Revision of 1st and 2nd declension Translate and form reqired cases — — — — — — — — wide ligament mucous membrane long period nom. sg. gen. sg. acc. sg. nom. pl. gen. pl. abl. pl. — — — — — — — — wide ligament mucous membrane long period nom. sg. ligamentum latum tunica mucosa periodus longa gen. sg. ligamenti lati tunicae mucosae periodi longae acc. sg. ligamentum latum tunicam mucosam periodum longam nom. pl. ligamenta lata tunicae mucosae periodi longae gen. pl. ligamentorum latorum tunicarum mucosarum periodorum longarum abl. pl. ligamentis latis tunicis mucosis periodis longis Adjectives ending in –oideus, a, um —Derived from Greek τὸ εἶδος „shape, picture“ θυρεός = shield πτέρυξ = bird wing processus pterygoideus colon sigmoideum glandula thyroidea sutura lambdoidea Translate —rupture of pterygoid muscle ¡ruptura musculi pterygoidei —rupture of pterygoid muscles ¡ruptura musculorum pterygoideorum —cancer of sigmoid colon ¡cancer / carcinoma coli sigmoidei —lobes of thyroid gland ¡Lobi glandulae thyroideae —anomaly of lambdoid suture ¡anomalia suturae lambdoideae Correct the mistakes —massa pro suppositoria —in periodo longo —in hilo ovario —tuberculi costarum —mixtura cum ricini olei —post fracturam coste —nuclei ruberi —in ostio venae cavo Øsuppositoriis Ølonga Øovarii Øtubercula Øoleo Øcostae Ørubri Øcavae 3rd declension 3rd declension: characteristic features ØNouns of all three genders ¡abductor, ōris, m. ¡pelvis, is, f. ¡forāmen, inis, n. Ø ØNom. sg. – various endings — Gen. sg. – always –is — ØThe base for forming all other cases is genitive stem Øwe gain genitive stem when we remove ending -is from gen. sg. oabductor, abductōris -> abductōr- opelvis, pelvis -> pelv- oforāmen, forāminis -> forāmin- What is the genitive stem of following nouns —corpus, oris, n. —cutis, is, f. —caput, itis, n. —os, oris, n. —pollex, icis, m. —femur, oris, n. —frons, frontis, f. —auris, is, f. — — cervix, icis, f. pectus, oris, n. abdomen, inis, n. crus, cruris, n. pes, pedis, m. hallux, ucis, m. corpor- cut- capit- or- pollic- femor- front- aur- cervic- pector- abdomin- crur- ped- halluc- 2 types of stems —Nouns of 3rd declension are divided into two types: ¡a) i-stems ¡masculines a feminines: ÷Having the same number of syllables in nominative and genitive singular: ¢a-xis, a-xis, m. ¢pub-ēs, pub-is, f. ÷Having 2 consonants preceeding the ending –is in the genitive singular: ¢dens, dentis, m. ¢pars, partis, f. ¡Neutrals: ÷nom. sg. ending in -e, -al or -ar (help: areal), there are only 4 of them: ¢rēte, rētis, n.; animal, ālis, n.; calcar, calcāris, n.; cochlear, aris, n. ¡b) consonant stems (all the rest) ÷pulmō, pulmōnis, m. ; cervīx, cervīcis, f.; abdōmen, abdōminis, n. — Maskulines and feminines —i-stem: pelvis, is f. — — — — — — —Consonant stem: dolor, oris, m. üthe only difference between these two paradigms is genitive plural: — pelvium X dolorum case singular plural nom. pelvis pelv-ēs gen. pelvis pelv-ium ak. pelv-em pelv-ēs abl. pelv-e pelv-ibus Maskulines and feminines Neutrals —abl. sg. (rētī X corpore), —nom.+acc. pl. (rētia X corpora) —gen. pl. (rētium X corporum) —Exceptions: —os, ossis n. (bone): gen. pl.: ossium —vās, vāsis n. (vesel): is in plural declined like septum: vāsa, vāsōrum... case singular plural singular plural nom. rēte rēt-ia corpus corpor-a gen. rēt-is rēt-ium corpor-is corpor-um ak. rēte rēt-ia corpus corpor-a abl. rēt-ī rēt-ibus corpor-e corpor-ibus Neutrals Neutrals What is the paradigm for following nouns? —cutis, is, f. —caput, itis, n. —os, oris, n. —pollex, icis, m. —femur, oris, n. —frons, frontis, f. — — auris, is, f. cervix, icis, f. pectus, oris, n. abdomen, inis, n. crus, cruris, n. pes, pedis, m. hallux, ucis, m. cut- capit- or- pollic- femor- front- aur- cervic- pector- abdomin- crur- ped- halluc- Example of declining noun from 3rd declension with 1st and 2nd declension adjective Singular Plural margō liber marginēs liberī marginis liberī marginum liberōrum marginem liberum marginēs liberōs margine liberō marginibus liberīs Singular Plural cochlear parvum cochleāria parva cochleāris parvī cochleārium parvōrum cochlear parvum cochleāria parva cochleārī parvō cochleāribus parvīs Decline: —os longum —cavitas magna —rete venosum —canalis palatinus —