Preventive epidemiological measures; principles of vaccination MUDr. Marie Kolářová,CSc. Ústav ochrany a podpory zdraví LF MU Spring 2018 Epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states or events (not just diseases) in specified populations (patient is community, individuals viewed collectively), and the application (since epidemiology is a discipline within public health)of this study to the control of health problems. SURVEILLANCE The systematic  collection,  analysis,  interpretation, and  dissemination of health data on an ongoing basis, to gain knowledge of the pattern of disease occurrence and potential in a community, in order to control and prevent disease in the community. WHO Health statistics and information system The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health. It was established on 7 April 1948 headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group. Its predecessor, the Health Organization, was an agency of the League of Nations. WHO Health statistics and information system  National Health Interview Survey(  Selected Data Items:  Health status and limitations  Utilization of health care  Health insurance  Access to care  Selected health conditions  Poisonings and injuries  Health behaviors  Functioning/disability  Immunizations   Diseases preventable by vaccination  Sexually transmitted diseases  Viral hepatitis  Food- and waterborne diseases and diseases of environmental origin  Diseases transmitted by non-conventional agents (prions)  Airborne diseases  Zoonoses (other than those listed above)  Serious imported diseases  Vector-borne diseases  Special health issues (HAI, antibiotic resistence) Diseases and special health issues under EU surveillance European Tuberculosis Surveillance Network The European Tuberculosis Surveillance Network consists of TB surveillance experts from all 53 countries belonging to the World Health Organization’s European Region, including 30 EU/EEA Member States. Under the joint coordination of ECDC and the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe, the network collects, validates, analyses and disseminates European TB surveillance data. The purpose of the network is to identify the epidemiological patterns of TB in the Region and monitor progress towards TB elimination, with key surveillance and monitoring findings published in an annual report. In addition, the network aims to further strengthen TB surveillance in Europe. SURVEILLANCE Surveillance programmes can be carried out on a large scale such as for districts and regions. In the Czech Republic, surveillance programmes exist for poliomyelitis, pertussis, diphtheria, measles, viral hepatitis, alimentary infections and influenza. Under the general guidelines released by WHO, surveillance of influenza is carried out on an international level.  BENCKO, Vladimir, et al. Hygiene and Epidemiology : Selected Chapters. 2nd edition. Prague. 2008. ISBN 80-246-0793-X. Vybrané infekční nemoci v ČR v letech 2006 – 2016; absolutně 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Varicella Campylobacteriosis Salmonellosis Virové průjmy Vybrané infekční nemoci v ČR v letech 2006 – 2016; absolutně 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 VHC Akutní VHB VHA VHE 2.4.2018 2.4.2018 2.4.2018 17 Solving health problem Step 1 Date collection Step 2 Assessment Step 3 Hypothesis testing Step 4 Action Surveillance; determine time, place and person Inference Determine how and why Intervention Eradication and Elimination Eradication is an absolute process, an “all or none” phenomenon, restricted to termination of infection from the whole world. Smallpox eradication was officially announced at the 33rd General Assembly WHO 8. May 1980.  The term elimination is sometimes used to describe eradication of a disease from a large geographic region. Disease which are amenable to elimination in the meantime are polio, measles and diphtheria. Global Disease Elimination and eradication  During the 25 years since the certification of smallpox eradication there has been considerable debate among public health practitioners about how existing health technologies can best be used to decrease infectious disease incidence and prevalence.  Interruption of transmission has often been envisaged as the ultimate goal, and standard public health concepts of disease reduction have been defined or re-defined.  In 1998, Dowdle proposed a definition of control as a reduction in the incidence, prevalence, morbidity or mortality of an infectious disease to a locally acceptable level;  elimination as reduction to zero of the incidence of disease or infection in a defined geographical area;  and eradication as permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of infection Health 2020: the European policy for health and well-being Health 2020 is the new European health policy framework. It aims to support action across government and society to: “significantly improve the health and wellbeing of populations, reduce health inequalities, strengthen public health and ensure peoplecentred health systems that are universal, equitable, sustainable and of high quality Chain of infections (epidemic proces) THE CAUSATIVE AGENT OF INFECTION (bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa) 1. the presence of rezervoir (source) of infection man, animal at the ende of incubation period acute stage cariers 2. the way of transmission A/ direct contact touching, kissing or sexual intercourse (Staphylococcus spp., Gonococcus spp.,HIV …), - vertical transmission – from mother to fetus (VHB, VHC, HIV, listeria, rubella, cytomegalovirus…) B/ indirect contact - inhalation of droplets containing the infectious agents (TBC, measles, influenza…) - ingestion of food or water that is contaminated (salmonella, Norwalk virus, VHA….) - biological transmission by insects (malaria, borellia….) 