•Insufficientia renalis chronica gr. IV. •Decubitus regionis ossis sacri et calcanei l. sin. gr. II. •St. p. amputationem pollicis et digiti III. manus l. dx. traumaticam •Gangraena digiti IV. et V. pedis l. sin. •St. p. fracturam vertebrae Th12 compressivam •St. p. fracturam costae l. sin. IV., V., VI. et VII. inveteratam •Pelvis renalis l. dx. et ureter l. dx duplex •Tumor lobi superioris pulmonis l. sin. triplex •Metastases hepatis multiplices susp. •Funiculus umbilicalis circum collum fetus 1x/2x/3x in grav. hebd. 40+4 Last lesson REVISION Abbreviations: gr. = gradus; l. sin/dx = lateris sinistri/dextri; Th = vertebra thoracica duodecima; St.p. = status post; susp. = suspectae; in grav. hebd. = in graviditatis hebdomade DIGITUS digitalis digitatus digitiformis STIMULARE stimulans stimulus stimulatio CUTIS percutaneus cuticula MAMMA mamilla mammarius mamillaris STERILIS sterilitas sterilisatio sterilisatus EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF DERIVED WORDS CAPUT capitulum intercapitularis capitatus TRANSLATE. EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF THE PREFIXES USED 1.Dolores in hypogastrio post operationem 2. Tu prostatae suspectus 3.Fibrillatio cordis chronica. Dyspnoe. 4.Haematoma periorbitale l. sin. 5.Infractio partis distalis ulnae susp. 6.Injectio antitetanica post vulnus morsum 7.Embolia arteriarum pulmonalium recidivans 8. St. p. resectionem ilei. St. p. excisionem tumoris pelvis minoris 9.Obstructio postinflammatoria auris l. dx. 10.Decubitus magni parasacrales BASIC RULES OF COMPOUNDING DERIVED WORDS BASIC ELEMENTS Prefix Root Suffix en- -cephal- -(on) cephal- -icus en- -cephal- -itis peri- -en- -cephal- -itis peri- en- -cephal- -it- -icus BASIC RULES OF COMPOUNDING COMPOUND WORDS BASIC ELEMENTS Prefix Root Suffix en- -cephal- -o- -spin- -alis Connect- ing vowel ROOTS /Nouns, Verbal forms, Numerals cerebr- -o- -spin- -alis en- -cephal- -o- -graph- -ia cerebr- -o- cardi- -acus lact- -i- fer prim- -i- -gravid- (-a) Root cheil-o-gnath-o-palat-o-schis-is BASIC RULES OF COMPOUNDING CONNECTING WOVELS (ELEMENTS) en- -cephal- -o- -graph- -ia falc- -i- -formis bili- -i- -fer secund- -i- -gravid- (-a) endo- brachy- -oesophag- (-us) cephal- -alg- -ia Prefix(es) Root 1 Suffix(es) Connector Root 2 FORM LATIN COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Example: articulatio + (carpus+metacarpus) > articulatio carpometacarpalis articulatio + (costa + vertebra) articulatio + (metacarpus + phalanx) articulatio + (sternum + costa) ganglion + (cervix + thorax) ganglion + (cranium + spina) ganglion + (encephalon + spina) ligamentum + (carpus + metacarpus) ligamentum + (costa + clavicula) ligamentum + (hepar + duodenum) musculus + ( brachium + radius) musculus + (cranium + spina) musculus + (urethra + vagina) costovertebralis metacarpophalangea sternocostalis cervicothoracicum craniospinale encephalospinale carpometacarpale costoclaviculare hepatoduodenale brachioradialis craniospinalis urethrovaginalis Anatomical structures and body liquids Greek roots see the list in Handout 4 The structure is the connection between the sacrum and coccyx; it is frequently a true joint, but often occurs as a synchondrosis, it is: ___________________ _______________________ NAME STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO DEFINITIONS, TERMS SHOULD BE COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Suture lateral to the nasal bone that connects the nasal portion of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla, is: ______________ _____________________ Epicanthus, is the skin fold of the upper eyelid covering the inner angle of the eye (i. e. on the side close to the nose), another Latin name for it is: ____________ ___________________ The pleural recess between the lateral wall of thorax (i. e. ribs) and the descending is sides of diaphragm and, is called: ____________ _______________________ articulatio sacrococcygea sutura frontomaxillaris plica palpebronasalis recessus costodiaphragmaticus NAME STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO DEFINITIONS, TERMS SHOULD BE COMPOUND ADJECTIVES The deep recess of the peritoneal cavity extending upward between the liver in front and the kidney behind is: __________ ___________________ The anterior part of the superficial fibers of the medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint, attached superiorly to the anterior surface of the medial malleolus of the tibia and inferiorly to the navicular bone is: ________ ____________________ __________________ ____________________ Right or left opening between the atrium and ventricle is: ____________ ______________________ One of facial lymph nodes situated near the junction of the superior labial and facial arteries, which drains the external nose and upper lip into the submandibular node is called: ____________ ____________________ ________________________ pars tibionavicularis ligamenti collateralis ostium atrioventriculare nodus lymphaticus nasolabialis recessus hepatorenalis Each lung is enclosed within a sac (pleura), which has two layers. Normally there is no space within these two layers except for a thin film of lubricating fluid. In certain lung diseases, however, a space may be forced between these layers by the accumulation of fluid, called: _____________________, of blood, called: _____________________ or of air, called: _____________________;. Sometimes there is a combination of more factors, e.g. of air ad blood in pericardium : _____________________ predel.png