BASIC TYPES OF MEDICATIONS ì-ENS/-ANS ì ì-ICUM/-IVUM ì ì-LYTICUM? ìCONTRA-/ANTI-? ìHYPO-? ìDE-/DES-? ìAN-? PLURALS? -ENTIA/-ANTIA -ICA/-IVA REMEDIUM… ANXIOLYTICUM CONTRACEPTIVUM ANTIDOTUM HYPOTONICUM DETOXICANS ANALGETICUM CHANGE INTO OPPOSITE NUMBER ìREMEDIUM ANXIOLYTICUM ìVASODILATANTIA PROPTER STENOSIM VASORUM ìDOSIS ANTIBIOTICI PRO INFANTE ìANTIPYRETICA PROPTER HYPERPYREXIAM ìREMEDIUM MYORELAXANS ìREMEDIA PROPHYLACTICA IN GRAVIDITATE REMEDIA ANXIOLYTICA VASODILATANS DOSES ANTIBIOTICORUM PRO INFANTIBUS ANTIPYRETICUM REMEDIA MYORELAXANTIA REMEDIUM PROPHYLACTICUM MATCH THE TYPES OF MEDICATIONS WITH STATES CONTRACEPTIVUM DYSPEPSIA HYPNOTICUM FEBRIS ANTIDOTUM TUSSIS ANTIPYRETICUM INSUFFICIENTIA CORDIS STOMACHICUM INSOMNIA OBSTIPANS GRAVIDITAS EXPECTORANS INTOXICATIO CARDIOSTIMULANS DIARRHOEA Tady se dá znovu zeptat na formu v plurálu. ì MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION =ec2b0777ab975c16146a85403efbe435&oe=56C912E7 CZECH BRITISH RP GB GERMAN RP SRN AMERICAN CZECH, currently used JS 2013 P4.pdf Rp. = Recipe = take! Natrii bromati (bromatis) 6,0 Phenobarbitali 0,6 Sirupi Menthae 60,0 Aquae destillatae ad 300,0 M. f. mixt. = Misce fiat mixtura = Mix (the ingredients) to make a mixture (lit. so that the mixture is made) D. S. = Da. Signa. = Give! Sign! Jedna lžička třikrát denně po jídle. (= One tablespoon 3 times a day after meal). STRUCTURE INVOCATIO ORDINATIO SUBSCRIPTIO SIGNATURA INSCRIPTIO PERSONALIA AEGROTI rem. cardinale rem. adiuvans rem. corrigens rem. constituens MAGISTRALITER ìRp. ìKalii iodidi ì Anisi spiritus compositi aa 5,0 ì Aquae purificatae ad 200,0 ìM. f. sol. ìD. S. 3krát denně jednu lžíci. EXPECTORANS GENITIVES! (How much OF…) MISCE FIAT SOLUTIO ANA (PARTES AEQUALES) SPECIALITAS ìRp. ìFramykoin plv. ads. 1 x 20 gm ìExp. orig. No. II (duas) ìD. S. Aplikovat 2krát denně na postižená místa po dobu 10 dnů. ANTIBIOTICUM ACCUSATIVE ! EXPEDITIONES ORIGINALES RECIPE PULVIS ADSPERSORIUS DA. SIGNA. PUT THE LINES IN THE CORRECT ORDER Immunostimulans Exp. orig. No. I (unam) Rp. Imunor p. o. 4 x 10 mg D. S. Dle rozpisu. Slidy s oranžovými tabulkami v hodině – cvičení 1 – stejné recepty se objevují znovu v posledním cvičení v handoutu, to bych dala za úkol. PUT THE LINES IN THE CORRECT ORDER Gynaecologicum D. ad scat. Acidi borici pulv. 100,0 Rp. S. Jednu lžíci na litr teplé vody k výplachům. Výplach = lavage FILL IN MISSING TERMS hypnoticum Rp. Amobarbitali 0,15 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,03 Aminophenazoni 0,25 Olei cacao q. _______ ut _______ supp. D. ________ d. _________ VI (sex) S. Na noc zavést 1 čípek. FILL IN MISSING TERMS Antidepressivum ________ Asentra 50 tbl. p. o. 28 x 50 mg ________ orig. _______ IV (quattuor) D. ________ 2 tablety denně. Give full forms of the underlined abbreviated terms: analgeticum + antipyreticum Rp. Acidi acetylsalicylici Paracetamoli aa 0,3 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,02 Coffeini cum natrio benzoico 0,1 Magnesii oxydati 0,05 M. f. pulv. D. t. d. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek. INTERPRET diureticum Rp. Aminophyllini 1,8 Olei cacao q. s. ut f. supp. D. t. d. No. VI (sex) S. 2krát denně zavést 1 čípek do konečníku. Find mistakes in the terms in red; then make the abbreviations of them Antacidum Rp. Extracti belladonnae sicci 0,4 Papaverinii chlorati 1,0 Magnesii oxydati 20,0 Misce fiant pulvis M. f. pulv./plv. Divide in doses aequalem numerus XX (viginti) ad capsulos Div. in dos. aeq. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. D. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek mezi dvěma jídly. ; FORMS OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS AND AGENTS ROX46500.jpg tudie-bezpecnosti/ecoflac-ecobag.jpg eph1M pulvis (adspersorius) ~ suppositorium ~ guttae ~ unguentum ~ tabuletta ~ infusio ~ species ~ globulus ~ capsula PARTS OF PLANTS USED IN PHARMACOLOGY Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt FLOWER OF TILIA Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt folium menthae Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt radix liquiritiae Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt absynthium herb Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt resin of cannabis Související obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro fructus foeniculi folium ~ resina ~ herba ~ flos ~ radix ~ lignum ~ fructus Rp. Acidi acetylsalicylici Paracetamoli aa 0,3 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,02 Coffeini cum natrio benzoico 0,1 Magnesii oxydati 0,05 M. f. pulv. D. t. d. