Glandular epithelium - Unicellular - Multicellular Classification of glands unicellular extraepithelial multicellular alveolar serous tubular mucous merocrine tuboalveol. seromucous apocrine holocrine simple branched compound intraepithelial exocrine endocrine Unicellular glands intraepithelial – goblet cells (respiratory tract) goblet cells Unicellular glands intraepithelial (goblet cells and Paneth cells) – Intestinum tenue (jejunum) Unicellular glands intraepithelial (goblet cells and Paneth cells) – Intestinum tenue (ileum) Goblet cells and Paneth cells - Intestinum tenue (TEM) enterocytes goblet cell Paneth cells stem cells of intestinal epithelium Simple tubular glands (crypts of Lieberkühn) with goblet cells - Intestinum crassum Branched tubular glands – Pylorus (HES) Branched alveolar (acinar) glands – sebaceous glands - Skin Compound alveolar (acinar) serous gland - Glandula parotis Compound alveolar (acinar) serous gland - Glandula parotis serous acinus Compound tuboalveolar mixed gland - Glandula submandibularis Compound tuboalveolar mixed gland - Glandula submandibularis serous acinus mucous tubule Compound tuboalveolar mixed gland - Glandula submandibularis lunula of Gianuzzi Compound tuboalveolar mixed gland - Glandula sublingualis Glandular epithelium Slides: Cells of Paneth and goblet cells (16. Intestinum tenue) Simple tubular glands with goblet cells (17. Intestinum crassum) Branched tubular glands (14. Pylorus) Branched alveolar (acinar) glands – sebaceous glands (71. Skin with hair) Compound alveolar (acinar) serous gland (8. Glandula parotis) Compound tuboalveolar mixed gland (9. Glandula submandibularis) Atlas EM: Glandular cell (50)