BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST 2 (SS 2017) Name:.............................................................................................. .................... Date:.................................. Group:............ 1) Match those Greek (a-f) and Latin (1-6) medical terms which include the root with the same meaning: Example: chondroma + cartilago thyroidea (chondr- = cartilago = cartilage) (5 points) a) acromatopsia 1) lactatio b) macrodactylia 2) ventriculi cordis c) necrolysis 3) tonsillae palatinae d) electrocardiographia 4) pithyriasis versicolor e) amygdalitis 5) obesitas permagna f) galactorrhoea 6) fetus mortuus 2) Split the following terms into components. Translate/explain the meaning of the terms in English: (15 points) Example: endocarditis endo-card-itis = inflammation of the innermost layer of the heart onychomycosis hydrocephalus hypertrichosis prognathia paraplegia colposcopia urocystectomia 3) Give medical terms for the definitions using the Greek roots stated: (10 points) cyst- surgical opening of bladder measurement of bladder function gloss- congenital duplication of tongue congenital absence of tongue surgical excision of tongue dactyl- pain in fingers spasm in finger more fingers than normal blephar- falling down of eyelid swelling of eyelid 4) Fill in correct endings: (20 points) abortus post trauma grav______ abdomin______ vulnera contusolacer______ post mors______ animal______ symptomata stomatitid______ ulceros______ oedem______ (pl.) membr______ (pl.) inferior______ propter diabet______ mellit______ margines liber______ ungu______(pl.) excisio segment______terti______duoden______propter carcinom______ collapsus pulmonal______ in graviditat______ BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST 2 (SS 2017) SOLUTIONS Name:.............................................................................................. .................... Date:.................................. Group:............ 1) Match those Greek (a-f) and Latin (1-6) medical terms which include the root with the same meaning: Example: chondroma + cartilago thyroidea (chondr- = cartilago = cartilage) (5 points) a) achromatopsia 1) lactatio A 4 b) macrodactylia 2) ventriculi cordis B 5 c) necrolysis 3) tonsillae palatinae C 6 d) electrocardiographia 4) pithyriasis versicolor D 2 e) amygdalitis 5) obesitas permagna E 3 f) galactorrhoea 6) fetus mortuus F 1 chromat- ~ -color; macro- ~ -magna; necro- ~ mortuus; -cardi- ~ cordis; amygdal- ~ tonsillae; galact- ~ lac 2) Split the following terms into components. Translate/explain the meaning of the terms in English: (15 points) Example: endocarditis endo-card-itis = inflammation of the innermost layer of the heart onychomycosis onych-o-mycosis = mycosis (fungus) in the nail hydrocephalus hydro-cephal-us = accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in brain hypertrichosis hyper-trich-osis = excessive amount of hair growth in body prognathia pro-gnath-ia = abnormal protrudence of the upper jaw to the front paraplegia para-plegia = total paralysis of the lower part of body colposcopia colpo-scopia = visual examination of vagina urocystectomia uro-cyst-ec-tomia = surgical removal of urinary bladder 3) Give medical terms for the definitions using the Greek roots stated: (10 points) cyst- surgical opening of bladder cystostomia measurement of bladder function cystometria gloss- congenital duplication of tongue diglossia congenital absence of tongue aglossia surgical excision of tongue glossectomia dactyl- pain in finger dactylalgia/dactylodynia spasm in finger dactylospasmus more fingers than normal polydactylia blephar- falling down of eyelid blepharoptosis swelling of eyelid blepharoedema 4) Fill in correct endings: (20 points) abortus post trauma grave abdominis vulnera contusolacera post morsum animalis symptomata stomatitidis ulcerosae oedemata membrorum inferiorum propter diabetam mellitum margines liberi unguium excisio segmenti tertii duodeni propter carcinoma collapsus pulmonalis in graviditate