TUTORIAL IN BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY CREDIT TEST MOCK TEST Name: Date: 1. a) Classify all nouns in the table into five groups according to their declensions. Give their nominative singular form, genitive singular form, gender and paradigm. There are two words, which you will not use. (10 points) abscessum ~ ascites ~ caecus ~ palatum ~ lien ~ palatinum ~ rabies declension nominative singular form full genitive singular form gender paradigm 1^st declension 2^nd declension 3^rd declension 4^th declension 5^th declension 1. b) Fill in the nouns from task 1a. (5 points) · ________________________ is an organ located near the stomach that destroys worn--‐out red blood cells and produces white blood cells. · ________________________ is an enclosed collection of liquefied tissue, known as pus, somewhere in the body. It is the result of the body's defensive reaction to foreign material. · ________________________ the roof of the mouth in vertebrates having a complete or partial separation of the oral and nasal cavities. · ________________________ is abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. · ________________________ is an acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus usually transmitted through the bite of an animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behaviour, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated. 2. Match the nouns with the adjectives and form correct phrases. (7 points) corpus brevis, e ______________________________________________ solutio sacroiliacus, a, um ______________________________________________ caput migrans, antis ______________________________________________ psychosis alimentarius, a, um ______________________________________________ canalis physiologicus, a, um ______________________________________________ articulatio progressivus, a, um ______________________________________________ ren adiposus, a, um ______________________________________________ 3. Put the terms into opposite number (singular into plural and plural into singular). (13 points) cum faciebus dorsalibus digitorum ______________________________________________ glandula sublingualis ______________________________________________ extractio dentis permanentis ______________________________________________ processus transversus vertebrae ______________________________________________ ossa brevia ______________________________________________ 4. Put the full forms of the underlined abbreviations and translate the whole sentence into English. (14 points) fractura vertebrae Th7 cum dislocatione ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Therapia vulneris secti antebrachii l.dx. ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ St. p. nephritidem bilateralem ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Form correct terms. Do not change the word order: (21 points) fractura (pl.) – os (pl.) – extremitas – dexter ________________________________________________________________________________ exitus – letalis – propter – sepsis – post – vulnus – punctus – in – regio – abdominalis ________________________________________________________________________________ post – thrombosis – vena – cava ________________________________________________________________________________ haemorrhagia – ventriculus – post – trauma – gravis ________________________________________________________________________________ resectio – lobus – hepar – sinister – propter – tumor – benignus ________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Translate into Latin. (30 points) Third degree bedsores in lumbal region (5) ________________________________________________________________________________ Fracture of left clavicle with dislocation (4,5) ________________________________________________________________________________ Branch communicating with ulnar nerve (4,5) ________________________________________________________________________________ Long and short head of biceps muscle of arm (6) ________________________________________________________________________________ Extraction of foreign objects from lacrimal duct (5,5) ________________________________________________________________________________ Brain concussion after severe injury (4,5) ________________________________________________________________________________ TUTORIAL IN BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY CREDIT TEST MOCK TEST Name: Date: 1. a) Classify all nouns in the table into five groups according to their declensions. Give their nominative singular form, genitive singular form, gender and paradigm. There are two words, which you will not use. (10 points) abscessum ~ ascites ~ caecus ~ palatum ~ lien ~ palatinum ~ rabies declension nominative singular form full genitive singular form gender paradigm 1^st declension ascites ascitae m. diabetes 2^nd declension palatum palati n. septum 3^rd declension lien lienis m. dolor 4^th declension abscessus abscessus m. ductus 5^th declension rabies rabiei f. facies 3. b) Fill in the nouns from task 1a. (5 points) · __lien_____ is an organ located near the stomach that destroys worn--‐out red blood cells and produces white blood cells. · ____abscessus_____ is an enclosed collection of liquefied tissue, known as pus, somewhere in the body. It is the result of the body's defensive reaction to foreign material. · ____palatum___ the roof of the mouth in vertebrates having a complete or partial separation of the oral and nasal cavities. · ___ascites___ is abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. · _____rabies___ is an acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus usually transmitted through the bite of an animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behaviour, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated. 4. Match the nouns with the adjectives and form correct phrases. (7 points) corpus brevis, e ______corpus adiposum_______ solutio sacroiliacus, a, um ______solutio physiologica____________ caput migrans, antis ______caput breve____________________ psychosis alimentarius, a, um ______psychosis progressiva_________________ canalis physiologicus, a, um ______canalis alimentarius_____________________ articulatio progressivus, a, um ______articulatio sacroiliaca___________________ ren adiposus, a, um _______ren migrans______________________ 3. Put the terms into opposite number (singular into plural and plural into singular). (13 points) cum faciebus dorsalibus digitorum ______cum facie dorsali digiti___ glandula sublingualis ______glandulae sublinguales___________________ extractio dentis permanentis ______extractiones dentium permanentium____________ processus transversus vertebrae ______processus transversi vertebrarum_________ ossa brevia ______os breve___________ 4. Put the full forms of the underlined abbreviations and translate the whole sentence into English. (14 points) fractura vertebrae Th7 cum dislocatione ______thoracicae septimae_____ ______fracture of seventh thoracic vertebra with dislocation___________________ Therapia vulneris secti antebrachii l.dx. __________lateris dextri______ _______treatment of cut wound of right forearm_____________________ St. p. nephritidem bilateralem ______status post_____________ __________state after inflammation of both kidneys_____________________________ 5. Form correct terms. Do not change the word order: (21 points) fractura (pl.) – os (pl.) – extremitas – dexter __fracturae ossium extremitatis dextrae_______________________ exitus – letalis – propter – sepsis – post – vulnus – punctus – in – regio – abdominalis ____exitus letalis propter sepsim post vulnus punctum in regione abdominali________ post – thrombosis – vena – cava _______post thrombosim venae cavae_______________ haemorrhagia – ventriculus – post – trauma – gravis ______haemorrhagia ventriculi post trauma grave___________________________ resectio – lobus – hepar – sinister – propter – tumor – benignus _______resectio lobi hepatis sinistri propter tumorem benignum_________________________ 6) Translate into Latin. (30 points) Third degree bedsores in lumbal region (5) ____Decubitus gradus tertii regionis lumbalis____________ Fracture of left clavicle with dislocation (4,5) _____Fractura claviculae sinistrae cum duslocatione________________ Branch communicating with ulnar nerve (4,5) ______Ramus communicans cum nervo ulnari___________________________________ Long and short head of biceps muscle of arm (6) _____Caput longum et breve musculi bicipitis brachii____________________________ Extraction of foreign objects from lacrimal duct (5,5) ______Extractio corporis alieni e ductu lacrimali____________________________________ Brain concussion after severe injury (4,5) ______Commotio cerebri post trauma grave__________________________________