Exercise 1. Determine the stem of the following nouns and their declension: E.g.: Nom.Sg. – cornu, Gen. Sg.–cornus, the stem – corn, the 4th declension. cornu, us n _____________ systema, atis n_____________ paries, etis m_____________ articulatio, onis f _____________ oedema, atis n _____________ vertebra, ae f _____________ morbus, i m ______________ processus, us m _____________ facies, ei f _____________ tendo, inis m _____________ os, ossis n _____________ caries, ei f _____________ mandibula, ae f _____________ lac, lactis n _____________ remedium, ii n _____________ sanguis, inis m _____________ pars, partis f _____________ Exercise 2. Coordinate adjectives with nouns: E.g.: linea, ae f (transversus, a, um) – linea transversa cornu, us n (coccygeus, a, um) __________________________ systema, atis n (nervosus,a, um) __________________________ septum, i n (osseus, a, um) __________________________ columna, ae f (vertebralis,e) __________________________ colon, i n (transversus, a, um) __________________________ processus, us m (transversus, a, um) __________________________ arcus, us m (alveolaris, e) __________________________ os, ossis n (ethmoidalis,e) __________________________ folium, i n (viridis, e) __________________________ facies, ei f (temporalis, e) __________________________ cor, cordis n (pulmonalis, e) __________________________ apertura, ae f (externus, a, um) __________________________ tela, ae f (spongiosus, a, um) __________________________ musculus, i m (glutaeus, a ,um) __________________________ Exercise 4. Determine the gender of the 3rd declension nouns by the ending of the adjectives they are coordinated to: E.g.: vas lymphaticum – neutrum (n) Paries labirynthicus, flos albus, homo sanus, cor sanum, os zygomaticum, os lacrimale, vas capillare, pars thoracica, axis opticus, symphysis pubica, regio mediana, glomus caroticum, ren accessorius, systema lymphaticum, pancreas accessorium, crus anterius, hepar mobile, appendix fibrosa, rete venosum, pecten anale, systema urogenitale.