HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 1 BASIC RULES OF WORD COMPOUNDING Derived words: PREFIX(ES) + ROOT + SUFFIX(ES) peri + en + cephal + iti(s) + (i)cus = PERIENCEPHALITICUS = ?? Compound words: (PREFIX) + ROOT 1 + CONNECTOR + ROOT 2 + SUFFIX cerebr + o + spin + alis prim + i + gravid + (a) In anatomy, usually the Latin roots (stems) are used in compounds (e.g. articulatio carpometacarpale); in clinical practice we use mostly Greek roots (e.g. arthritis; chondroma; etc.). The connecting vowel is usually-o-, however, -i- is used when we speak of: - the number of pregnancies/deliveries: e.g. primipara, secundigravida - in connection wth root –fer meaning to transfer sth: e.g. ductus bilifer/lactifer - in connection with root –formis meaning resemblance to sth: e.g. lig. falciforme GREEK ROOTS USED IN COMPOUND MEDICAL TERMS A) Greek roots of anatomical structures – fill in Latin equivalents! Greek root (the full Greek word in brackets) English translation example Latin equivalent of the Greek root aden- (aden) gland adenoma amygdal- (amygdale) tonsil (cerebellar or lymphatic) amygdalitis angi- (angeion) vessel angiographia arthr- (arthron) joint synarthrosis blephar- (blefaron) eyelid blepharoedema cardi- (kardia) heart endocardium cephal- (kefale) head diencephalon cheil- (cheilos) lip cheilorrhaphia cheir- (cheir) hand cheirospasmus HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 2 chondr- (chondros) cartilage perichondrium colp- (kolpos) vagina colporrhagia cyst- (kystis) bladder urocystitis cyt- (kytos) cell erythrocytus dactyl- (daktylos) finger syndactylia dermat- (derma) skin xanthoderma disc- (diskos) intervertebral disc discitis enter- (enteron) intestine (usually small one) gastroenteritis episi- (epision) pubic region, perineum episiostenosis geni- (geneion) lower jaw; mandibula progenia gloss-/glott- (glossa) tongue aglossia gnath- (gnathos) upper jaw; maxilla prognathia gon- (gony, gonatos) knee gonarthrosis hyster- (hystera) uterus hysterographia lapar- (lapara) soft tissues between ribs and hips (flank) laparoscopia mast- (mastos) breast mastitis mel- (melos) limb polymelia mening- (meninx) brain membrane meningitis metr- (metra) uterus endometrium my- (mys) muscle myoma myel- (myelos) bone marrow, spinal cord poliomyelitis nephr- (nefros) kidney nephrolithiasis neur- (neuron) nerve polyneuritis odont- (odus) tooth parodontosis om- (omos) shoulder joint m. omohyoideus onych- (onyx) nail onychomycosis HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 3 oophor- (ooforon) ovary oophoritis ophthalm- (ofthalmos) eye pyophthalmia oste- (osteon) bone periosteum ot- (us, otis) ear otitis phall- (fallos) penis phalloplastica phleb- (fleps) vein trombophlebitis pneum(on)- (pneumon) lung pneumonia pod- (pus) foot podiatria psych- (psyche) mind psychosis rhin- (rhis) nose rhinitis salping- (salpinx) oviduct/fallopian tube pyosalpinx somat- (soma) body somaticus splanchn- (splanchnon) internal organ splanchnocranium splen- (splen) spleen splenitis spondyl- (spondylos) vertebra spondylosis stomat- (stoma) mouth stomatochirurgia trich- (trix, trichos) hair hypertrichosis B) Greek names for body fluids and substances Greek stem (the Greek term in brackets) English translation Example galact- (gala, galaktos) ~ lac, lactis, n. milk galactorrhoea lactatio glyc- (glykys) sweet; sugar hyperglycaemia haem(at)-/-aem(ia) (haima) ~ sanguis, inis, m. blood haemorrhagia; alcoholaemia exsanguinatio hydr- (hydor) ~ aqua, ae, f. water, liquid; sweat hydrothorax lip- (lipos) fat lipoma HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 4 lith- (lithos) ~ calculus, i, m. stone cholecystolithiasis; calculosis lymph- (lympha) lymph lymphadenitis sial- (sialon) saliva sialadenitis py- (pyon) ~ pus, puris, n. pus pyophtalmia pyr- (pyros) fire; fever antipyretica; hyperpyrexia ur- (uron) urine pyuria; uraemia EXERCISES Task 1: Form anatomical terms including compound adjectives from the words in brackets: articulatio + (costa + vertebra) …………………………………………………………………………… articulatio + (metacarpus + phalanx) …………………………………………………………………………… articulatio + (sternum + costa) …………………………………………………………………………… ganglion + (cervix + thorax) …………………………………………………………………………… ganglion + (cranium + spina) …………………………………………………………………………… ganglion + (encephalon + spina) …………………………………………………………………………… ligamentum + (carpus + metacarpus) …………………………………………………………………………… ligamentum + (costa + clavicula) …………………………………………………………………………… ligamentum + (hepar + duodenum) …………………………………………………………………………… musculus + ( brachium + radius) …………………………………………………………………………… musculus + (cranium + spina) …………………………………………………………………………… musculus + (urethra + vagina) …………………………………………………………………………… Task 2: Name structures according to definitions using compound adjectives (the noun is underlined, the components of the adjective are in italics). The structure is the connection between the sacrum and coccyx; it is frequently a true joint, but often occurs as a synchondrosis, it is: _________________________ _____________________________ Suture lateral to the nasal bone that connects the nasal portion of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla, is: _________________________ _____________________________ HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 5 Epicanthus, is the skin fold of the upper eyelid covering the inner angle of the eye (i. e. on the side close to the nose), another Latin name for it is: _____________________ _____________________________ The pleural recess between the lateral wall of thorax (i. e. ribs) and the descending is sides of diaphragm and, is called: _________________________ _____________________________ Right or left opening between the atrium and ventricle is: ____________________ _______________________ The anterior part of the superficial fibers of the medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint, attached superiorly to the anterior surface of the medial malleolus of the tibia and inferiorly to the navicular bone is: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____________________ The deep recess of the peritoneal cavity extending upward between the liver in front and the kidney behind is: _________________________ _____________________________ One of facial lymph nodes situated near the junction of the superior labial and facial arteries, which drains the external nose and upper lip into the submandibular node is called: _________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Task 3: Match Latin names for anatomical structures with their corresponding Greek equivalents. glandula manus vagina labium digitus uterus medulla auris nasus viscera cartilago pes splanchna cheilos rhis (rhin-) chondros cheir myelos dactylos us (ot-) aden pus (pod-) hystera kolpos HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 6 Task 4: Explain the meaning of the following compounds: fluidothorax haematuria uraemia haemothorax proteinuria alcoholaemia pneumothorax pyuria pyaemia haemopneumopericardium glycosuria hydraemia cupraemia Task 5: Derive terms for inflammations from the given Greek roots; write Latin equivalents. my- …………………………………………………… .......................................... angi- …………………………………………………… .......................................... oste- …………………………………………………… .......................................... fleb- …………………………………………………… .......................................... arthr- …………………………………………………… .......................................... kard- …………………………………………………… .......................................... spondyl- …………………………………………………… .......................................... nefr- …………………………………………………… .......................................... pneumon- …………………………………………………… .......................................... kyst- …………………………………………………… .......................................... stomat- …………………………………………………… .......................................... glott- …………………………………………………… .......................................... splen- …………………………………………………… .......................................... mast- …………………………………………………… .......................................... encephal- …………………………………………………… .......................................... derm- …………………………………………………… .......................................... HANDOUT 4 – SS 2017 7 Task 6: What do the following anatomical structures resemble? colon sigmoideum processus pterygoideus glandula thyroidea sutura lambdoidea os scaphoideum processus xiphoideus processus styloideus processus coronoideus os hyoideum processus coracoideus os pisiforme musculus piriformis ligamentum cruciforme ligamentum falciforme os cuneiforme papillae filiformes