HANDOUT 6 (SS 2017) 1 A) Greek terms expressing quality and quantity (for numeral prefixes see Handout 3) genitive stem (nom. sg. in brackets) English translation example English translation brachy- short brachydactylia brady- slow bradypnoe crypt- hidden cryptogenes is- same isogenes macr- big, long macroscopia megal- large megalocardia micr- small microscopia necr- dead necrosis neo- new neoplasma pseud- false pseudoanaemia scler- hard phlebosclerosis tachy- rapid tachypnoe therm- heat hypothermia HANDOUT 6 (SS 2017) 2 EXERCISES Task 1: Match the words in the left column with their opposites in the right collumn brady leukos hyper oligos megalos skleros hemi- melanos malakos pan tachy poly mikros hypo Task 2: Give one-word Greek terms for Latin explanations: excisio mammae ________________________________ inflammatio appendicis ________________________________ amputatio digiti ________________________________ incisio gastris ________________________________ curatio cordis ________________________________ dolor dentium ________________________________ morbus intestini tenuis ________________________________ pus in sanguine ________________________________ calculi renales ________________________________ spasmus vasorum ________________________________ haemorrhagia cerebri ________________________________ alimentatio bona ________________________________ sutura labii ________________________________ tumores multiplices ossium ________________________________ revisio vaginae ________________________________ prolapsus renis ________________________________ paralysis membri totalis ________________________________ HANDOUT 6 (SS 2017) 3 Task 3: Find a proper treatment/examination for the disorders given in the left column and explain the meanings of terms: 1. hydronephrosis 2. myomatosis 3. syndactylia 4. mastodynia 5. cheiloschisis 6. haemorrhagia 7. tumor intestini crassi 8. blepharoptosis 9. corpus alienum laryngis a) dactylolysis b) haemostasis c) tracheostomia d) nephrostomia e) mammographia f) blepharoplastica g) myomectomia h) cheiloplastica i) colo(no)scopia Task 4: Form terms from the given words with the coresponding meaning. Do not change the word order: erythros + kytos + lysis ______________________ breaking down of red blood cells makros + aestesis ______________________ subjective feeling that all objects are larger than they are oligos + daktylos ______________________ presence of fewer than five digits on a hand or foot pseudo + tumor ______________________ abnormality that resembles a tumour poly + neuron + pathos ______________________ disease of several nerves pneumon + tachys + grafein ______________________ speed and pressure measuring at various phases of the breathing isos + hydor + haima ______________________ normal level of liquids in blood system HANDOUT 6 (SS 2017) 4 Task 5: Match terms with their definitions: peracutus subchronicus exacerbans apparens relapsus latens regressio obvious and easily seen; not disguised or hidden subsiding of the symptoms or process of a disease. very acute return of the manifestations of a disease after an interval of improvement worsening disease of moderate or intermediate duration present but not symptomatic (i.e. hidden) Task 6: Fill in missing endings: Causa abort...... imminent...... Vulnus sciss...... digit...... minim.... man...... dextr...... Status neonat...... post icter...... physiologic...... grav...... Collapsus circulation...... sanguin...... major...... et minor...... Amputatio lob...... pulmon...... later...... sinistr...... propter tuberculos...... Ruptura ligament...... collateral...... carp...... ulnar...... Fractura apert...... tibi...... later...... dextr...... cum contusion...... muscul...... (pl.) crur...... dextr...... Cum dermatitid...... grad...... minor...... Exitus letal...... propter seps...... post vuln...... punct...... in region...... pectoral...... Propter luxation...... capit...... radi...... Oss...... (pl.) membr...... superior...... Abscessus purulent......extra dur...... matr...... Sulcus tendin...... muscul...... flexor...... halluc...... long...... Fractura bas...... oss...... sacr...... complicat...... Symptoma...... (pl.) metastas...... (pl.) carcinomat...... malign...... uter...... HANDOUT 6 (SS 2017) 5 Status post collaps...... intra part...... praematur...... Contusion...... (pl.) cerebr...... multiplic...... traumatic...... Segment...... (pl.) mediali...... medull...... spinal...... Functio laes...... hepat...... propter cirrhos...... Extractio dent...... canin...... et dent...... (pl.) praemolar...... cum dolor...... magn...... Deformitas congenit...... cox...... sine luxation......