1. SUPERIOR OR SUPERIUS? Vena cava Membrum Extremitas Palpebra Labium Meatus Arteria Regio Segmentum Facies Plexus superior superius superior superior superius superior superior superior superius superior superior Cornu Ductus Ala Musculus Curvatura Fossa Foramen Pelvis Circulatio Flexura Tuberculum MAIOR OR MAIUS? maius maior maior maior maior maior maius maior maior maior maius Arteria Ductus Segmentum Margo Bronchus Cornu Nodus Crus Radix Nucleus Tuberculum ANTERIOR OR ANTERIUS? anterior anterior anterius anterior anterior anterius anterior anterius anterior anterior anterius REVISION 2. PUT COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES INTO THE PLURAL Musculi longi Radices latae Foramina parva Infarctus recentes Partes molles O-tiones acutae Ossa brevia longiores minores latiores majores minores minora recentiores longiores molliores acutiores breviora longissimi minimae latissimae maximi minimi minima recentissimi longissimae mollissimae acutissimae brevissima Cavitates parvae Defectus magni Gradus parvi Therapiae longae REVISION Musculus latissimus dorsi.png A Musculus levator labii superioris.png B Musculus serratus posterior.png musculus pectoralis major.png C musculus rhomboideus minor.png D E Musculus abductor digiti minimi.png F REVISION: M. latissimus dorsi; M. levator labii superiori; M. serratus posterior inferior; M. rhomboideus major; M. pectoralis major; M. abductor digiti minimi A)PREPOSITIONS B) PREFIXES C)COMPARATIVE FORMS D)ADJECTIVES EXPRESSING POSITION A) PREPOSITIONS —WITH ABLATIVE ¡corpus alienum in aure interna ¡vulnus morsum sub genu l.dx. ¡ —WITH ACCUSATIVE ¡funiculus umbilicalis circum collum fetus ¡tumor ad hepar increscens ¡ B) COMPARATIVE FORMS anterior_ethmoidal_foramen1322538376639-153D147C7AE1CE8955E.jpg foramen ethmoidale anterius / posterius Foramen ethmoidale anterius / posterius C) ADJECTIVES sinus sagittalis superior / inferior bronchus segmentalis apicalis bronchus lobaris superior dexter (2) bronchus lobaris superior dexter – for the superior lobe of the right lung; (3) bronchus segmentalis apicalis – bronchus for apical segment Sinus sagittalis superior / inferior **Rostralis: a) resembling a beak: fascia retinens rostralis; b) situated toward rostrum (oral+nasal region): canalis vomerorostralis (between vomer and sphenoidal rostrum); this may mean superior (to spinal cord) or anterior (to brain) D) COMBINED TERMS lig. thyroepiglotticum nucleus anterolateralis 19 n. anteromedialis 20 n. posterolateralis 21 n. retroposterolateralis 22 n. posteromedialis 23 Ligamentum thyroepiglotticum (7) – attaches epiglottis to thyroid cartilage; nuclei (19-23) E) PREFIXES ab- ad- apo- par(a)- Související obrázek m. adductor hallucis; m. abductor digiti minimi; m. abductor hallucis – toto jsem myslela že by mohli zvladnout pojmenovat sami…; aponeurosis palmaris (aponeurosis = flat tendinous structure); glandulae parathyroideae superiores et inferiores (11, 12) membrana intercostalis interna / externa helix / ant(i)helix recessus retrocaecalis promontorium ossis sacri Membrana intercostalis interna (26) / externa (25); helix (11) antihelix (15); recessus retrocaecalis (6); promontorium (pro + mons, ntis) (18) = prominent margin of the body of S1 vertebra GUESS THE MEANING OF THE PREFIX AND ANALYZE THE TERMS INJECTIONS: put into a vein; put into an artery; into a muscle; under the skin ABSCESSES: located inside the skull; behind caecum; out of dura mater; on dura mater; next to urethra; around kidney GLANDS: located under the tongue; under lower jaw; under stomach; next to ear; above kidney 1. In anatomical position the palmar surface is in posterior position. 2. The sternum is anterior to the heart. 3. The clavicles are mediales to the sternum. 4. The elbow is proximalis to the wrist. 5. The aorta is ventralis to the spinal column. 6. The skin is profundus to the muscles. 