HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) 1) PRESCRIPTION TYPES Prescriptions can be classified as individually prepared or ready-made. a) Individually prepared medication, also called magistraliter (from Latin word magister – teacher) is an order that requires mixing of one or more ingredients (active medicaments) with one or more pharmaceutical necessities (vehicle, suspending agent). The physician selects the drugs, doses, and pharmaceutical form that he/she desires and the pharmacist prepares the medication accordingly. The name of each drug is placed on a separate line right under the preceding one. The order of the ingredients is as follows: Remedium cardinale (basis). The basis is the principal drug and gives the prescription its chief action. Remedium adjuvans (adjuvant). The adjuvant is a drug that aids or increases the power of the principal ingredient. Remedium corrigens (corrective). The corrective modifies or corrects undesirable effects of the basic or adjuvant. Remedium constituens (vehicle). The vehicle is the agent used as a solvent in the solution to increase the size and volume or to dilute the mixture. The most potent or principal drug is written first, the other ingredient second, and the vehicle last, as shown in the example. E.g.: Invocatio: Rp./ (= Recipe = take!) Ordinatio: Natrii bromati (bromatis) 6,0 Rem. cardinale Phenobarbitali 0,6 Rem. adjuvans Sirupi Menthae 60,0 Rem. corrigens Aquae destillatae ad 300,0 Rem. constituens Subscriptio: M. f. mixt. = Misce fiat mixtura = Mix (the ingredients) to obtain a mixture. Signatura: D. S. = Da. Signa. = Give! Sign! Jedna lžička třikrát denně po jídle. (= One tablespoon 3 times a day after meal). HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) b) Ready-made medication, or specialitas, does not require mixing of two or more ingredients to obtain the final product. It consists of a drug or a mixture of drugs supplied by a pharmaceutical company by its official or proprietary name and, if it contains more than one substance, the specific ingredients do not have to be listed. Usually, it is distinguishable by the abbreviation Exp. orig. (= Expeditio originalis = original package). E.g.: Invocatio: Rp. (= Recipe = take!) Ordinatio: Ospamox 750 mg tbl. (= tabulettas) Exp. orig. No. II. (=expeditiones originales numero duas = two original packages) Signatura: D. S. (= Da. Signa. = Give! Sign!) Jedna tableta každých 12 hodin po dobu dvou týdnů. (= One tablet every 12 hours for two weeks). CZECH MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) 2) PARTS OF THE PRESCRIPTION a) INSCRIPTIO The name and the surname of the doctor, the hospital, clinic or polyclinic medical center, their address, and the date. The date is important to determine the expiration of the prescription. The prescription of narcotics and controlled substances is governed by special laws and regulations. b) NOMEN AEGROTI Name, address and age of the patient. This part serves to identify for whom the prescription is intended. The full name and the address are required by law on all prescriptions for controlled substances. The age of the patient is a good additional piece of information, especially with pediatric pаtients where dosage calculations have to be double-checked for safety. This part may be located on the designated area, or after the last drug on the back of the form. c) INVOCATIO Consists of the message to the chemist/pharmacist, and it includes only the formula Rp. – an abbreviation for Recipe meaning Take! in Latin. d) ORDINATIO This is the main part of the medical prescription. There are the names of medicinal substances, the medicinal forms, and the dosages (in the magistraliter prescriptions) or brand name (in the specialitas prescriptions). Magistraliter: The medicinal substances are required to begin with a capital letter and to be in genitive (since it is always a particular amount OF...). The dosage is noted after the substance or medicinal form using metric units (grams) and Arabic decimal numerals Specialitas: Brand names are written with capital letter, but these are not inflected and are written as seen in the original packaging. Then the number of original packages (ready-made medicines) is given in Roman numerals and full word in the brackets in accusative using the Exp. orig. formula (or its versions like Tbl. orig.). e) SUBSCRIPTIO In this part there are, if necessary, instructions to the chemist on how to make the preparation and the number of