Revision ??? —What are the typical features of particular declensions? —How do you decide on the declension of a noun? —What are the typical endings of particular cases? —How do neuters behave? —What is the function of Genitive? —What is Genitive stem and how do you recognize it? —How does a word behave after a preposition? —How do you treat numbers? — Adjectives —Latin adjective has to match the noun in...? ¡gender, case, number ¡thus the endings do NOT have to look the same! Ødiabetes mellitus, gen.: diabetae melliti Ørete venosum, gen.: retis venosi Øvulnus lacerum, gen.: vulneris laceri Ømanus dextra, gen.: manus dextrae Øetc... Ø Ø Ø Give the noun which the underlined adjectives come from, its genitive singular form, gender, declension and meaning term nom. sg. gen. sg. gender declension meaning os frontale margo supraorbitalis concha nasalis media os parietale os temporale os occipitale Identify common mistakes Confusing words I —Tell the difference between the words and make up illustrative phrases: ¡dislocatio, onis, f. X dislocatus, a, um ÷fractura costae verae secundae l.sin. dislocata ÷dislocatio articulationis sacroiliacae l.dx. ¡ruptura, ae, f. X ruptus, rupta, ruptum ÷ruptura tendinum manus dextrae ÷sutura parietis vaginae ruptae post partum ¡perforatio, onis, f. X perforatus, a, um/perforans, ntis ÷perforatio parietis gastris propter ulcus ÷ulcus duodeni perforatum/perforans ¡suspicio, onis f. X suspectus, a, um ÷suspicio carcinomatis mammae l.sin. ÷Infractio partis distalis tibiae l.dx. suspecta Confusing words II Match the nouns with the pictures,_ze%C4%8F_a_Mile%C5%A1ovka.JP G/290px-Hrad_Oparno,_ze%C4%8F_a_Mile%C5%A1ovka.JPG kousnuta-svihovka_image_620x349.JPG morsus pars mors morbus paries fascia facies — Confusing words II Match the nouns with the pictures,_ze%C4%8F_a_Mile%C5%A1ovka.JP G/290px-Hrad_Oparno,_ze%C4%8F_a_Mile%C5%A1ovka.JPG kousnuta-svihovka_image_620x349.JPG morsus, us, m. pars, tis, f. mors, tis, f. morbus, i, m. paries, etis, m. fascia, ae, f. — facies, ei, f. ať studenti teď zkusí vytvořit nějaké fráze Translate —rupture of the wide fascia ¡ruptura fasciae latae —death after an animal bite ¡mors post morsum animalis —parts of a gall bladder ¡partes vesicae felleae —pelvic surface of sacral bone ¡facies pelvina ossis sacri —infectious diseases ¡morbi contagiosi —perforation of the wall of the stomach ¡perforatio parietis gastris —suprarenal glands — glandulae suprarenales —simple joints — articulationes simplices —lateral margin of the nail — margo lateralis unguis —hollow for the lacrimal gland (literally of the lacrimal gland) — fossa glandulae lacrimalis —nucleus of the abducent nerve — nucleus nervi abducentis —vein accompanying the hypoglossal nerve (literally the accompanying vein of the hypoglossal nerve) — vena comitans nervi hypoglossi — — Translate — — —short levator muscles of ribs — — —internal carotid artery — — —fissure of the round ligament — — —long/short head of the biceps muscle of humerus — — —orifice of the vermiform appendix mm. levatores costarum breves arteria carotis interna fissura ligamenti teretis caput longum/breve musculi bicipitis humeri ostium appendicis vermiformis Form phrases from words in boxes and translate them into English medicamenta contagiosum morbum contra medicamenta contra morbum infectiosum medicaments against infectious disease acutus pulmonis dolor dextri dolor acutus pulmonis dextri acute pain of right lung symptomata hepatitidis acutae symptomata hepatitidis acutae symptoms of acute inflammation of the liver collapsus periculum digestorii systematis periculum collapsus systematis digestorii danger of a collapse of the digestive system What are the correct LATIN terms? —wallum perforatum —neonatus malignus —cancer testiculi —traumata bruisa —vulni sub tempibus —inflammatio cerebri —tea urologica — Øparies perforatus Øtumor malignus Øcancer testis Øvulnera contusa Øvulnera sub temporibus Øencephalitis Øspecies urologicae