HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 1 NUMERALS Numerals are words designating numbers. A) cardinal numerals unus, a, um (one) duo, duae, duo (two) tres, tria (three) B) ordinal numerals  denote the order in a sequence  declined like paradigms nervus, vena, septum  in the anatomical terminology, ordinals are used only up to 121 LATIN ENGLISH LATIN ENGLISH primus, a, um first septimus, a, um seventh secundus, a, um second octavus, a, um eighth tertius, a, um third nonus, a, um ninth quartus, a, um fourth decimus, a, um tenth quintus, a, um fifth undecimus, a, um eleventh sextus, a, um sixth duodecimus, a, um twelfth C) multiple numerals  express the multiplicity  ending –plex (n.sg.), –plicis (gen.sg.)  declined like 3rd declension adjectives (paradigms pelvis / rete) LATIN English simplex, simplicis simple duplex, duplicis double, twofold triplex, triplicis triple, threefold multiplex, multiplicis multiple D) numeral adverbs  express the frequency LATIN English semel once bis twice ter three times quater four times 1 For use of numerals in anatomical terminology see handout Numerals.pdf. HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 2 E) prefixes expressing quantity LATIN Example GREEK Example uni- one unilateralis-affecting only one side unigravida mono- one monoplegia mononeuritis primi- first primipara primigravida bi- two biceps; bilateralis uterus bicornis di- two diplegia inferior secundi- second secundigravida tri- three triceps trigeminus tri- three tricephalus quadri- four quadriceps tetra- four tetraplegia semi- halfvalvulae semilunares semicoma hemi- half hemiplegia olig-o- few oligodactylia mult-(i)- many multangulus multicellularis poly- many polydactylia polyarthritis pan- all,whole panplegia pandemia HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 3 LATIN AND GREEK PREFIXES List of Latin and Greek prefixes derived from prepositions, which do not express position or location (for prefixes expressing position see Handout 2) LATIN Example GREEK equivalent Example contra- contraindicatio ant-, anti- antibioticum, antipyreticum cum- (con-, com-, col-, cor-) congenitus commotio syn-, sym- symphysis, syndroma de- (des-) 1) descendens 2) desinfectio, deformatio 1) cata- 2) Ø catarrhus Ø dis- (dif-, di-) 1) dislocatio 2) dissimilis 1) dia-, di-, ana- 2) a-, andiagnosis, analysis atrophia, anaesthesia e-, ex- (ef-) exsanguinatio ec- ectopia in- (im-, il-, ir-) immaturus a-, an- atrophia, anaesthesia per- 1) peracutus, peraciditas 2) perforatus 1) hyper- 2) dia hypertonia, hypertrophia diencephalon, diameter post- posttraumaticus met-, meta- metastasis, metabolismus re- reinfectio ana- anamnesis, anabiosis sub- (suc-, suf-, sup-, sus-) subfebrilis, subluxatio subcutaneus hyp-, hypohypotrophia, hypotonia hypophysis, hypoglossus Ø dys- dystrophia, dyspepsia Ø eu- eutrophia,euthanasia HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 4 LATIN NOUN AND ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES WITH SPECIAL MEANING Noun ending Meaning Example -io act of, result of, process of commotio, inflammatio, laesio, transfusio -or agent levator, extensor, flexor -ura act or result of an action sutura, fissura, incisura -itas quality, state obesitas, surditas, mutitas -mentum instrument, tool ligamentum, medicamentum Adjective ending Meaning Example -alis, e; -aris, e; -inus, a, um; -eus, a, um; -aneus, a, um relation nasalis; cochlearis; uterinus; cartilagineus; cutaneus -osus, a, um full of ulcerosus, venosus, periculosus -atus, a, um equipped with dentatus, caudatus - bilis, e possibility, ability operabilis -ilis, e having the quality fragilis HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 5 EXERCISES Task 1: Match numbers and letters, fill in missing endings, read abbreviations and numerals: 1. Vertebra cervical__ __ C7 2. Fractura vertebra__ coccyge__ __ Co3 3. Contusio vertebr__ __ __ __ lumbal__ __ __ L1-L2 4. Vertebr__ __ sacral__ __ __ S1-S5 5. Operatio vertebr__ __ thoracic__ __ Th8-Th9 6. Columna vertebr__ __ __ __ Task 2: Form terms with Greek elements -PARESIS slight, partial paralysis -PLEGIA stroke, total paralysis 1. Partial paralysis of a single limb or one part of the limb _________________________ 2. Paralysis of a single extremity _________________________ 3. Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body _________________________ 4. Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs _________________________ 5. A slight paralysis or weakness of both legs _________________________ 6. Paralysis affecting only one side of the body _________________________ 7. Paralysis of an upper and a lower extremity and of the face _________________________ 8. Paralysis of all four limbs _________________________ 9. Muscular weakness affecting all four extremities _________________________ 10. Paralysis of the whole body _________________________ 11. Weakness on one side of the body A D C B E F HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 6 Task 3: Fill in the chart with terms derived from given roots. BASIC WORD DESCRIPTION DERIVED TERM brain related to brain small brain related to the small brain inflammation of the brain liver related to liver inflammation of liver