doses, or medicinal forms to be supplied to the patient, usually introduced by the M. f. formula (Misce fiat = mix to make...!). f) SIGNATURA This part conventionally starts with the D.S. formula (Da. Signa. = Give!Sign!). Notes intended for the patient are written in Czech. It provides instructions on how the medicine should be taken. This information must be sufficient to allow the patient to understand fully the amount of the drug product to be taken and the frequency and manner of administration. g) NOMEN MEDICI The signature of the doctor may be placed on the designated area, or after the last drug, and this is for identification data. HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) 3) FORMS OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS AND AGENTS capsula (e.g. mollis/enterosolvens = soft/dissolvable in gastrointestinal tract) = capsule fascia (e.g. hydrophila) = tightening bandage lana = cotton wool granulum (e.g. effervescens) = granulated powder charta = paper ligamentum = bandage pulvis (e.g. nasalis/adspersorius) = powder species = mixtures to make tea tabuletta (e.g. obducta) = tablet tela (e.g. hydrophila)= gauze filum (e.g. sterile) = thread emplastrum = sticking-plaster globulus (e.g vaginalis) = globule, ball unguentum = ointment pasta (e.g. dentrifricia = tooth-) = paste sapo, onis, m. (e.g. kalinus = potassium) = soap stylus (e.g. nasalis) = stick suppositorium (e.g. rectale) = suppository vaselinum (e.g. flavum/purum) = vaseline cremor (e.g. refrigerans = cooling) = cream guttae (e.g. oculoguttae) = drops decoctum = decoction infusio (e.g. sodii chloridi) = infusion oleum = oil tinctura (e.g. opii = of opium) = alcoholic solution made from plants spuma (e.g. dermalis) = foam 4) PARTS OF PLANTS USED IN PHARMACOLOGY flos, ris, m. (e.g. tiliae, sumbuci) = flowers folium, ii, n. (e.g. menthae, salviae) = leaves fructus, us, m. (e.g. foeniculi) = fruit herba, ae, f. (e.g.absynthii, thymi) = herbs, tops of plants lignum, i, n. (e.g. cinammi) = wood radix, cis, f. (e.g. liquiritiae) = roots resina, ae, f. (e.g. cannabis) = resin semen, inis, n. (e.g. arnicae) = seeds succus, i, m. (e.g. belladonnae) = draught, juice HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) 5) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN MEDICAL PRECRIPTIONS a) VERBAL FORMS, INSTRUCTIONS abbreviation full form translation add. adde/addatur/addantur add/it should be added/they should be added d. s. da signa/detur signetur give and sign/it should be given and signed d./dent. da/detur/dentur give/it should be given/they should be given d./div. divide/dividatur divide/it should be divided div. in dos. aeq. divide in doses aequales divide in equal doses d. t. d. dentur tales doses such doses should be given disp. dispensa/dispensetur divide, distribute/it should be divided, distributed f. fiat/fiant it should be made/they should be made m. misce/misceatur it should be mixed/they should be mixed m. f. misce fiat/misce fiant mix, it should be made/mix, they should be made rep. repete/repetatur repeat/it should be repeated rp. recipe take s./sig. signa/signetur sign/it should be signed solv. solve dissolve sterilis. sterilisetur it should be sterilised ut f. ut fiat… in order to make... (sth) b) FORMS OF MEDICATIONS abbreviation full form translation caps./cps. capsula/capsulae capsule/capsules comp. compositus, a, um composed of more constituents conc. concentratus, a, um concentrated decoct. decoctum decoction drg. dragées dragee, coated pill empl. emplastrum sticking-plaster extr. extr. fluid. extr. sicc. /exsicc. extr. spiss. extractum extractum fluidum extractum siccum/exsiccatum extractum spissum extract liquid extract dry/dried extract thick, dense extract garg. gargarisma gargling water glob. globuli globules HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) gtt./gutt. guttae drops gossyp. gossypium cotton wool herb. herba plant, herb inf. infusio infusion inj. inj. i. c. inj. i. m. inj. i. v. inj. subcut. injectio injectio intracutanea injectio intramuscularis injectio intravenosa injectio subcutanea injection injection into the skin injection into the muscle injection into the vein injection under the skin linim. linimentum liniment liq. liquidum liquid mixt. mixtura mixture ol. oleum oil past. pasta paste p.o. peroralis/per os taken perorally (through mouth) pro adult. pro inf. pro adultis pro infantibus for adults for children pulv./plv. pulv. adsp. pulv. div. pulvis/pulveres pulvis adspersorius pulveres