General Pathophysiology of Endocrine System March 9, 2018 Interactive homeostatic system: communication between body and brain by means of neurons and factors circulating in blood Energy homeostasis control MCH=melanin concentrating hormon Endocrinopathies Effects of hormones  Pleoitrophism:  one hormon has more effects in different tissue  more hormones modulate one function Output of the cell  Acute - monotrophic  Chronic-pleiotrophic  Responsive cell- the cell able to realize postreceptively adequate response  Receptive cell- the cell appointed by receptors Effects of hormones  Acute - posttranslational effects  Chronicgenomic effects-trophic (cell growth and division) Receptor regulation types:  up-regulation (genomic effect)  down-regulation (membrane effect) Hormone action and receptors  Hormones act by binding to specific receptors in the target cell, which may be at the cell surface and/or within the cell.  Most hormone receptors are proteins with complex tertiary structures, parts of which complement the tertiary structure of the hormone to allow highly specific interactions, while other parts are responsible for the effects of the activated receptor within the cell. Many hormones bind to specific cell-surface receptors where they trigger internal messengers, while others bind to nuclear receptors which interact directly with DNA. Hormone action and receptors .  Cell-surface receptors usually contain hydrophobic sections which span the lipid-rich plasma membrane, while nuclear receptors contain characteristic amino-acid sequences to bind nuclear DNA (e.g. so-called 'zinc fingers') as in the glucocorticoid receptor. The four classes of DNA-binding pro Manner of hormone secretion  Endocrine secretion – directly to the blood or indirectly through extracellular water compartment  Paracrine secretion – the hormone has not must not be secreted to the blood (growth factors, neuroparakrinia)  Autocrine secretion - f.i. presynaptic neuromodulation of NE release Interaction hormone-receptor Hormone A Hormone B Hormone C +++ - + Recognition +++ - + Signal forming in cytoplasm or in nucleus +++ - + Efector machinery : enzymes, genes et al. Strong efekt A No effect B No effect C No effect A Poor effect A Hormone binding globulins  with small affinity and specifity for the hormone  albumine, orozomukoid, 1- acid glycoprotein  with high affinity and higher specifity for the hormone  TBG, Transkortine (CBG), SHBG  binding proteins:  Dysproteinemia acute and chronic  binding proteins  Liver cirrhosis Interaction hormone-receptor Interactions fixed with messenger Mobile interactions hormone-receptor- nucleus Glucagone Insulin Noradrenaline PTH TSH ACTH FSH LH ADH Secretine Estrogenes Testosterone Progesterone Adrenal cortical hormones Thyreoid hormons Feedback control Hormone-hormone Substrat-hormone Neuronal control Chronotrophic control Adrenergic Oscillated Cholinergic Pulzatile Dopaminergic Diurnal rhythm Serotoninergic Sleep-wake rhythm Endorfinergic Menstrual rhythm -enkefalinergic Sesonal rhythm Gabaergic Development rhythm Schema of human circadian system. RHT, retinohypothalamic tract; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; PVN, paraventricular nucleus Clin Invest. 2011 Jun;121(6):2133-41. Circadian rhythms, sleep, and metabolism. Huang W1, Ramsey KM, Marcheva B, Bass J. ANS-autonomic nerve system BMR-basal metabolic rate Clin Invest. 2011 Jun;121(6):2133-41. Circadian rhythms, sleep, and metabolism. Huang W1, Ramsey KM, Marcheva B, Bass J. Clin Invest. 2011 Jun;121(6):2133-41. Circadian rhythms, sleep, and metabolism. Huang W1, Ramsey KM, Marcheva B, Bass J. Circadian disruption affects multiple organ systems. The diagram provides examples of how circadian disruption negatively impacts the brain and the digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. Though the diagram displays unidirectional affects, there are various feedback loops that exist within the system and interactions that occur between these systems. Erin L. Zelinski, Scott H. Deibel, Robert J. McDonald Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 40 (2014) 80–101 Hormone classes according to the structure Amines and amino acids Peptides, polypeptides and proteins Steroids Adrenaline Noradrenaline Dopamine Thyreoid hormones ACTH, angiotensine calcitonine erythropoietine FSH gastrine glucagone STH insulin LH, Oxytocin PTH, prolactine secretine, TSH, ADH Aldosterone Glucokortikoids Estrogenes Progesterone Testosterone Koncepce multireceptivní buňky Effect of non- protein hormones on gene transcription Hormonal activity  At the molecular level there is little difference in the way cellular activity is regulated between classical neurotransmitters that act across synaptic clefts, intercellular factors acting across gap junctions, classic endocrine and paracrine activity and a variety of other chemical messengers involved in cell regulation - such as cytokines, growth factors and interleukins; progress in basic cell biology has revealed the biochemical similarities in the messengers, receptors and intracellular postreceptor mechanisms underlying all these aspects of cell function. Signal transduction Signal transduction Signal transduction Signal transduction Hypothalamic releasing hormones and the pituitary trophic hormo Effects ACTH at the level of the cell Intracellular cortisol effect Nuclear and non nuclear actions of glucocorticoids Potential pathways by which circadian dysregulation may mediate psychosocial effects on cancer progression  Arrow (A) represents activation of endocrine stress-responses associated with psychological distress and other psychosocial factors. Repeated stress-response activation may hypothetically lead to dysregulation of circadian rhythms (B), while aberrations in sleep–wake cycles, rest-activity rhythms, genetic, or suprachiasmatic control of circadian rhythms would engender endocrine abnormalities (C). Hypotheses regarding direct effects of hormones on tumor growth involve metabolic pathways or influences on oncogene expression (D). Potential pathways by which circadian dysregulation may mediate psychosocial effects on cancer progression  Neuroimmune effects are widespread and include modulation of innate immunity, T and B cell function, cytokine and adhesion molecule expression, cell trafficking, and immune cell differentiation (E). Circadian rhythm aberration is associated with abnormalities of immune cell trafficking and cell proliferation cycles (F). It has been hypothesized that circadian clock genes are tightly linked with genes related to tumor growth and that tumors may be a direct consequence of circadian dysregulation (G). Immune defenses against tumor growth include both specific mechanisms (e.g., killing by cytotoxic T lymphocytes aided by helper T cells, B cellmediated antibody-dependent lysis) and non-specific immunity (e.g., lytic activity of NK, LAK, and A-NK cells, macrophages, and granulocytes; H). Potential mechanisms of circadian clock-dependent regulation of neurodegenerationThe circadian clock regulates metabolism, ROS homeostasis, DNA repair and, probably, autophagy (circadian clock controlled systems and pathways are shown in green). Disruption of circadian system function will compromise the activities of these systems, which will lead to oxidative stress (shown in red) and accumulation of intraand extra-cellular aggregates in the brain. This in turn will lead to brain cell death and degeneration of brain structures (shown in yellow). Similar mechanisms can contribute to the changes in the brain during the normal ageing. Děkuji za pozornost