Colors in Medical Terminology Garrick LaBriola & Alan Ostadi —Color, oris, M (Latin) —Chroma, chromatis N (Greek) — — General Terminology Color is Latin Chroma is Greek Colors —Albus, a, um (L) Leuko (G) – White —Pallidus, a, um – Pale —Flavus/leteus, a, um (L) Xantho/Cirrho (G) - Yellow —Ruber, a, um (L) erythro (G) - Red —Roseus, a, um (L) – Pink —Caeruleus, a, um (L) Cyano (G) - Blue/Black —Niger, a, um (L) Melano/anthraco (G) - Black —Griseus, a, um (L) Polio (G) - Grey — — — — Colors cont. —Lividus, a, um (L) – discolored —Glauco (G) – Green/blue —Fuscus, a, um – dark/brown —Versicolor, oris (L) Poikilo (G) - multicolored — Albus/Leuko —Albus, a, um — — — — —Leuko/Leuco- leucocytus — Pallidus —Pallidus, a, um- Pale — — — Facies pallida Luteus/Xantho/Cirrho- —Luteus, a, um —Xandtho- Xanthoderma — —Cirrho Corpus luteum hormone-secreting structure that develops in an ovary after an ovum has been discharged but degenerates after a few days unless pregnancy has begun. Color because of Carotenoids (organic pigment) Liver disease which involves loss of liver cells and irreversible scarring – Typical alcohol Ruber/Erythro- —Ruber, a, um- Red gums Gingiva rubra — — Rubeola — Nucleus ruber —Erythro- Erythrocyte Rubeola – Measels : Viral rash of the skin. Last ca 10 days nucleus ruber - In midbrain involved in motor coordination ( crawling baby, swinging arms in typical walking) Roseus —Roseus, a, um – Pink — — — Pithyriasis rosea Pink rash- common and dissipear in 5-6 weeks Roseola - viral illness affects kids, fever few days before the rash Caeruleus/Cyano —Caeruleus, a, um- Blue/Blue-black — — — Naevus caeruleus — —Cyano- Cyanobacteria Cyanosis Blueish mole – Its melonocytes is deeper tha normal brown mole Low oxygen saturation to the tissue near the skin surface Niger/Melano/Anthraco- —Niger, a, um- Black — — Lingua Villosa Nigra — — —Melano- Melanoma — — Anthracosis Lingua villosa Nigra – Black hairy tongue; Bad hygiene, smoking, dehydration Anthrac – Coal ; Black Lunge disease Griseus/Polio- —Griseus, a, um- Grey — — — — Substantia grisea —Polio- poliomyelitis Poliovirus Polio – Grey Myelon – Marrow – leading to spinal cord Lividus —Lividus, a, um – Discolored — —Asphyxia livida abnormal condition in which a newborn appears pale and limp, shows signs of apnea Glauco- —Glauco- green/blue — — Glaucoma eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss Fuscus —Fuscus, a, um- Dark, brown —Logoena Fusca — latin briwn.png Versicolor/Poikilo —Versicolor, oris- multicolored — — — Pithyriasis versicolor — —Poikilo Poikiloderma Pithyriasis versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin. caused by a type of yeast that naturally lives on your skin Poikiloderma is most frequently seen on the chest or the neck and refers to a change in the skin where there is thinning, increased pigmentation and dilation of the fine blood vessels Quiz! —What color are healthy teeth? — —What color are veins? — —What color are moles usually? — — —