divisi powder/powders dusting powder divided powders sir. sirupus sirup sol. solutio/solubilis/solutus solution/dissolvable/dissolved sp./spec. species tea mixture succ. succus juice, draught supp. suppositorium/suppositoria suppository susp. suspensio suspension tbl. tbl. efferv. tbl. obd. tabulettae tabulettae effervescentes tabulettae obductae tablets effervescent tablets coated tablets tinct. tinctura tincture ung. unguentum ointment b) OTHER INSTRUCTIONS concerning dosage, storage, etc. abbreviation full form translation aa ana (partes aequales) in equal quantities HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) ad amp. ad caps. ad ch (art). (cer.) ad lag. ad man. med. ad oll. ad sacc. ad scat. ad us. ext. ad us. int. ad us. propr. ad vitr. ad vitr. fusc. ad ampullam ad capsulam/-as ad chartam ceratam ad lagoenam ad manus medici ad ollam ad saccos ad scatulam/as ad usum externum ad usum internum ad usum proprium ad vitrum ad vitrum fuscum into ampule into capsule/s into waxed sachet into bottle into the hands of doctor into gallipot into sachets into box/es for external use for internal use for one's own use into glass (bottle) into the brown bottle aliq. aliquot a little of aq. aq. dest. aq. pro inj. aq. purif. aq. steril. aqua aqua destillata aqua pro injectione aqua purificata aqua sterilisata water distilled water water for injection purified water sterilized water c. cum with cochl. mag./parv. cochlear magnum/parvum table-/teaspoon comp. compositus composite, combined conc. concentratus concentrated ctr. contra against d. dies, ei, m. day dil. dilutus dissolved dupl. duplex double exp. orig. expeditio originalis/expeditiones originales original packaging (sg./pl.) fort. fortis strong fortiss. fortissimus the strongest guttator. guttatorium drop-glass, dropper h. hora, ae, f hour l. a./leg. art. lege artis according to the rules of medicine m. p. manu propria (signed) with one's own hand no. numero in number HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) p. d. pro dosi per dose p. die pro die per day praec. praecipitatus precipitated q. s. quantum satis as much as it is necessary simpl. simplex simple s. n. suo nomine (mark) with its name spir(it). spiritus spirit, grain alcohol s. s. v. sub signo veneni under the sign of poison tot. totus, a, um all, whole HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) Match the pictures with the terms above: HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) EXPLAIN THE SAMPLES OF MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS analgeticum + antipyreticum diureticum antimycoticum antacidum urologicum antidotum gynaecologicum antibioticum myorelaxans immunostimulans Rp. acetylsalicylici Paracetamoli aa 0,3 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,02 Coffeini cum natrio benzoico 0,1 Magnesii oxydati 0,05 M. f. pulv. D. t. d. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek. Rp. Extracti belladonnae sicci 0,4 Papaverinii chlorati 1,0 Magnesii oxydati 20,0 M. f. pulv. Div. in dos. aeq. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. D. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek mezi dvěma jídly. Rp. Aminophyllini 1,8 Olei cacao q. s. ut f. supp. D. t. d. No. VI (sex) S. 2krát denně zavést 1 čípek do konečníku. Rp. Ureae 40,0 Acidi lactici 1,0 Ung. lanalcoli 20,0 Cerae albae 5,0 Vaselini albi ad 100,0 M. f. ung. Týden používat v okluzním obvazu na nehty před aplikací antimykotik. Rp. Acidi borici pulv. 100,0 D. ad scat. S. Jednu lžíci na litr teplé vody k výplachům. Rp. Mydocalm 150 mg tbl. p. o. 30 x 150 mg Exp. orig. No. III (tres) D. S. 3krát 1 tableta denně. Rp. Framykoin plv. ads. 1 x 20 gm Exp. orig. No. II (duas) D. S. Aplikovat 2krát denně na postižená místa po dobu 10 dnů. Rp. Imunor p. o. 4 x 10 mg Exp. orig. No. I (unam) D. S. Dle rozpisu. Rp. Herbae equiseti Folii uvae ursi aa 15,0 Herbae herniariae Radicis levistici aa 20,0 Folii betulae 30,0 M. f. spec. D. S. 1 lžíce na šálek nálevu. Denně vypít 3 – 4 šálky. Rp. Carbonis adsorbentis 30,0 Magnesii sulfurici (seu Natrii sulfurici) 15,0 Aquae purificatae ad 300,0 M. f. susp. D. S. Cum formula. Pro medico. Po ukončení výplachu vstříknout do žaludku. HANDOUT 7 (SS 2017) antidepresivum hypnoticum Rp. Asentra 50 tbl. p. o. 28 x 50 mg Exp. orig. No. IV (quattuor) D. S. 2 tablety denně. Rp. Amobarbitali 0,15 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,03 Aminophenazoni 0,25 Olei cacao q. s. ut f. supp. D. t. dos. No VI (sex) S. Na noc zavést 1 čípek.