EXPRESSING THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY Revision of pathological states and diseases 1.Dolores in hypogastrio post appendectomiam ante dies IV (quattuor) factam 2.Hypertrophia prostatae, tumor prostatae suspectus 3.Fibrillatio cordis chronica. Dyspnoe. Morbus hypertonicus cordis. Hypercholesterolaemia 4.Haematoma periorbitale l. sin. 5.Infractio partis distalis ulnae suspecta 6.Injectio antitetanica post vulnus morsum 7.Embolia arteriarum pulmonalium recidivans 8.Status post resectionem ilei. St. post excisionem tumoris pelvis minoris 9.Obstructio postinflammatoria auris l. dx. 10.Decubitus permagni parasacrales Use expressions in the table to form the defined medical terms —A. ____________: measurement of dimensions of the head —B. ____________: treatment of a disease by means of ionizing radiation —C. ____________: surgical formation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach —D. ____________: surgical excision of the gallbladder —E. ____________: endoscopic examination of the colon —F. ____________: surgical repair of a defect of the lip —G. ____________: surgical incision of the appendix —H. Electro- ____________: recording of electrical impulses produced by the brain 
activity (EEG) —I. ____________: surgical connection of two parts of the intestine -tomia -ectomia -stomia -graphia -plastica -therapia -stomosis -scopia -metria cephalometria radiotherapia gastrostomia cholecystectomia colonoscopia cheiloplastica appendotomia encephalograpia enteroanastomosis Give opposites —sepsis endogenes —diastole —eupnoe —hyperaesthesia —hypotonia —aditus —stenosis —epigastrium — —sepsis exogenes —systole —dyspnoe / apnoe —hypoaesthesia /anaesthesia —hypertonia —exitus —dilatatio —hypogastrium — Greek terms expressing quality and quantity genitive stem (nom. sg. in brackets) English translation example brachy- (brachys) short brachydactylia, brachygnathia brady- (bradys) slow bradypnoe, bradycardia crypt- (kryptos) hidden cryptogenes is- (isos) same isogenes macr- (makros) big, long macroscopia megal- (megas) large Megalocardia micr- (mikros) small microscopia necr- (nekros) dead necrosis, necrophilia neo- (neos) new neoplasma pseud- (pseudes) false pseudoanaemia scler- (skleros) hard phlebosclerosis tachy- (tachys) rapid tachypnoe, tachycardia therm- (thermos) warm hypothermia Match the words in the left column with their opposites in the right column —brady —leukos —hyper —oligos —megalos —skleros —hemi- —melanos —malakos —pan —tachy —poly —mikros —hypo Handout 6, Task 1 Give one-word Greek terms for Latin explanations —excisio mammae —inflammatio appendicis —amputatio digiti —incisio gastris —curatio cordis —dolor dentium —morbus intestini tenuis —pus in sanguine —calculi renales —spasmus vasorum —haemorrhagia cerebri —alimentatio bona —sutura labii —tumores multiplices ossium —revisio vaginae —prolapsus renis —paralysis membri totalis —mastectomia —appendicitis —dactylectomia —gastrotomia —cardiotherapia —odontalgia —enteropathia —pyaemia —nephrolithiasis —angiospasmus —encephalorrhagia —eutrophia —cheilorhaphia —osteomatosis —colposcopia —nephroptosis —monoplegia Handout 6, Task 2 Find a proper treatment/examination for the disorders given in the left column and explain the meanings of terms —hydronephrosis —myomatosis —syndactylia —mastodynia —cheiloschisis —haemorrhagia —tumor intestini crassi —blepharoptosis —corpus alienum laryngis — — — — —dactylolysis —haemostasis —tracheostomia —nephrostomia —mammographia —blepharoplastica —myomectomia —cheiloplastica —colo(no)scopia Handout 6, Task 3 Form terms from the given words with the corresponding meaning. Do not change the order of the words —erythros + kytos + lysis ¡_______________ breaking down of red blood cells —makros + aestesis ¡_______________ subjective feeling that all objects are larger than they are —oligos + daktylos ¡_______________ presence of fewer than five digits on a hand or foot —pseudo + tumor ¡_______________ abnormality that resembles a tumour —poly + neuron + pathos ¡_______________ disease of several nerves —pneumon + tachys + grafein ¡_______________ speed and pressure measuring at various phases of breathing —isos + hydor +haima ¡_______________ normal level of liquids in blood system ¡ ¡ — erythrocytolysis macroaesthesia oligodactylia pseudotumor polyneuropathia Handout 6, Task 4 pneumotachygraphia isohydraemia Expressing progress of disease Match terms with their deffinitions —peracutus — —subchronicus — —exacerbans — —apparens — —relapsus — —latens — —regressio —obvious and easily seen; not disguised or hidden. —subsidence of the symptoms or process of a disease —very acute — —return of the manifestations of a disease after an interval of improvement —worsening — —disease of moderate or intermediate duration —Present but not symptomatic (i.e. hidden) Handout 6, Task 5 Subchronic: the period is usually as long as a month but less than 10% of a lifetime. Grammar revision – fill in missing endings —Causa abort...... imminent...... —Vulnus sciss...... digit...... minim.... man...... dextr...... —Status neonat...... post icter...... physiologic...... grav...... —Collapsus circulation...... sanguin...... major...... et minor...... —Amputatio lob...... pulmon...... later...... sinistr...... propter tuberculos...... —Ruptura ligament...... collateral...... carp...... ulnar...... —Fractura apert...... tibi...... later...... dextr...... cum contusion...... muscul...... (pl.) crur...... dextr...... —Cum dermatitid...... grad...... minor...... —Exitus letal...... propter seps...... post vuln...... punct...... in region...... pectoral...... —Propter luxation...... capit...... radi...... us us is is is is is is is is is is is is is is us us um um um um em em e e e i i i i i i i i i im im ae ae a orum i i Handout 6, Task 6 Grammar revision – fill in missing endings —Oss...... (pl.) membr...... superior...... —Abscessus purulent......extra dur...... matr...... —Sulcus tendin...... muscul...... flexor...... halluc...... long...... —Fractura bas...... oss...... sacr...... complicat...... —Symptoma...... (pl.) metastas...... (pl.) carcinomat...... malign...... uter...... —Status post collaps...... intra part...... praematur...... —Contusion...... (pl.) cerebr...... multiplic...... traumatic...... —Segment...... (pl.) mediali...... medull...... spinal...... —Functio laes...... hepat...... propter cirrhos...... —Extractio dent...... canin...... et dent...... (pl.) praemolar...... cum dolor...... magn...... —Deformitas congenit...... cox...... sine luxation...... — a a a a a a is is is is is is is is is is i i i i i i i us am em i um um um e e ae ae ae ium ium ium im ta es o es Handout 6, Task 6 AUTHENTIC CASE A 30-year-old man presented with sudden vision impairment in his right eye 1 hour after vigorous exercise. Slit-lamp examination revealed anterior displacement of the lens. The patient underwent surgical removal of the lens, anterior vitrectomy, and an iris-fixated lens was placed within his eye. Rupture of the zonular fibers (which hold the lens in place) may result in complete dislocation or partial dislocation of the lens and could be caused by trauma or other pathologic conditions. Extractio lentis.png vDefectus visus vDislocatio vExtractio vImplantatio vIntraocularis vLuxatio vSubluxatio Vitrectomia = surgical removal of the vitreous gel from the middle of the eye; often due to its entanglement with intraocular lens or other structures in the eye