REVISION Form singular / plural from given terms Øcornu minus Ødentes molares superiores Øcontra dolorem acrem Øsymptoma morbi latentis Øsegmenta anteriora bulborum Øoperatio post trauma gravissimum Øfractura membri inferioris Øamputationes digitorum minimorum Øala major Øante transfusionem necessariam cornua minora dens molaris superior contra dolores acres symptomata morborum latentium segmentum anterius bulbi operationes post traumata gravissima fracturae membrorum inferiorum amputatio digiti minimi alae majores ante transfusiones necessarias Revision Fill in missing endings ØRamus inferior arteri…… glutae…… superior…… ØStatus post traum…… grav…… ØInfrarctus pariet…… anterior…… ventricul…… cord…… sinistr….. ØIn muscul…… latissim…… dors…… ØPulsus frequentissim…… in febr…… acut…… ØExitus post collaps…… circulation…… major…... ØLaesio muscul…… longissim…… thorac…… ØDoses medicament…… minim…… ØIniectio contra dolor…… magn…… ØUlcus peptic…… chronic…… in curvatur…… minor…… — ae ae is is is is is is is a e i i i i i i i a e em um um um um us a o o ae Numerals, Latin prefixes and suffixes NUMERALS - INTRODUCTION —TYPES: 1.CARDINAL unus, una, unum 2.ORDINAL secundus, a, um 3.MULTIPLE triplex, cis 4.NUMERAL ADVERBS quater — ÷ — ORDINAL NUMERALS 1-10 11-12 primus, a, um undecimus, a, um secundus, a, um duodecimus, a, um tertius, a, um • • quartus, a, um quintus, a, um sextus, a, um septimus, a, um octavus, a, um nonus, a, um decimus, a, um For use of numerals in anatomical terminology see handout Numerals.pdf. Ødenote the order in a sequence Ø Ødeclined like paradigms nervus, vena, septum Ø Øin the anatomical terminology, ordinals are used only up to 12 , MATCH NUMBERS AND LETTERS, FILL IN MISSING ENDINGS, READ THE NUMERALS columna_vertebralis.gif 1.Vertebra cervical_ _ C7 2. 2.Fractura vertebra_ coccyge_ _ Co3 3. 3.Contusio vertebr_ _ _ _ lumbal_ _ _ L1-L2 4. 4.Vertebr_ _ sacral_ _ _ S1-S5 5. 5.Operatio vertebr_ _ thoracic_ _ Th8-Th9 6. 6.Columna vertebr_ _ _ _ •A •B •C •D •E •F •7 Nervi craniales S rimskymi cislicami.png DEGREE —using ordinal numerals, a degree of any injury or disease may be expressed ¡!the degree is always expressed in genitive form! —eg. second degree burn wound of chest, neck and head ¡combustio thoracis, colli et capitis gradus secundi A 39-year-old man was found in a snowbank, with the ambient Temperature 34°C. He had been reported missing the previous evening, after and argument with his girlfriend. The emergency services crew noticed the odor of alcohol in his breath. Large, clear blisters characteristic of severe frostbite were noted on the hands and feet. Of particular note were the left great toe and right thumb with frostbite of the third grade. Subsequently, the patient’s left great toe was amputated. Frostbite.png blister = bulla, ae, f. bullae latae manuum et pedum; congelationes hallucis sinistri et pollicis dextri gradus tertii; amputatio hallucis sinistri MULTIPLE 1-3 + MANY — 1-3 many Simplex, cis Multiplex, cis Duplex, cis Triplex, cis 1.png NUMERAL ADVERBS 1-4 1-4 semel bis ter quater 2.png vinculatio funiculi umbilicalis.png COMPOUNDS WITH NUMERAL COMPONENTS ENGLISH LATIN Example GREEK Example one uni- unilateralis unigravida mono- monoplegia first primi- primipara primigravida two bi- biceps bilateralis di- diplegia second secundi- secundigravida tricephalus three tri- triceps trigeminus tri- pars exocrina pancreatis four quadri- quadriceps tetra- tetraplegia half semi- semilunaris hemi- hemiplegia few olig-o- oligodactylia many mult-(i)- multangulus multicellularis poly- polydactylia polyarthritis all, whole pan- panplegia pandemia ?? diplegia – multangulus – trigeminus – polydactylia – valvulae semilunares ?? Výsledek obrázku pro polydactyly Výsledek obrázku pro diplegia Výsledek obrázku pro trigeminus Výsledek obrázku pro multangulus MONOPLEGIA DIPLEGIA TRIPLEGIA TETRAPLEGIA HEMIPLEGIA QUADRIPLEGIA 1 2 3 4 5 NAME WHAT KIND OF “-PLEGIA” IS ON THE PICTURE Tetraplegia / quadriplegia – diplegia – hemiplegia – triplegia – monoplegia 1. -PARESIS slight, partial paralysis, muscle weakness -PLEGIA stroke, total paralysis BASED ON DEFINITIONS FORM TERMS WITH GREEK ELEMENTS 1. 