the most powerful  elimination of acids and bases from the body  elimination of CO2 from the body (H2CO3  H2O + CO2)  pH changes attenuated by binding and release of H+: buffer + H+ H - buffer [H+] [H+] direction to the right favoured till free buffer is available direction to the left favoured, H+ released Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys  by excretion of acid or alkalic urine  a high amount of HCO3 - still filtered in the glomerulus  a high amount of H+ still secreted in renal tubules about 80 mEq of non-volatile acids are formed in the course of metabolic processes per day – have to be excreted by kidneys GFR 180 l/day, [HCO3 - ]plasma 24 mEq/l  4320 mEq HCO3 filtered per day – almost all ordinarily reabsorbed  filtered HCO3 - / secreted H+ Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys 1) Secretion of H+ 2) Reabsorption of HCO3 Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys  in the proximal tubule, thick loop of Henle and at the beginning of the distal tubule Na+/H+-antiport >90% HCO3 - reabsorbed – only a slight acidification of the urine! Reabsorption of HCO3 - across the basolateral membrane facilitated by:  Na+-HCO3 - co-transport  Cl--HCO3 - exchanger (the proximal tubule) (the end of proximal tubule and the following parts of tubulus except for the thin loop of Henle) Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation 1) Secretion of H+ 2) Reabsorption of HCO3 - Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys  in the final part of distal tubule and in the collecting duct primary active transport of H+ (intercalated cells) acidification of urine Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation 1) Secretion of H+ 2) Reabsorption of HCO3  in the proximal tubule, thick loop of Henle and at the beginning of the distal tubule Na+/H+-antiport >90% HCO3 - reabsorbed – only a slight acidification of the urine! 3) Production of HCO3 - de novo  Phosphate buffer (HPO4 2-, H2PO4 -) HPO4 2- and H2PO4 - are reabsorbed less than water  their concentration in the tubular fluid gradually rises  Ammonium buffer (NH3, NH4 +) NH4 + originates from glutamine – the proximal tubule, thick ascending loop of Henle and distal tubule Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation 1) Secretion of H+ 2) Reabsorption of HCO3 -  Ammonium buffer (NH3, NH4 +) the collecting duct (permeable for NH3 but far less for NH4 + - excreted by urine) 50% of H+ secretion and HCO3 - formed de novo! Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys 3) Produkce nového HCO3 Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation 1) Secretion of H+ 2) Reabsorption of HCO3  Phosphate buffer (HPO4 2-, H2PO4 -) HPO4 2- and H2PO4 - are reabsorbed less than water  their concentration in the tubular fluid gradually rises Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys Regulation of H+ secretion  -  pCO2 in ECF (respiratory acidosis; direct stimulation due to  formation of H+ in tubular cells) -  pH in ECF (respiratory or metabolic acidosis) -  secretion of aldosteron (stimulates H+ secretion in intercalated cells of collecting ducts; Conn´s syndrome - alkalosis) Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys Regulation of H+ secretion  activity of Na+/H+ antiport  activity of H+ ATPase RAS tendency to alkalosis Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys Acidosis – correction by kidneys renal correction :  HCO3 - in ECF   filtered HCO3 -  complete reabsorption of HCO3 - + its formation de novo (HCO3 - not excreted) +  H+ excretion  pH normalization  metabolic acidosis: due to  HCO3    respiratory acidosis: due to  PCO2 (hypoventilation) renal correction:  PCO2 in ECF   PCO2 in tubular cells   formation of H+ and HCO3 - in tubular cells   H+ secretion +  HCO3 - reabsorption  pH normalization Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation pH = 6.1 + log HCO3 - 0.03 x PCO2 Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by Kidneys Alkalosis – correction by kidneys   renal correction:  HCO3 - in ECF   filtered HCO3 -  incomplete HCO3 - reabsorption (lack of H+)   HCO3 excretion by urine  pH normalization  metabolic alkalosis: due to  HCO3  respiratory alkalosis : due to  PCO2 (hyperventilation) renal correction:  PCO2 in ECF   PCO2 in tubular cells   formation of H+ and HCO3 - in tubular cells   H+ secretion +  HCO3 - reabsorption  pH normalization Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation pH = 6.1 + log HCO3 - 0.03 x PCO2 Diagnostics Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation Diagnostics Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation pH: 7,3 HCO3 -: 12 mEq/l PCO2: 25 mmHg Diagnostics - Siggaard–Andersen nomogram Acid-Base Balance and its Regulation