cancerous tumour in liver degenerative disease of liver thorn related to the thorn/spine full of thorns provided with thorns found above the thorny processes cell pertaining to the cell located outside the cell full of cells inflammation of cells head related to the head provided with heads small head posterior part of the head joint (arthron in Greek) located inside the joint degenerative disease of joints inflammation of joints form of articulation in which the bones are rigidly joined HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 7 Task 4: Fill Latin / Greek parallel prefixes. Derive Latin terms using parallel prefixes. Task 5: Give the adjectives with opposite meaning: suprāarticulāris - ascendēns - abductio endocrīnus - afferēns - operābilis – infrāclaviculāris - simplex - extracranialis – suprarenalis - insolubilis – hypertonia – PARALLEL GREEK/LATIN PREFIX ENGLISH DESCRIPTION DERIVED LATIN TERM pro-  ante- forearm endo- inside the vein (adj. e.g. injection) dia- a process of transferring blood from a donor to a recipient circum- a double-wall sac around the heart epi- being on the surface, opposite of profound peri- located around the mouth ecto- outside the uterus meta- after the operation (e.g. state, condition) hyper- located above the kidney inter- sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen apo- a muscle that draws a limb away from the midline of the body syn- a process that results in the formation of a blood clot hyper- an excess of acid, excessive sourness ec- surgical removal, cutting out of sth transa process of removing waste water from the blood, replacing the function of a kidney an- unsuitable for an operation di- a tooth having two cusps or points hypo- located under the collar bone proto- a woman giving birth for the first time dia- located between the ribs HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 8 Task 6: Write in the appropriate prefix to complete following terms: a) ____________ nasalis > above the nose (peri, para, supra, infra, sub) b) ____________operativus > before surgery (intra, post, prae, peri, circum) c) ____________dermalis > across/through the skin (ecto, endo, intra, epi, trans) d) ____________acutus > excessively acute (sub, hypo, hyper, super, per) e) ____________umbilicalis > under the navel (hyper, infra, peri, para, pre) f) ____________ductio > to turn away from (retro, pro, ab, ad, trans) g) ___________positio > to return back to the previous position (dis, trans, supra, re, ex) Task 7: Identify the prefixes and suffixes and guess the meaning of the following words: epicondylus, i, m. _______________ exogenes, es _______________ diagnosis, is, f. _______________ dysfunctio, onis, f. _______________ epiduralis, e _______________ ectoparasitus, ii, n. _______________ extragenitalis, e _______________ hyperthyreosis, is, f. _______________ infraclavicularis, e _______________ intraarticularis, e _______________ intravenosus, a, um _______________ insanabilis, e _______________ parapneumonicus, a, um _______________ peracutus, a, um _______________ praesenilis, e _______________ subacromialis, e _______________ syndesmosis, is, f. _______________ exsanguinatio, onis, f. _______________ transplantatio, onis, f. _______________ appendix, icis, f. _______________ abductor, oris, m. _______________ decubitus, us, m. _______________ epidermis, idis f. _______________ agenesis, is, f. _______________ HANDOUT 3 (SS 2017) 9 Vocabulary NOUNS anabiosis, is, f. restoring from a death like condition; resuscitation annus, i, m. year asthma, tis, n. asthma (a chronic lung disorder) atlas, atlantis, m. atlas (the first cervical vertebra) caecitas, atis, f. blindness catarrhus, i, m. inflammation of mucous membranes in one of the airways of body (e.g. throat, ear, etc.) coagulatio, onis, f. clotting; coagulation cuspis, idis, f, cusp; pint; pointed structure dioesophagus, i, m. double oesophagus funiculus, i, m. cord gradus, us, m. grade hebdomas, adis, f. week monodactylia, ae, f. anomaly – having one finger only mutitas, atis, f. muteness pandemia, ae, f. an epidemic affecting most or all of the inhabitants of a particular area surditas, atis, f. deafness ADJECTIVES bilateralis, e bilateral; relating to or having two sides bilobatus, a, um having two lobes biventer, tris having two belly like structures bronchialis, e bronchial (pertaining to the bronchi) coccygeus, a, um coccygeal cranialis, e cranial (pertaining to the skull) dicephalus, a, um having two heads duplicatus, a, um double lumbalis, e lumbar praemolaris, e praemolar (preceding molar teeth) prominens, entis prominent quadrangularis, e tetragonal; having four angles quadriceps, cipitis quadriceps; four-headed quartanus, a, um quartan; occurring every fourth day renalis, e renal sacralis, e sacral (pertaining to the sacrum) suspectus, a, um suspicious, suspected tertianus, a, um occurring every third day trigeminus, a, um trigeminal; having three branches trilobatus, a, um having three lobes traumaticus, a, um traumatic (pertaining to or caused by an injury) umbilicalis, e umbilical (pertaining to the naval region) OTHERS circum +acc. around lateris utriusque on both sides in graviditatis hebdomade ?, in the ? week of pregnancy