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek. Rp. Aminophyllini 1,8 Olei cacao q. s. ut f. supp. D. t. d. No. VI (sex) S. 2krát denně zavést 1 čípek do konečníku. Analgeticum + antipyreticum Diureticum INTERPRET Rp. Ureae 40,0 Acidi lactici 1,0 Ung. lanalcoli 20,0 Cerae albae 5,0 Vaselini albi ad 100,0 M. f. ung. Týden používat v okluzním obvazu na nehty před aplikací antimykotik. Rp. Framykoin plv. ads. 1 x 20 gm Exp. orig. No. II (duas) D. S. Aplikovat 2krát denně na postižená místa po dobu 10 dnů. Antimycoticum Antibioticum INTERPRET CHANGE TO PLURAL ìtuba originalis ìremedium expectorans ìdosis pro adulto ìflos tiliae ìsolutio physiologica ìpars aequalis ìsuppositorium rectale ìpulvis adspersorius ì ì ì tubae originales remedia expectorantia doses pro adultis flores tiliae solutiones physiologicae partes aequales suppositoria rectalia pulveres adspersorii MAKE A PRESCRIPTION ìa) A 16-year old boy suffers from severe acne and irritated complexion. Prescribe him an effective suspension made of 85% of zinc oxide (so-called fluid powder – Suspensio zinci oxidi) mixed with talcum and glycerole (talci; glyceroli). The stabilizator is the bentonite magma (bentoniti magma) up to 100 grams. The patient should rub the suspension into his skin three times a day. Shake before using. ìb) A 25-year old woman was received at the emergency with itching urticaria (nettle-rash) on both hands and knees. Prescribe her antihistaminics to relieve her from the symptoms: three packages of Dithiaden tablets. The patient should take half a tablet twice a day. 1 První udělat spolu jako vzor, ostatní rozdat prázdné předpisy, práce v párech/skupinách. a) Rp. Zinci oxidi Talci Glyceroli 85% Bentoniti magmatis ad 100,0 M. f. susp. D. S. Rub into the skin three times a day. Shake before using. b) Rp. Dithiaden tbl. Exp. orig. No. III (tres) D. S. Half of the tablet twice a day. MAKE A PRESCRIPTION ìa)A fifty-year old woman suffers from chronic bad headache with no reason identified. Prescribe her capsules made of 0,005 g of Diazepamum; 0,02 g of Phenobarbitalum; 0,1 g of coffeinum; and 0,2 g of paracetamolum. The vehicle is lactose (lactosum) up to 0,5 grams. The pharmacist should make a powder. Make 50 doses in the form of gelatine capsules (gelatinosus, a, um). The patient should take one capsule if needed, max. twice a day. The medication should be marked as poison. ìb) A hard smoker suffers from chronic bronchitis and needs to expectorate the mucus from his bronchial tubes. Prescribe him mucolytics: one package of Mucosolvan drops. The patient should take 30 drops every three hours. ì 2 a) Rp. Ergotamini tartratis 0,001 Diazepami 0,005 Phenobarbitali 0,020 Coffeini 0,100 Paracetamoli 0,200 Lactosi ad 0,5 M.f. plv. D. t. d. No. L (quinquaginta) D. ad caps. gelat. D. S. One capsule if needed, max. twice a day. S. s. v. b) Rp. Mucosolvan gtt. Exp. orig. No. I (unam) D. S. 30 drops every 3 hours. MAKE A PRESCRIPTION ìa) A five-year old child has been received at the hospital with very high fever caused by acute inflammation of urinary bladder. One of the best ways how to lower the fever of children is via paracetamol suppositories (Suppositoria paracetamoli). These should be made by pharmacist of 10 grams of paracetamol + 30 grams of Adipis solidi as adjuvant remedy. 20 of them should be made in equal doses. The instructions for the patient are to take one suppository every 6 hours if the fever reaches 38,50C. ìb) The patient suffers from acute pnemonia, but is allergic to penicilline antibiotics. Therefore, two original packages of klaritromycine antibiotics Klacid 500 mg have to be prescribed in the form of coated tablets. The patient should take one tablet every 12 hours for two-three weeks. 3 a) Rp. Paracetamoli 10,0 Adipis solidi 30,0 M. f. supp. Div. in d. aeq. No. XX (viginti) D. S. One suppository every 6 hours if the fever reaches 38,50C. b) Rp. Klacid 500 mg tbl. obd. Exp. orig. No. II (duas) D. S. One tablet every 12 hours for 2-3 weeks.