BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST Name:.............................................................................................. ... Date: ............................ Group: ................. 1a) Give adjectives related to the given nouns. Fill in the adjectives from 1a in correct form to make phrases in 1b). Do not change the order. (5 + 5 points) 1a) 1b) corona …………………………….. arteriae …………………………….. orbita …………………………….. pars …………………………….. apex …………………………….. ligamentum …………………………….. dentis nervus …………………………….. systema …………………………….. centrale tempus …………………………….. processus ossis …………………………….. 2) Use prefixes in the first column to derive new words with the given meaning; then give a parallel Latin/ Greek prefix. Follow the example. (10 points) prefix English equivalent or description Derived word Parallel latin/Greek prefix e. g. extra- located outside uterus extrauterinus ecto-/exo- (1) hyper- pathologically high blood pressure (2) para- (adj.) located near sacral bone (3) intra- (adj.) the injection put into a muscle (4) epi- the outer layer of skin (5) prae- (adj.) occurring before operation 3) Change into plural and write down the opposite (also in Plural!). (15 points) musculus adductor ……………………………............................................. …………………………….. fractura complicata ……………………………............................................. …………………………….. cornus majus ……………………………............................................. …………………………….. ramus inferior ……………………………............................................. …………………………….. ulcus durum ……………………………............................................. …………………………….. 4) Translate (15 points) multiple bite wounds on the left hand with swelling ................................................................................................... ...................................................................................... danger of the rupture of a cyst of thyroid gland ................................................................................................... ...................................................................................... surgical amputation of the fourth and fifth finger of the right foot due to frostbites ................................................................................................... ...................................................................................... a benign tumour of the left lobe of lungs growing towards pericardium ................................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 5) Analyse the following terms by describing their components. Translate Explain the meaning of the term. Follow the example. (15 points) Example: aquosus Analysis: root aqu- = water, suffix -osus = full of Meaning: full of water periosteoma haemothorax pyuria surdomutitas vermiformis CORRECT ANSWERS 1a) Give adjectives related to the given nouns. Fill in the adjectives from 1a in correct form to make phrases in 1b). Do not change the order. (5 + 5 points) corona CORONARIUS, A, UM arteriae CORONARIAE orbita ORBITALIS,E pars ORBITALIS apex APICALIS, E ligamentum APICALE dentis nervus NERVOSUS, A, UM systema NERVOSUM centrale tempus TEMPORALIS, E processus ossis TEMPORALIS 2) Use prefixes in the first column to derive new words with the given meaning; then give a parallel Latin/ Greek prefix. Follow the example. (10 points) prefix English equivalent or description Derived word Parallel latin/Greek prefix e. g. extra- located outside uterus extrauterinus ecto-/exo- (6) hyper- pathologically high blood pressure HYPERTENSIO PER (7) para- (adj.) located near sacral bone PARASACRALIS AD (8) intra- (adj.) the injection put into a muscle INTRAMUSCULARIS ENDO (9) epi- the outer layer of skin EPIDERMIS SUPER (10) prae- (adj.) occurring before operation PRAEOPERATIVUS PRO 3) Change into plural and write down the opposite (also in Plural!). (15 points) musculus adductor MUSCULI ADDUCTORES ABDUCTORES fractura complicata FRACTURAE COMPLICATAE SIMPLICES cornus majus CORNUA MAJORA MINORA ramus inferior RAMI INFERIORES SUPERIORES ulcus durum ULCERA DURA MOLLIA 4) Translate (15 points) multiple bite wounds on the left hand with swelling VULNERA MORSA MANUS LATERIS SINISTRI CUM OEDEMATE MULTIPLICIA danger of the rupture of a cyst of thyroid gland PERICULUM RUPTURAE CYSTIS GLANDULAE THYROIDEAE surgical amputation of the fourth and fifth finger of the right foot due to frostbites AMPUTATIO DIGITI QUARTI ET QUINTI PEDIS (LATERIS) DEXTRI CHIRURGICA PROPTER CONGELATIONES a benign tumour of the left lobe of lungs growing towards pericardium TUMOR BENIGNUS LOBI (LATERIS) SINISTRI PULMONIS AD PERICARDIUM INCRESCENS 5) Analyse the following terms by describing their components. Explain the meaning of the term. Follow the example. (15 points) Example: aquosus Analysis: root aqu- = water, suffix -osus = full of Meaning: full of water periosteoma PERI=AROUND; OSTE=BONE; OMA=TUMOUR tumour in the membrane covering bones haemothorax HAEMO=BLOOD; THORAX=THORAX/PLEURAL CAVITY accumulation of blood in pleural cavity pyuria PY=PUS; URIA=URINE presence of pus in urine surdomutitas SURDO=DEAF; MUT=MUTE; ITAS= STATE the condition of being deaf and mute vermiformis VERMI=WORM; FORMIS=SHAPED LIKE shaped like worm