3. the susceptibility of the population or its individual members to the organism concerned Host factors : a g e , n u t r i t i o n, g e n e t i c s i m m u n i t y – natural (nonspecific), - acquired THE INFECTION = 1. source of infection ………. Chain of infections (epidemic proces) If the epidemiology is know, we can interfere with transmission: „BREAKING THE CHAIN OF INFECTION“ Different infections have different epidemiologies and thus require different methods of control Preventive anti- epidemic measures is a set of measures to prevent the infection of susceptible individuals: primary , when we prevent impact of external risk factors , or we will increase the resistance of the individual (epidemiology) Secondary prevention is early to find (diagnosis), treatment and prevention of further development of the disease and complications (clinical medicine) Tertiary prevention monitors patients who have overcome the disease Preventive anti- epidemic measures  Include: Increasing hygienic standards of the population - the most important is compliance with sanitary regulations relating to water supply , food , manufacturing and food handling , waste water , waste , faeces and so forth. Vaccination - in order to induce maximum collective immunity. Evidence and vector control (and the people with them living in the same household) - on the territory concerned health authorities must register for (eg. Portability typphoid, salmonella, bacillary dysentery and diphtheria); must be under constant medical supervision , regular microbiologically examined or treated . Must submit certain restrictive measures , always report a change of residence must not endanger their actions of another person . Measures to prevent the introduction of infection into collectives entrance examinations (to work, camp, army, morning filters in nurseries and kindergartens), prevent the entry into the collective persons that could be a source of infection (important information too). Preventive anti- epidemic measures Prophylactic desinfection - aims to reduce the number of pathogens in the external environment (public buildings, medical facilities, public transport, drinking water, waste water from hospitals, milk pasteurisation). Border protection - a system of measures protecting the borders of the introduction of diseases from foreign persons , materials , goods, imported animals . It is, among other things. Persons who come from countries with endemic or epidemic occurrence of serious communicable diseases . Such passengers must show a valid vaccination certificate, if you do not or are not vaccinated, subjected to medical supervision, quarantine or vaccination. Quarantine diseases as plaque, yellow fever and cholera. As for the people, not absolute boundaries conserve data. More important is the protection of imported commodities , which must be accompanied by a certificate of health or veterinary authorities about their health . Health education - raising awareness of health and culture of the inclusion of basic hygiene and epidemiology in school and extracurricular educational facilities. Herd immunity (also called herd effect, population immunity, or social immunity) is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune. In a population in which a large number of individuals are immune, chains of infection are likely to be disrupted, which stops or slows the spread of disease. The greater the proportion of individuals in a community who are immune, the smaller the probability that those who are not immune will come into contact with an infectious individual. Individual immunity can be gained through recovering from a natural infection or through artificial means such as vaccination. Some individuals cannot become immune due to medical reasons and in this group herd immunity is an important method of protection. Herd immunity (also called herd effect, population immunity, or social immunity) Once a certain threshold has been reached, herd immunity gradually eliminates a disease from a population. This elimination, if achieved worldwide, may result in the permanent reduction in the number of infections to zero, called eradication. This method was used for the eradication of smallpox in 1977 and for the regional elimination of other diseases] Herd immunity does not apply to all diseases, just those that are contagious meaning that they can be transmitted from one individual to another.] Tetanus, for example, is infectious but not contagious, so herd immunity does not apply].