7. The blood drawn from a fingertip is peripheralis. ü YES NO ü ü ü ü ü ü True or False? Fractures - addition DISLOCATED FRACTURES CLASSIFICATION FRACTURE HEALING TOOTH FRACTURES Dislocated fractures Snímka obrazovky 2014-02-10 o 19.13.25.png ad axim ad latus ad longitudinem cum distractione cum contractione ad peripheriam AO1.png AO3.png S 4220 Fractura colli chirurgici humeri l. dx. comminutiva AO 11-C3 AO Classification of fractures první číslo – vyjadřuje postiženou kost (1 humerus, 2 předloketní kosti, 3 femur, 4 bérec, 5 páteř, 6 pánev, 7 ruka 8 noha) -druhý údaj – určuje segment kosti (u dlouhých kostí – 1 prox.epimetafýza, 2 diafýza, 3 distální epimetafýza) - třetí údaj ukazuje typ zlomeniny – A-C, u každé části je konkrétní Fracture Healing: 1: REPOSITIO = REDUCTIO fragmentorum ¡CLOSED (short /long term) ¡ 8.png 3.png is a medical procedure to restore fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment. This sense of the term "reduction" does not imply any sort of removal or quantitative decrease but rather implies a restoration: re ("back [to normal]") + ducere ("lead"/"bring"), i.e., "bringing back to normal." Use of plates, screws, and wires was first documented in the 1880s and 1890s. Early surgical fixation initially was complicated by many obstacles, such as infection, poorly conceived implants and techniques, metal allergy, and a limited understanding of the biology and mechanics of fracture healing.[1] During the 1950s, Danis and Muller began to define the principles and techniques of internal fixation. —INTERNAL FIXATION Fracture Healing: 2: FIXATIO = STABILISATIO fragmentorum 10 Internal plates.png Fracture Healing: 2: FIXATIO = STABILISATIO fragmentorum 9 (Kirschner wire).png 6.png Snímka obrazovky 2014-03-25 o 0.23.04.png Kirschner Name types of permanent teeth 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/16559048_10209713262441500_1932621256_n.jpg?oh=438343fcb0a f20e46e212d16d37ee1e8&oe=589A9012 Translate types of tooth fractures : ICD S 02.50-54 23 Fraktury_zubu.jpg Fracture of tooth enamel Simple fracture of the tooth crown not penetrating to the dental pulp Complicated fracture of the tooth crown penetrating to the dental pulp Fracture of the tooth root Fracture of the tooth crown and tooth root Fractura enameli dentis; fr. coronae dentis smplex ad pulpam dentis non penetrans; fr. coronae dentis complicata ad pulpam dentis penetrans; fr. radicis dentis; fr. coronae et radicis dentis 1) Number types of tooth decay based on its severity, start from the simplest 2) Identify all adjectives, which declension are they? A.caries profunda simplex B.caries media C.caries ad pulpam penetrans D.caries superficialis E.caries profunda pulpae proxima F.caries incipiens —4 —3 —6 —2 —5 —1 Authentic reports :1 Ukážka 1.png Décollement = severe damage of soft tissues Toto je doplnková možnosť, diagnózy som stiahla z Katkinho Webu, Compact Authentic reports :2 Ukážka 2.png Fr. aperta TSCHERNE I - open fracture with small skin injury without its contusion - negligible bacterial contamination Profesor Dr. Harald Tscherne (1933), Traumatology Clinic, Hannover: Classification of fractures published in 1982, T. divides fracture into open and closed. The most important for him is the degree of the soft tissues damage. A 52-year-old man came to the emergency department at this hospital because of debilitating weakness in his legs and hips; he was unable to stand and had edema of the legs with extension to the waist. He reported increased irritability and bruising on his arms. The chest CT scan obtained the next day showed a lung abscess in the left upper lobe and bilateral pleural effusions. MRI of the abdomen revealed diskitis of the second and third lumbar vertebrae and an abscess extending into the right diaphragmatic crus. MRI also revealed compression fractures of the L2 and L3 vertebral bodies with enhancement, T2-weighted hyperintensity, and very mild enhancement of the intervertebral disk, as well as an associated adjacent dorsal epidural abscess, adjacent psoas muscle abscesses bilaterally, and dorsal paraspinal muscle abscesses. MRI of the brain performed 10 days after admission showed an ischemic lesion in the right medial temporal lobe. Create a clear Latin diagnose based on the passages in red HOMEWORK?