27. 3. 2018 Pathophysiology of metabolism of proteins Energy homeostasis METABOLIC PATHWAYS Intermedial metabolism METABOLISM STAGES Figure 24.3 • Nutrients containing energy are processed in three stages: 1. Digestion – food processing; nutrients are transported to the tissue 2. Anabolism and catabolic intermedial products forming, where nutrients are: • bound to lipids, proteins and glycogen, or: • cleaved in metabolic pathways to pyruvate and acetyl CoA. 3. Oxidative phosphorylation – nutrients are catabolized to CO2, water and ATP Resetting signals of the central and peripheral clocks. Froy O Endocrine Reviews 2010;31:1-24 ©2010 by Endocrine Society LEPTIN INSULIN NPYNEURON AgRPNEURON POMCNEURON CARTNEURON BLOOD VESSEL NPY AgRP α-MSH Increased food intake Decrease food intake α-MSH RECEPTORs OREXIGENIC-ANOREXIGENIC PATHWAYS Drug Insight: the functions of ghrelin and its potential as a multitherapeutic hormone Masayasu Kojima and Kenji Kangawa Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism (2006) 2, 80-88 Regulation of food appetite INTERNAL CHANGES OF NUTRITION MOLECULES  Glycogenesis  Lipogenesis  Glycogenolysis  Gluconeogenesis Overview of the mechanisms and consequences of epigenetic regulation by nutritional compounds. Modulation of different classes of chromatin writers-erasers by phytochemicals (left panel). Genes encoding absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) proteins can be epigenetically regulated and thereby determine individual nutritional responses. Epigenetic modification of disease-related genes can contribute to diagnosis (biomarker) as well as disease prevention or progression (right panel). 2015 Mar 25;7(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s13148- 015-0068-2. eCollection 2015. From inflammaging to healthy aging by dietary lifestyle choices: is epigenetics the key to personalized nutrition? Vel Szic KS1, Declerck K1, Vidaković M2, Vanden Berghe W1. The loss of universal helminth infection as occurred in earlier human evolution may alter the numbers or types of bacterial and fungal commensals and thus affect normal mucosal tissue homeostasis. In susceptible or highly exposed individuals, such alterations might alter the balance between immunotolerance, immunosurveillance and nutrient extraction. This imbalance may contribute to the appearance of inflammatory systemic dysregulation at mucosal surfaces, resulting in increases in asthma and allergic diseases, particularly in the setting of environmental changes that have increased exposure to indoor allergens and pollutants, and even to increases in obesity, which can be a risk factor for severe asthma. METABOLISM  Quantitative evaluation (energetic)  Qualitative evaluation (sufficient and suitable proportion of proteins, lipids and sugars)  Anabolism  Catabolism METABOLISM OF SUBSTANCE:  -anabolism = more complicated products are synthetized from simple absorbed compounds (s.c. assimilation) – energy is used (endergonic reaction)  -catabolism = portion of absorbed compounds is cleaved to simpler ones (dissimilation) – energy is released (exergonic reaction) ENERGY METABOLISM  - most food compounds are used as a energy source  1g of sugars 17.22kJ  1g of lipids 39.06kJ  1g of proteins 23.73kJ REGULATION OF METABOLIC PROCESSES Neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation using hormones: (insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, glucocorticoids, T4 and T3, reproduction hormones  Liver  Adipose tissue  Skin  Kidneys  Respiratory and cardiovascular system PROTEIN METABOLISM  Non essential amino acids can be formed by transamination (= transfer of amino acid group to keto acid).  When using for energy formation, they undergo oxidative deamination. NH3 and keto acids are side products of the reaction. NH3 is changed to urea and excreted by urine.  Amino acids are not stored in the body. PROTEINS  Main building material of cells and tissues, enzymes, some hormones and compounds of pigments  Food sources: animal(contain all AAs) and plant (not all contain essential AAs)proteins  digestion in stomach – pepsin (from pepsinogen, activated by HCL) and small intestine – trypsin, aminopeptidases (cleave N-terminal AAs), carboxypeptidases (cleave C-terminal AAs), dipeptidases (cleave dipeptides) – and AAs  absorption to v. portae in presence of vit. B6  Condition for adequate protein digestion- they must denaturized (cooking) INTERNAL CHANGES OF NUTRITION MOLECULES METABOLIC REACTION OF LIPIDS AND PROTEINS Table 24.2.2 CATABOLISM OF PROTEINS CATABOLIC STATES Are induced by dysregulation of metabolic events by inflammation( cytokines), stress (A, GKs), chronic immobilization.  Acute severe diseases (adaptation on starvation decreases, protein malnutrition can develop).  Cancer - cachexia (cytokines TNF, IL-1 and IL-6).  Trauma, burns, fever, painful states, AIDS (wasting syndrome). ORGAN CHANGES IN PROTEIN AND ENERGY DEFICITS  Loss of body weight (drop of 40% is leading to death).  ECT volume is nor changing or relative expansion of ECT against ICT. When oncotic pressure was decreasing, edema could develop.  Decreased cardiac output.  Decreased function of respiratory system due to decreased contractility of respiratory muscles.  