FILL IN MISSING COMPOUND WORDS Abnormalities detected in the analysis of urine are common in clinical practice. Their evaluation can lead to detection of serious underlying diseases. Blood in urine, which is both frightening and well visible is called ___________________ . The presence of excess of serum proteins in urine is _________________, the presence of pus in urine is _____________________, and the excretion of glucose into urine is _____________________. fluidothorax pneumothorax haematuria haemothorax haemopneumopericardium / pneumohaemopericardium proteinuria pyuria glycosuria Toto odpovídá task 5: ppt v hodině, task 5 za úkol doma (je to to samé naopak, ale i tak si nebudou pamatovat všechno) On the contrary, if there is an excess of urea (one of te main components of urine: i.e. amino acid and protein metabolism products) in blood, we call the state _____________________ . Similarly, if there is alcohol in patient´s blood, the medical term is _____________________ ; if there are pus-forming bacteria in blood, the condition is called _____________________ . A condition of raised blood acidity (pH under 7.35) is then _____________________ ; if the blood volume is increased as a result of an increase in the water content of plasma, we call the state _____________________; and the pathological presence of copper in blood is then termed _____________________. ur(a)emia alcoholaemia pyaemia acidaemia hydraemia cupraemia Expressing resemblance FORM THE PHRASES AND MATCH THEM WITH SHAPES/LETTERS 1.os + cuboideus, a, um 2.musculus + deltoideus, a, um 3.articulatio + sphaeroideus, a, um 4.linea + trapezoideus, a, um 5.regio + ellipsoideus, a, um 6.ossa + sesamoideus, a, um 7.tuberculum + conoideus, a, um 8.musculus + rhomboideus, a, um 9.os + hyoideus, a, um 10.colon + sigmoideus, a, um υ Σ, C Δ FIGURE OUT THE ANATOMICAL NAMES FOR THE FOLLOWING STRUCTURES BASED ON RESEMBLANCE thyros (shield) skafe (boat): xifos (sword): sigma (Greek letter Σ) pteryx, gen. pterygos (wing): lambda (Greek letter Λ): colon sigmoideum processus xiphoideus os scaphoideum sutura lambdoidea glandula thyroidea processus pterygoideus colon sigmoideum; processus pterygoideus; glandula thyroidea; sutura lambdoidea; os scaphoideum; processus xiphoideus Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt processus styloideus ? stylus (pen, writing tool) corona (crown) Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt processus coronoideus Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt os hyoideum Greek letter υ corax, gen. coracis (crow) Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt processus coracoideus pisum, gen. pisi (pea) Súvisiaci obrázok pirum, gen. piri (pear) Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt musculus piriformis processus styloideus processus coronoideus os hyoideum processus coracoideus os pisiforme musculus piriformis Processus styloideus, processus coronoideus; os hyoideum; processus coracoideus; os pisiforme; musculus piriformis Súvisiaci obrázok crux, gen. crucis (cross) lig. ________________ atlantis cruciforme falx, gen. falcis (sickle) lig. ______________ hepatis Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt sickle Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt cross celtic falciforme Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt ligamentum falciforme Súvisiaci obrázok cuneus, gen. cunei (trig, wedge) os___________________ Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt klín cuneiforme Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt papillae filiformes Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt papillae filiformes filum, gen. fili (fibre) papillae _________________ linguae filiformes m. quadratus lumborum m. serratus anterior *serra, ae, f. = saw processus caudatus (hepatis) * ≠ caudalis, e!! pars triangularis (gyri frontalis inferioris) NAME GREEK ELEMENTS OF SELECTED BODY PARTS DERIVE TERMS FOR INFLAMMATIONS Pancreat- Nephr- Enter- Pneum-(on) Hepat- Cardi- Ophthalm- Eye Derm-(at)- Ost-(e)- Angi- Chondr- MATCH GREEK ELEMENTS WITH LATIN EQUIVALENTS MATCH.png GIVE LATIN EQUIVALENTS (FULL FORM) TO GREEK ELEMENTS mys…………………. osteon…………….. arthron…………… spondylos……….. gony……………….. stoma……………… soma………………. kefale……………… MUSCULUS, I, M. OS, OSSIS, n. ARTICULATIO, ONIS, F. VERTEBRA, AE, F. GENU, US, N. OS, ORIS, N. CORPUS, ORIS, N. CAPUT, ITIS, N. NAME GREEK ELEMENTS WHICH CORRESPOND WITH LATIN WORDS ANGEION FLEPS KARDIA NEFROS KYSTIS GLOTTA MASTOS DERMA 1.VAS 2.VENA 3.COR 4.REN 5.VESICA 6.LINGUA 7.MAMMA 8.CUTIS Angiospasmus Angioplastica Phlebographia Phlebothrombosis Cardiothoracicus Cadriopneumographia Nephrectomia Nephroureterectomia Cystostomia Cystotomia Glossectomia Glossopalatinus Dermatomyositis dermatoplastica MATCH DEFINITIONS WITH GREEK ROOTS The benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels is ? Condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the ventricles of the brain is ? The surgical removal of fat beneath the skin is ? An accumulation of pus in the Fallopian tube is ? The surgical removal of a kidney stone through an incision into the kidney is ? A toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which kidney function is compromised and urea is retained in the blood is ? The burning sensation caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the oesophagus is called heartburn or ? Haem-angi- Hydr- Lip- Lith- Py- Pyr- Ur- Haemangioma – pyrosis - hydrocephalus – lipectomia - Pyosalpinx – Nephrolithectomia – Uraemia -