1.Partial paralysis of a single limb or one part of the limb 2.Paralysis of a single extremity 3.Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body 4.Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs 5.A slight paralysis or weakness of both legs 6.Paralysis affecting only one side of the body 7.Paralysis of an upper and a lower extremity and of the face 8.Paralysis of all four limbs 9.Muscular weakness affecting all four extremities 10. Paralysis of the whole body 11. Weakness on one side of the body — Monoparesis – monoplegia – diplegia – paraplegia – paraparesis –hemiplegia - triplegia – tetraplegia (=quadriplegia, quadruplegia) – tetraparesis – panplegia – hemiparesis Tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia, is paralysis caused by illness or injury that results in the partial or total loss of use of all four limbs and torso; paraplegia is similar but does not affect the arms. The loss is usually sensory and motor, which means that both sensation and control are lost. Tetraparesis or quadriparesis, on the other hand, means muscle weakness affecting all four limbs. It may be flaccid or spastic. GRAVIDA - number of pregnancies, regardless of result PARA - number of births after 20 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of result, stillbirth counted as 1, multiple births /twins et. al./ counted as 1 ABORTION - miscarriage before 20 weeks of pregnancy G2P2 G4P3A1 G8P5A3 HOW MANY PREGNANCIES, HOW MANY CHILDBIRTHS? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MANY NULLI-PARA UNI/PRIMI-PARA SECUNDI-PARA TERTI-PARA QUARTI/QUADRI-PARA QUINTI-PARA SEXTI-PARA SEPTI-PARA OCTI-PARA NONI-PARA DECI-PARA MULTI/PLURI-PARA NULLI-GRAVIDA PRIMI-GRAVIDA SECUNDI-GRAVIDA TERTI-GRAVIDA QUARTI-GRAVIDA QUINTI-GRAVIDA SEXTI-GRAVIDA SEPTI-GRAVIDA OCTI-GRAVIDA NONI-GRAVIDA DECI-GRAVIDA MULTI/PLURI-GRAVIDA -PARA AND -GRAVIDA 23 years old woman (gravida 1, para 0) was admitted at 40+1 weeks gestation and underwent an emergency caesarian section due to imminent hypoxia of the fetus. As revealed during the section the umbilical cord was twisted twice around the neck of the neonate, furthermore the umbilical cord was noted to have a compound knot. Compound knots, as in this case, are rare. vinculatio funiculi umbilicalis.png nodus funiculi umbilicalis.png hypoxia, ae, f. =a diminished availability of oxygen to the body tissues sectio caesarea propter hypoxiam fetus imminentem, funiculus umbilicalis circum collum fetus bis, nodus compositus funiculi umbilicalis LATIN AND GREEK PREFIXES LATIN Example GREEK Example contra- contraindicatio ant-, anti- antibioticum, antipyreticum cum- (con-, com-, col-, cor) congenitus commotio syn-, sym- symphysis, syndroma de- (des-) 1) descendens 2) desinfectio, deformatio 1) cata- 2) Ø catarrhus Ø dis- (dif-, di-) 1) dislocatio 2) dissimilis 1) dia-, di-, ana- 2) a-, an- diagnosis, analysis atrophia, anaesthesia e-, ex- (ef-) exsanguinatio ec- ectopia in- (im-, il-, ir-) immaturus a-, an- atrophia, anaesthesia post- posttraumaticus met-, meta- metastasis, metabolismus re- reinfectio ana- anamnesis, anabiosis ?? contraindicatio – ectopia – cattarhus – atrophia – anamnesis – symphisis ??? Výsledek obrázku pro ectopia Výsledek obrázku pro ear catarrh Výsledek obrázku pro contraindicatio anamnesis - accumulated data concerning a medical or psychiatric patient and the patient's background, including