Decreased stomach motility and stomach production of HCL  Decreased exocrine function of pancreas  Decrease liver mass with decrease proteins, lipids and glycogen in secondary malnutrition  In primary malnutrition liver mass increased due to lipids infiltration and increased production of glycogen. ORGAN CHANGES IN PROTEIN AND ENERGY DEFICITS  Kidney weight decreases.  Increased ECT volume due to decreased osmotic gradient in the kidney.  Increased secretion in endocrine system.  Immunodeficiency state (decrease of non specific immune functions).  Atrophy of the skin end GIT epithelia with functional lesions of barriers against external environment.  Decreased wound healing in severe protein malnutrition. THE HUMAN STARVATION  response is unique among animals in that human brains do not require the ingestion of glucose to function. During starvation, less than half the energy used by the brain comes from metabolized glucose. Because the human brain can use ketone bodies as major fuel sources, the body is not forced to break down skeletal muscles at a high rate, thereby maintaining both cognitive function and mobility for up to several weeks. HUMAN STAVATION  This response is extremely important in human evolution and allowed for humans to continue to find food effectively even in the face of prolonged starvation.  Initially, the level of insulin in circulation drops and the levels of glucagon, epinephrine and norepinephrine rise. At this time, there is an up-regulation of glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and ketogenesis.  The body’s glycogen stores are consumed in about 24 hours. In a normal 70 kg adult, only about 8,000 kilojoules of glycogen are stored in the body (mostly in the striated muscles). HUMAN STAVATION  The body also engages in gluconeogenesis to convert glycerol and glucogenic amino acids into glucose for metabolism.  Another adaptation is the Cori cycle, which involves shuttling lipid-derived energy in glucose to peripheral glycolytic tissues, which in turn send the lactate back to the liver for resynthesis to glucose. Because of these processes, blood glucose levels remain relatively stable during prolonged starvation. HUMAN STAVATION  However, the main source of energy during prolonged starvation is derived from triglycerides. Triglycerides are broken down to fatty acids via lipolysis. Epinephrine precipitates lipolysis by activating protein kinase A, which phosphorylates hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipin. These enzymes, along with CGI-58 and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), complex at the surface of lipid droplets. The concerted action of ATGL and HSL liberates the first two fatty acids. Cellular monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL), liberates the final fatty acid. The remaining glycerol enters gluconeogenesis. MALNUTRITION  Malnutrition is a disorder in body composition in which inadequate macronutrient (protein, carbohydrate, and fat) or micronutrient (vitamins, minerals, and trace elements) intake results in decreased body mass, reduced organ mass, and most importantly, decreased organ function. NUTRITION: PROTEINS  Adequate intake of protein is one of the key nutritional factors to maintain independence, predominantly by preventing loss of muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia), frailty and associated comorbidities in later life. SARCOPENIA  A gradual decline in muscle mass is observed from the third decade of life with a 30–50% decrease reported between the ages of 40 and 80. Muscle strength is correlated with muscle mass and rapidly declines after the age of 50. The beginning of the fourth decade of life might therefore be interpreted as the time when muscle ageing process begins and for this reason it is the optimal time for implementing appropriate dietary changes, to prevent or delay the onset of sarcopenia. PERSONALITY TYPE D („DISTRESSED“ PERSONALITY)  Type-D denotes the synergistic effect of negative affectivity (tendency to experience negative emotions) and social inhibition (tendency to inhibit self-expression).  As a result, type-D patients experience more feelings of anxiety, depression, and anger, but inhibit self-expression in order to avoid disapproval by others.  Type-D is associated with a four- to fivefold increased risk of death or myocardial infarction in cardiac patients.  Type-D personality was positively associated with the cortisolawakening response, independently of age, sex, and body mass. TYPE D BEHAVIOUR  is characterized by the joint tendency to experience negative emotions and to inhibit these emotions while avoiding social contacts with others. The observation that cardiac patients with type D personality are at increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality underlines the importance of examining both acute (e.g. major depression) and chronic (e.g. certain personality features) factors in patients at risk for coronary events.  Both type D dimensions (negative affectivity and social inhibition) are associated with greater cortisol reactivity to stress. Elevated cortisol may be a mediating factor in the association between type D personality and the increased risk for coronary heart disease and, possibly, other medical disorders. Mundel P, Reiser J.Kidney Int. 2010 Apr;77(7):571-80. Proteinuria as a cause of a loss of proteins Mundel P, Reiser J.Kidney Int. 2010 Apr;77(7):571-80. . Mundel P, Reiser J.Kidney Int. 2010 Apr;77(7):571-80. 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