BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST 2017 Name: Group: Date: 1) Put the words in the correct order to make diagnoses (10): a) post | metatarsi | apertam | tarsi | fracturam | et | status ___________________________________________________________________________ b) regionis | lacerum | dextri | lateris | orbitae | vulnus ___________________________________________________________________________ c) post | abscessus | operatio | acuta | perforationem | duodeni ___________________________________________________________________________ d) gangraenam | phalangis | amputatio | hallucis | distalis | propter | sinistri ___________________________________________________________________________ e) cum | axim | utriusque | mandibulae | fractura | lateris | ad | dislocatione _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Form comparative and superlative forms of given adjectives / prepositions. Complete the following phrases using one of the forms (15): latus, a, um __________________ __________________ distensio musculi __________________ dorsi magnus, a, um __________________ __________________ cornu __________________ ossis hyoidei mollis, e __________________ __________________ palatum durum et palatum__________________ intra __________________ __________________ prope musculos intercostales __________________ brevis, e __________________ __________________ caput __________________ bicipitis brachii 3) Decide whether the prefixes in the given terms are interpreted correctly (5): anaesthesia: again YES / NO afferens: away from YES / NO peracutus: very YES / NO interbronchialis: inside YES / NO immobilitas: negation YES / NO 4) Decide whether the given terms contain roots with equivalent meaning (5): angiectomia – vena YES / NO myelorrhagia – medulla YES / NO peroralis – soma YES / NO cholaemia – bilis YES / NO cellulisatio – kystis YES / NO 5) Give terms to English definitions (10): bad digestion ______________________________ (noun) possible to be healed ______________________________ (adjective) mucous membrane inside the womb ______________________________ (noun) tumour of glandular origin ______________________________ (noun) related to heart ______________________________ (adjective) outer surface of bones ______________________________ (noun) similar to a sword ______________________________ (adjective) the outer layer of the skin ______________________________ (noun) small channel ______________________________ (noun) inflammation of eyes ______________________________ (noun) 6) Explain the clinical terms and divide them into components (10): OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIA ________________________________________ HAEMATURIA ________________________________________ EXPECTORANTIA ________________________________________ PNEUMOHAEMOTHORAX ________________________________________ PROGERIA ________________________________________ 7) Give the clinical terms based on definitions (5): surgical removal of uterus ______________________________ unspecified disorder of mind ______________________________ paralysis of a single limb ______________________________ prolapse of ovaries ______________________________ visual examination of fetus ______________________________ 8) Translate into Latin (35): common sheath of the tendons of flexor muscles _______________________________________________________________________ joints of lower and upper limb _______________________________________________________________________ branch communicating with recurrent laryngeal nerve _______________________________________________________________________ superficial scrapes on the back of both hands _______________________________________________________________________ death after infarction of the anterior wall of the right ventricle of the heart _______________________________________________________________________ wedge-compression fracture of the third thoracic vertebra with paralysis _______________________________________________________________________ 9) Explain the following terms (5): VITA MINIMA ____________________________________________________ FACIES LEONTINA ____________________________________________________ SPHYGMOLOGIA ____________________________________________________ FEBRIS QUARTANA ____________________________________________________ HEBEPHRENIA ____________________________________________________ BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST 2017 ANSWERS Name: Group: Date: 1) Put the words in the correct order to make diagnoses (10): a) post | metatarsi | apertam | tarsi | fracturam | et | status STATUS POST FRACTURAM TARSI ET METATARSI APERTAM b) regionis | lacerum | dextri | lateris | orbitae | vulnus VULNUS LACERUM REGIONIS ORBITAE LATERIS DEXTRI c) post | abscessus | operatio | acuta | perforationem | duodeni OPERATIO ACUTA POST PERFORATIONEM ABSCESSUS DUODENI d) gangraenam | phalangis | amputatio | hallucis | distalis | propter | sinistri AMPUTATIO PHALANGIS DISTALIS HALLUCIS SINISTRI PROPTER GANGRAENAM e) cum | axim | utriusque | mandibulae | fractura | lateris | ad | dislocatione FRACTURA MANDIBULAE LATERIS UTRIUSQUE CUM DISLOCATIONE AD AXIM 2) Form comparative and superlative forms of given adjectives / prepositions. Complete the following phrases using one of the forms (15): latus, a, um LATIOR, IUS LATISSIMUS, A, UM distensio musculi LATISSIMI dorsi magnus, a, um MAIOR, IUS MAXIMUS, A, UM cornu MAIUS ossis hyoidei mollis, e MOLLIOR, IUS MOLISSIMUS, A, UM palatum durum et palatumMOLLE intra INTERIOR, IUS INTIMUS, A, UM / IMUS, A, UM prope musculos intercostales INTIMOS brevis, e BREVIOR, IUS BREVISSIMUS, A, UM caput BREVE bicipitis brachii 3) Decide whether the prefixes in the given terms are interpreted correctly (5): anaesthesia: again NO afferens: away from NO peracutus: very YES interbronchialis: inside NO immobilitas: negation YES 4) Decide whether the given terms contain roots with equivalent meaning (5): angiectomia – vena NO myelorrhagia – medulla YES peroralis – soma NO cholaemia – bilis YES cellulisatio – kystis NO 5) Give terms to English definitions (10): bad digestion DYSPEPSIA possible to be healed SANABILIS mucous membrane inside the womb ENDOMETRIUM tumour of glandular origin ADENOMA related to heart CARDIACUS outer surface of bones PERIOSTEUM similar to a sword XIPHOIDEUS the outer layer of the skin EPIDERMIS small channel CANALICULUS inflammation of eyes OPHTHALMIA 6) Explain the clinical terms and divide them into components (10): OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIA medical field dealing with problems of ears, nose and throat HAEMATURIA presence of blood in urine EXPECTORANTIA medication group used to clear mucus from the airways PNEUMOHAEMOTHORAX accumulation of air and blood in pleural cavity PROGERIA a congenital disorder with symptoms of aging at an early age 7) Give the clinical terms based on definitions (5): surgical removal of uterus HYSTERECTOMIA unspecified disorder of mind PSYCHOPATHIA paralysis of a single limb MONOPLEGIA prolapse of ovaries OOPHOROPTOSIS visual examination of fetus FETOSCOPIA 8) Translate into Latin (35): common sheath of the tendons of flexor muscles VAGINA COMMUNIS TENDINUM MUSCULORUM FLEXORUM joints of lower and upper limb ARTICULATIONES EXTREMITATIS INFERIORIS ET SUPERIORIS branch communicating with recurrent laryngeal nerve RAMUS COMMUNICANS CUM NERVO LARYNGEALI RECURRENTI superficial scrapes on the back of both hands EXCORIATIONES DORSI MANUS LATERIS UTRIUSQUE SUPERFICIALES death after infarction of the anterior wall of the right ventricle of the heart EXITUS POST INFARCTUM PARIETIS ANTERIORIS VENTRICULI DEXTRI CORDIS wedge-compression fracture of the third thoracic vertebra with paralysis FRACTURA VERTEBRAE THORACICAE TERTIAE INCUNEATA COMPRESSIVA CUM PARALYSI 9) Explain the following terms (5): VITA MINIMA minimal signs of life, state of apparent death FACIES LEONTINA face resembling that of a lion usually caused by some kinds of leprosy SPHYGMOLOGIA study of pulse FEBRIS QUARTANA fever repeating itself every four days typical of malaria HEBEPHRENIA a form of schizophrenia occurring during puberty