family, previous environment, experiences, and particularly, recollections, for use in analyzing his or her condition. LATIN AND GREEK PREFIXES LATIN Example GREEK Example per- 1) peracutus, peraciditas 2) perforatus 1) hyper- 2) dia hypertonia, hypertrophia diencephalon, diameter sub- (suc-, suf-, sup-, sus-) subfebrilis, subluxatio subcutaneus hyp-, hypo- hypotrophia, hypotonia hypophysis, hypoglossus Ø dys- dystrophia, dyspepsia Ø eu- eutrophia, euthanasia BASED ON DEFINITIONS MATCH GREEK PREFIXES WITH A GREEK ELEMENT EU- HYPER- A- DYS- HYPO- —state of normal nourishment and growth —progressive changes that may result from defective nutrition of a tissue or organ —general increase in bulk of a part or organ, not due to tumor formation —progressive degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by loss of cells. —a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage. — -TROPHIA HYPER- EU- HYPO- DYS- A- LATIN NOUN AND ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES Noun ending Meaning Example -io act of, result of, process of commotio, inflammatio, laesio, transfusio -tor, -sor, -xor agent levator, extensor, flexor -ura act or result of an action sutura, fisura, incisura -itas quality, state obesitas, surditas, mutitas -mentum instrument, tool ligamentum, medicamentum Adjective ending Meaning Example -alis, e / -aris, e / -inus, a, um / -eus, a, um / -aneus, a, um relation nasalis; cochlearis; uterinus; cartilagineus; cutaneus -osus, a, um full of ulcerosus, venosus, periculosus -atus, a, um equipped with dentatus, caudatus - bilis, e possibility, ability operabilis -ilis, e having the quality fragilis NAME THE ACTION PERFORMED BY THE GIVEN MUSCLE —Musculus adductor hallucis longus —Musculus compressor urethrae —Musculus constrictor pharyngis medius —Musculus depressor anguli oris —Musculus dilatator pupillae —Musculus extensor carpi —Musculus flexor digitorum profundus —Musculus levator glandulae thyr(e)oideae —Musculi rotatores thoracis —Musculus tensor fasciae latae — Musculus abductor pollicis longus >> abductio, onis, f. Adductio, onis, f. Compressio, onis, f. Constrictio, onis, f. Depressio, onis, f. Dilatatio, onis, f. Extensio, onis, f. Flexio, onis, f. Levatio, onis, f. Rotatio, onis, f. Tensio, onis, f. NAME DEFECTS OF SENSES Výsledek obrázku pro tři opice nevidím neslyším nemluvím surditas, atis, f. mutitas, atis, f. caecitas, atis, f. surdomutitas, atis, f. FILL IN THE CHART WITH TERMS DERIVED FROM GIVEN ROOTS BASIC WORD DESCRIPTION DERIVED TERM brain related to brain small brain related to the small brain inflammation of the brain liver related to liver inflammation of liver cancerous tumour in liver degenerative disease of liver thorn related to the thorn/spine full of thorns provided with thorns found above the thorny processes cerebralis cerebellum hepaticus hepatitis hepatoma hepatosis cerebellaris encephalitis spinalis spinosus spinatus supraspinalis cerebrum, i, n. encephalon, i, n. hepar, atis, n. spina, ae, f. FILL LATIN / GREEK PARALLEL PREFIXES. DERIVE LATIN TERMS USING FILLED PREFIXES PARALLEL GREEK / LATIN PREFIX ENGLISH DESCRIPTION DERIVED LATIN TERM pro- ð ante- forearm antebrachium endo- inside the vein (adj. e.g. injection) dia- a process of transferring blood from a donor to a recipient circum- a double-wall sac around the heart epi- being on the surface, opposite of profound peri- located around the mouth ecto- outside the uterus meta- after the operation (e.g. state, condition) hyper- located above the kidney inter- sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen transfusio pericardium superficialis circumoralis intravenosus extrauterinus postoperativus suprarenalis diaphragma ð dia- ð supra- ð post- ð extra- ð circum- ð super- ð peri- ð trans- ð intra-