ABBREVIATIONS COMMONLY USED IN DIAGNOSES abbreviation full form meaning aa. *any duplication of initial letters = plural (e.g. mm. = musculi) arteriae arteries abd. abdomen, inis, n. belly ac. acutus/a/um acute ad observ. ad observandum necessary to be observed/checked AE adenectomia removal of gland (in) anam./anamn. anamnesis, is, f. patient's case history ant. anterior/ius anterior APPE appendectomia removal of appendix art. articulatio, onis, f. joint bilat. bilateralis/e bilateral (on both sides) C1-7 vertebra cervicalis cervical vertebra ca. carcinoma carcinoma chron. chronicus/a/um chronic CHCE cholecystectomia removal of gall bladder CHT chemotherapia chemotherapy diaph. diaphysis, is, f. the central part of the bone Dg. diagnosis, is, f. diagnose dig. digitus, i, m. finger disloc./disl. dislocatus,a,um/dislocatio, onis, f. dislocated/dislocation dist. distalis/e distal epiph. epiphysis, is, f. the end of a long bone ext. exterior,ius/externus,a,um outer/external extr./extrem. extremitas, atis, f. limb FE ferrum, i, n. Fe-based (e.g osteosynthesis) fem. femur, oris, n. thigh bone fr. fractura fracture gr. gradus stage, degree (of damage) (in) grav. hebd./g.h. in graviditatis hebdomade X in the X week of pregnancy HYE hysterectomia removal of uterus imm. imminens, ntis imminent, threatening impl. implantatio, onis f. implantation (e.g. of endoprothesis) incip. incipiens, ntis starting inf. inferior/ius lower ing. inguinalis/e inguinal, related to groin insuf. insufficientia, ae, f. insufficiency int. intestinum, i, n./internus,a,um intestine/internal intraart. intraarticularis/e inside the joint invet. inveteratus/a/um inveterate, not healed (e.g. fracture) L1-5 vertebra lumbalis lumbal vertebra lat./later. lateris/lateralis, e of side/lateral l.dx. lateris dextri right (on right side) l.sin. lateris sinistri left (on left side) l.utr./utrq./utque lateris utriusque both (on both sides) m. morbus, i, m./musculus, i, m. disease/muscle man. manus, us, f. hand max. maximus/a/um the biggest, maximal met./metaph. metaphysis, is, f. the wider part of the end of long bone min. minimus/a/um the smallest, minimal multipl. multiplex multiple OS osteosynthesis surgical fastening of broken bone part. partialis/e partial post. posterior/ius posterior prox./proxim. proximalis/e proximal RT radiotherapia radiotherapy reg. regionis in (of) the region reposit. repositio, onis, f. returning bone to its proper place sec. sectio, onis, f. section SI sacroiliacus/a/um sacroiliac (e.g. joint) spont. spontaneus/a/um spontaneous (e.g. miscarriage) st.p./stp. status post state after sup. superior/ius upper susp. suspectus,a,um/suspicio, onis, f. suspected/suspicion (of sth) Th1-12 vertebra thoracica thoracic vertebra transv. transversus/a/um transverse (e.g. fracture) Tu tumor tumor v.s. verisimiliter probably